
New Fucking Beginning

The Tower.

A brilliant palace that offers anything a human heart could desire. But the Tower is fraught with incomprehensible danger lurking in the darkness or shining under the light. It depends on the individual whenever they have the desire to continue or remain behind. This is the beginning of an amazing journey that will change the very foundation of the world each being existed within.


Two children were born. Both were extremely different. One was a freckled blonde girl with dreams to see the stars atop the tower. The girl was born in the brilliant rays of the sun but had the soul that belonged in the deepest parts of the abyss. The other one was a small boy with a simple yet charming appearance. The boy did not have any dream particularly, he lacked conviction. The boy had a spirit as pure as snow but he was born in the darkness, unable to see the beauty of the outside. Yet, those 2 managed to form an interesting friendship that was unfortunately undermined by the lonely girl who entered the tower. The boy, of course, followed the only person who existed in his life. This is their beginning. But what about the being born neither in darkness or light? What will happen if a certain mysterious child decided to enter this beautiful world? Well, this is the advent of their journey and I welcome into this intriguing world.


Headon sighed after sending those two kids, fully knowing that their appearance will bring a great amount of change to the tower and its hierarchy. As he began to go back to overlooking his floor in the tower, he saw a spiraling mass of shinso appear in front of him. Before he could say a word, a young boy appeared from within that mass of shinso and flopped onto the ground. The boy could not be older than 8 years of age and his size could be considered even less than Mister Bam's. Although, that was the only diminutive thing about him. He had silky long forest green hair that reached his knees which looked well with his long wood-like horns that curled on his head. The boy was dressed in simple green robes with a simple wooden talisman tied around his neck. Also, the boy had a pleasant clean forest smell.

Headon felt a strange sensation when he saw the young boy. It felt as if he was similar to...him and other Guardians of the Tower but he was different at the same time. As Headon tried to figure out this weird sentiment, the figure opened his sparkling orange eyes and looked directly at the guardian. The young boy extended his hands and pointed them directly at Headon.


The young man rushed at the Guardian and hugged him in a tight squeeze. Headon watched in stunned silence, but before he could pull away from the boy. He felt a warm, fuzzy, and pleasant sensation spread through him when they hugged. The young boy lifted his head and said with a bright smile that showed his sharp canines.

"Papa told me about you! Papa said that you are the first one I would meet!"

Headon stared at the young boy and patted his head with his hand. He said before the eager young boy could say anything else. He got out of his hug and leveled himself to be at eye level with the young boy.

"Young man. May I know your name?"

The young boy paused and looked at Headon with an embarrassed expression.

"I do not have a name. Papa taught me many things but he never gave me a name..."

Headon looked at the young boy's embarrassed and saddened expression and felt he should do something. He placed his hand on the young man's shoulder and said.

"Well, Your name shall be Daiki. How about it?"

The young boy pressed his finger on his lips and nodded fervently. His happiness was overwhelming as if he found a missing piece of his. Headon nodded appreciating the sweet child and asked again.

"Now, Daiki I am Headon and I would like to ask you. Who is this father you are speaking of?"

" Papa taught me everything! He got me out of blank white space and brought me into greenery and educated me on many things. He is big and shining and has a lovely smile on his face every time I met him. He said that I should enter this tower and rise to the top of it!"

Headon was smiling at the boys' over-eagerness but he thought on the mysterious figure, Daiki called father. Based on what the young lad said, this mysterious shining father is not his blood father. Another interesting fact is that white space, he spoke of. Headon had some theories but he was not certain, so, for now, it is better for him to test the young lad in the entrance exam.

"Daiki, you will need to pass many tests to reach the top. I think it is time for you to pass your very first."

Daiki looked at Headon and stepped forward.

"Papa told me. I am ready Mister Bunny"

Headon smirked at the childish name and tapped his staff once and the same cage and beast appeared behind him. Headon waved at the gate.

"Daiki I welcome you to the tower. Your first task is to destroy the ball within the cage. Be aware of the beast inside. Good luck...young man."

The horned boy smiled and stepped easily within the cage unimpeded by the dense shinso flow. Headon glanced at him with a look of worry but this worry soon turned to surprise as the White Steel Eel was being fondled by the young boy and it seemed to be greatly enjoying the feel of Daiki's hands. The green boy smiled and went to the black ball and tried to punch the ball but his punches, of course, were ineffective.

"Ow Ow Ow. Well, I guessed it would not work. Time for plan B"

The boy took a small stick from his robe and closed his eyes as a small bang appeared over his head. Unlike many other bangs, this one had a distinct light green aura with a distinct flowery smell. Headon knew that this was not a Shinsoo Quality as this bang was very simple but he could say with one hundred percent certainty that this shinsoo energy was more in tune with the nature surrounding it. The Guardian was more and more perplexed by this extraordinary abnormality.

Daiki pressed the ball inside the stick and everybody watched as the stick grew in size and slowly it's branches entangled around the sphere and proceeded to crush and pierce it. Slowly darkness started surrounding the boy. Daiki smiled and said happily.

"Thank you, Mr. Bunny"

Headon grinned at this happy child and said joyfully.

"I expect many things from you, Daiki. I hope you do well"

After those fateful words, the shadows consumed the young greenhorn. Headon tapped his staff and the cage disappeared. He levitated to a certain mural. The painting was old and mostly eroded but there were 2 fragments remaining. There was a depiction of a brilliant tree in the right corner. In the right corner, there was a distant image of a tower.

Headon's iris widened. He shook his head and thought to himself.

' No, it could not be. That person was long dead. he could not have created ...or did he create Daiki and hid him...Why would he do that though?...'

Headon turned around and walked away from the mural, missing the light glow of the tree and tower.

[...]{Daiki's POV}

Slowly, ever so slowly, I awoke to be surrounded by a yellow meadow filled with high grass that seemed to reach the high skies. I pinched my nose sensing some nasty smells around me. Although, I couldn't say it was a bad experience, considering the fact that everything was better than the bleakness of the white room. I stood up dusting off my black pants and light green tunic beneath my robe. I stood albeit weakly and started walking northward. I could not take even 10 paces before I heard a voice resound throughout the whole field.


My expression instantly became downcast upon hearing that statement. Despite the fact that mama told me about the dangers of the tower and papa taught me many ways to fight, I never actually murdered anyone.

'Am I ready to take that gift from someone else?'

As I was reminiscing, I distinctly heard the sound of shifting grass and stomps over the earth. I had to duck as a butcher knife barely past me and I immediately rolled away and when I stood back up I saw a giant creature. The creature had a single eye and its obese form created dents into the ground. Its green skin reeked of death and rot and it's lack of apparel, except a simple loincloth covering its private parts, made it clear that this was not something alive. It had several worms swarming underneath its skin, the lack of it's lower jaw and the numerous gaping holes were a clear indication of that. I started retreating from the creature as it started charging me which unnerved me quite a bit. It did not walk, it extended its limbs to reach me by tearing its own skin off and spewing out enormous amounts of decaying blood and worms that crawled beneath its skin.

I started running away but I could distinctly hear shouts and chaos erupt as every single person in the field started murdering each other without a care in the world. My body slightly shuddered and in my mind, a vile thought crept in.

'Humans are truly horrible. They do not care about each other. They are happy to step on the corpses of others to reach their goals'

I shook my head, dismissing those thoughts. I knew that already papa and mama told me about this, but I still hoped that it was not true. I thought that people will try to help each other, considering the gifts they were given. I stopped and turned towards the lumbering creature and created a small ball of shinso which glowed an ethereal green. I looked at the creature who was rushing at me by obliterating its very own body.

"I am sorry for what you might have suffered. Accept this a small token of apology for your agonize. Rest in peace mister"

The ball of concentrated shinsoo entered the ground and countless spikes of vegetation pierced the undead. The creature halted, it dropped its butcher knife and was slowly devoured by the very earth it was born out of. When the creature finally died, a figure stepped out of the high grass, looking in clear signs of rage at me. The figure was similar to a human cobra, it was dressed in a simple black robe and it had a black tome in its hand. The cobra had black colored eyes and yellow glowing eyes The figure hissed at me.

"Tsssss, you dared to kill my puppet. How dare you?! You, a hideous bag of meat and bones, will suffer the wrath of Sumulael."

The serpent created a white bang and launched it directly at me. I breathed in and took out my stick and placed my bang and instantly a gigantic wooden cage blocked the attack for me. I tapped the ground again and the wood reformed into a dense wooden spear that launched itself at the cobra. Of course, the cobra attempted to dodge the attack and I extended my hand at the last moment and the wood sprouted a huge number of branches that coiled around the serpent. Upon being captured, the human cobra tried to use its natural serpentine dexterity to escape but it was met with the warm welcome of one shinso infused sharp wooden spike that would easily perforate its neck.


My lips quivered and I said with a strained voice.

"Why did you take that man's life...why did you put him through so much suffering? Tell me why..."

The cobra smiled wickedly and it began its evil 'speech' with an eerie laugh.


The cobra shot a blast of shinso towards me and I simply clenched my teeth. I snapped my fingers and a hole appeared inside the viper's throat. The shinso blast dissipated past me and the wooden cage reverted back to a single stick and I dropped to my knees and I clenched my fists.

'Why did they tell me that this is my destiny...Why should I smell this damnable metallic smell of blood and death...This is just horrid...'

Two memories flashed within my mind. A memory of my mother telling me something in the white room, a room lacking sunlight or darkness, an eternal space of the same color.

'My little boy, your road in life will be cruel and you will suffer many hardships but it is important for you to continue because a man without a path is a dead man. So, please never fall into despair, continue this treacherous path and show the world, your glamour'

Said my mother, an endowed woman with quartz horns and brilliant white hair with no distinct facial features except a majestic smile.

A memory of my father teaching me the intricacies of destiny after he got me out of the white world

'Destiny is a strange force of nature that we all have complete control over. Some people say that they want to take control of their destinies, not knowing that each person's path is malleable. Everything can be achieved with determination and love. But in order to truly control you need to understand the hardship and face incredible difficulties.'

Said my father, a glowing figure with a light similar to the sun and wisdom surpassing the ages.

I clenched the stick in my hand and tapped it on the ground. I muttered lowly so that my words would not be heard by anyone but me.

"Rest in peace and I wish you good luck next time''


{The Background of Daiki will be slightly blurry so ,yeah, wait until I reveal anything}

So I am entering the hot lava that is the fanfic community yet again. Why the fuck not?! I would like to establish some important points.

First, no harem. It is completely illogical and it undermines the ladies.

Second, if the character gets too op please tell me. It is important for me as I want to make the fights and encounters more entertaining and engaging.

Third, please write constructive criticism. The story will not evolve if you throw insults I will ignore.

Fourthly, Stay safe during the quarantine. This is not a joke. There is a great risk to the disease so make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Fifthly, fuck you true gilgamesh. I see at every fanfic on this site where you complain about every single thing ever, because someone did not do what you wanted. No one welcomes you, so bugger off

Have a nice day and quick fact Daiki really likes pomegrades.

Ram_Suicreators' thoughts