
Tower Of Babel: Myu's Wrath

[This Is An Original Novel] The city of Uruk, the only city in the entire world. The Tower Of Babel, a tower created by the gods that extends into the heavens. A wish that can only be granted if one reaches that top. A little girl from the slums undergoes her awakening. With the flames of wrath and her goal to have her wish granted, her wish to bring her sister back to life, Myu begins her climb in the tower built by the gods. Will she be able to make it to the top? How many floors does the tower actually have? Trials and tribulations await the young girl who lost her world in an instant. Only to be granted new life, reborn in the flames of wrath. + 10 Advanced Chapters can be found on Patreon!  https://www.patreon.com/invayne Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

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20 Chs

Searching For A Weapon Part 1

Myu laid on the soft bed with her eyes closed for quite a few hours, but even still she did not feel hungry or feel tired at all. Since she was unable to sleep, Myu sat up and got up off the bed. She decided to head outside to the backyard to get some fresh air. There was a small backyard outside that only those who lived here could use. There were two doors that led to it. One from the kitchen of the inn and the other from a staircase that was connected to the third floor.

Myu walked softly in order to not disturb anyone and made her way to the door leading outside. But just as she was about to open the door, a voice came from behind her. "Myu?"

Myu turned around to see Mich standing there in his apron. It seemed he had just come up after finishing cleaning downstairs. Scratching her head, Myu greeted him. "I was just going out for some air. It seems I am unable to sleep anymore…."

"Hmm? Is it because of your powers?" Mich asked curiously.

Myu shook her head. "I am not sure. I just recently awakened, so it is hard to tell what exactly my powers are. I was going outside to practice with my flames. I figured it would be much safer than inside the house."

"Haha! That is true. But, unsure of what your powers are, huh? I have heard some gods and goddesses will give a person one or two blessings. If you can't sleep, it might be because of your powers, or it could just be stress. But for a young girl like you to have so much stress to the point, you can't sleep seems kind of off. I can only assume it has something to do with your powers. Try using them out in the yard. Just do not burn the house down."

"Thanks." Myu smiled and bowed her head slightly before opening the door and walking down the stairs leading to the yard below.

In the yard, Myu found a spot to sit where she leaned back, using her arms to prop up her upper body as she looked at the stars above. "Rio, are you watching? If you are, I will show you my powers…."

With a smile on her face, Myu blew out a puff of fire. At first, it was a small stream, but soon it turned into a tornado of flames. It was as if she was some kind of dragon. When she closed her mouth, the flames stopped and disappeared from the night. This was followed up by her entire body being engulfed in flames. She laid there looking up at the sky, her entire body with flames dancing all over it, but not a single hair, inch of skin, or even a thread of her clothes was burnt in the process.

"Rio… I might not be able to die…." Myu said as she sliced her arm with her ginger nail. A trickle of blood flowed down it, but the wound had already closed. The blood itself evaporated in the flames. "See? Rio, did you know? I, too, was stabbed through the heart by that man. But when I pulled the sword out, my wounds healed. Even my heart that had been pierced through had healed. I think with these flames and my body, I will be able to reach the top of the tower even if it is a million floors."

Myu laid on her back and manipulated her fire while talking to the sky. She knew this was not making her look like a sane person, but what could she do? She missed her sister, but she had no tears.

"Rio, I will need to learn how to use a weapon soon. I plan to go shopping as soon as the shops open. I was thinking of a dagger or short sword. Maybe even something fancy as a large broadsword or even a scythe. There are so many weapons I am not sure what I want to use…." Myu watched the moon cross the sky, and as the first light finally reared its head, she went back upstairs and left through the front entry.

She had no idea what kind of weapon she wanted. She never really thought about it, but she figured it would be best to have something. After all, there may come a time when she will end up needing to fight a monster immune to her flames. If that were the case, she would not be able to win easily. She knew she was very strong now, which she did not understand either, but at the very least, she was able to control all her powers except for when she came in contact with water. For some reason, even if she is not exerting her flames, it will start to boil and evaporate.

She walked the streets seeing many vendors still trying to set up. Her goal at this time was the guild Aria's Blessing. It was the guild that the Ice Princess was currently a member of. She had been told early that she could get a fair price if she went to their guild. She knew they had many shops there as well since many of the crafters who were blessed by the crafting gods had taken up shelter under their banner.

Even she knew this much about the top guilds. They had the best resources and also the best craftsmen in all of Uruk. She only had a gold coin, so she did not know if she could buy anything from their shops, but she still felt it would be fun to check it out, at the very least.

At the same time that Myu was walking down the street looking at this and that, inside Aira's Blessing, Kori was currently being interrogated. "How did you burn your hand?"

"Dio, I do not think how I hurt myself is any of your business." Kori looked at the twenty some odd year old man who seemed to want to pester her every day with an annoyed expression.

"As your team leader, it is indeed my business!" Dio stated firmly, but this only got a disgusted look from Kori and a cold shoulder as she turned and began walking away. Seeing this, Dio started to get mad. "Kori! I am not done talking to you!"

"Well, I am done talking to you! If you keep this up, I will just leave the guild!" Kori yelled back as she continued walking off. She knew what Dio wanted but refused to give it to him. She hated Dio's personality more than anything in the world. She would rather fight the tenth floor boss for all eternity than be with that man.

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(JP Translation) My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator +2 Chapters and more to come!

Tower Of Babel: Myu's Wrath + 10 chapters and more to come!

Legend Of Yuki: The Wrath Of The Tailed Asura + 10 chapters and more to come!

Yuki In The Land of Fire + 12 advance chapters and more to come!

The Bored Hero + 5 advance chapters and more to come!

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