
Towards a New Future with my Twins

From being an average office worker to a pregnant vampire princess?! Wait a minute! I cannot catch the tide! Crystal is the filial daughter of two average working couples from the province. She struggles to earn money while using her short amount of time and day-offs to meet and bond with her parents. However, they all met a tragedy when an earthquake hit their apartment and they died on the spot. Crystal mourned and longed to have a family of her own, just like her parents' loving relationship. Transmigrating to a medieval era where monsters, vampires, and demon exists, will Crystal be to live in peace with her twins when misfortune always comes and knocks at their door?

rosella0214 · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: New Place to Live

The day in town has turned into night, The innkeepers were very hospitable towards her, and she didn't have to use her powers to them at all, they were both very good-natured alongside their two ten-year-old boys and girl. She had fun watching the two children helping their parents while working with simple tasks such as cleaning the tables and taking away the used plates of their customers. She was still a bit awkward with her surroundings given the fact that there is no electricity, hot water, or ready-to-eat food available.

"Being a person from the modern world, I just appreciate what I had before when I was thrown to a different world..."- Crystal only regrettably sighed before changing to a new dress that the wife of the innkeeper gave to her for free. It was a white plain dress with two fingers thick ribbon for the waist, but as for her, it's tied above her bulging belly.

When its time for dinner, she took her time walking down the stairs. Aside from taking caution that she may fall, she wants to admire this generation's handicrafts. She never had a chance to look at history or the ancient times where it was full of artistic sense and filled with stories back in the modern times. Compared to it, modern times' creations are for the sake of convenience and catering to the fast-paced lives of humans for their everyday lives.

When she got to the end of the stairs, the innkeeper's little boy who is ten-years-old, run towards and helped her to her seat. The boy's name is James and he is a very hardworking and diligent child.

"Thank you, James."- Crystal thanked him after she sat at the chair, James smiled at her and told her that there's no need for thanks.

"What do you want to order, Maam? We have our special menu tonight which is creamy beef stew, fresh bread, and mead. It's the best combination Maam! And my Mom is the best cook in town!"- James said in an enthusiastic tone that made Crystal smile.

"Then I'll have that, as for the drink, I'll just have a cup of grape juice."- Crystal said and James nodded as he noted it down with his little booklet, he bid a short farewell to her before going inside their kitchen before attending to other customers coming in.

After waiting for fifteen minutes, her food is served. She smiled at the little girl who delivered her meal and thanked the cute child. The girl is small, very diligent and polite. Her short twin tails sway with her every move as she goes back inside the kitchen to make another order for the customers. Crystal felt a bit happier when she knew that there are two babies who will be cuter than that child and will be her own blood and flesh.

'At least I will fulfill one of my regrets from my past life and have children of my own... but being a solo parent is a bit... no matter, I'll just have to think of a way to create a solution when it gets in my way.'- Crystal nodded to herself before looking at the delicious food she ordered. It was creamy beef stew with carrots and potatoes paired with bagel bread and grape juice. She took a spoonful of the stew to taste, as expected, the food was bland and she doesn't seem to like the cooked food at all. She sighed inside her head as she forces herself to eat while looking like she enjoys it. She knows how hard it is to cook food and she shouldn't waste it just because she's a vampire now.

"Oh! Maam you finished already? Do you want a second serving?"- James passed her table and saw her empty plates. She shook her head and looked at the child with an apologetic look.

"Sorry, but I'm kind of tired and don't feel good right now, James. Can you help me upstairs to my room to rest?"- Crystal asked for the child's help and he immediately complied after giving his booklet to his sister. They slowly made their way towards the second floor and reached her room after five minutes.

"Maam, you look very pale and sweating buckets. Do you need assistance from the physician? He's just two blocks away from the inn. Would you like me to call for him?"- James asked her looking at her worriedly. Crystal gave him a weak smile before patting his head twice.

"It's just my pregnancy. The smell downstairs is all mixed together that made me nauseous. Thank you for your help James, you can go down now."- Crystal said and send him off her room. As soon as the door closes, she immediately bit her wrist and sucks her blood. She was careless tonight. She forgot the fact that this town is filled with humans- she will sooner or later loose her senses from hunger for blood. It was bearable because she was full today, but if not... She doesn't want to even imagine the horror.

After feeding herself, she took a towel resting on the bedside table and wiped away the sweat from her skin before resting on her bed. Crystal feels exhausted and finally was able to rest and take a time out for herself and the babies.

"I haven't introduced myself to you both, babies. My name is Crystal, and I will be your mother in the future. I will take care of the two of you, spoil you well and raise you well. Forgive me because I cannot remember your mother's original memories, therefore I do not know your family or even your father. Maybe it'll come to me in the future. But for now, I will make sure that you both have a roof under your heads, warm clothes, and food to eat to grow healthy. I'll do my best, so please grow into healthy and respectful children."- Crystal conversed with the babies inside her belly until she unknowingly fell asleep from exhaustion.

What she didn't know is that the two beings inside of her can understand her words and planning to surprise her when they are born. The town became peaceful and calm under the bright moonlight, resting and getting sleep to see the next day with a good start.


The next morning, Crystal woke up around six am and sneaked out to the forest to feed herself. She hunted two young fawns and ate an apple that surprisingly tastes the same as it is. She was bewildered at this discovery but she didn't linger on it because the sun is starting to rise on the horizon. She runs back to town and hopped from the alley to her open window to enter. She then wiped herself clean with the towel she cleaned last night before deciding to style her hair into a low braid.

Crystal had some foolish thoughts about her golden hair and thought that it was gold and she can sell her hair for it, however, she knows it's just some kind of hoax she tries to believes it and was against cutting the luscious golden hair short just for a few copper coins.

When she got down the second floor, She saw James and his sister wiping the tables clean before customers start to come later. The first one to see her was the sister called Elise. She greeted her before helping her to the nearest and cleaned table they prepared and asked why she was up early.

"Oh, I didn't mean to be of inconvenience. I just woke up early because I was hungry."- She gave the girl a shy smile while rubbing her bulging belly. Elise made an expression that she understood and told her to wait for a little while because the pieces of bread are still in the oven. Crystal nodded and watched the siblings work together around the dining area.

Soon, customers started to come down from their rooms and some before heading to work to grab something to eat before going. She was already eating bread and a warm cup of milk while watching others talk idly and wait for their orders.

'Wow, everyone is so patient while waiting for their food. If this was in modern times, the chef or the kitchen would be berated and scolded thoroughly! This is an eye-opener to a person like me.'- Crystal was very interested and watched everyone before they decrease in number.

After breakfast, Crystal went outside of the inn to buy spare clothes for her to use. The catalog was neat but the designs were too plain and the fabric used is too heavy to wear. Despite being with superstrength, Crystal wants a breathable dress that is not too plain and not too shabby either. She bought the baby blue cotton dress with ruffles on its sleeves and two pairs of underpants for her to use. After that, she went on a walk towards the market and looked at the stalls and the people that comes and goes here.

She then walked to the bookstore to buy a few books of literature to have a better understanding of this current world. The old female shopkeeper asked what are the books she was looking for and why she needs to read those. Crystal's answer was simple.

"I have babies soon to be born and I do not want them to be ridiculed just because they are illiterate or from a poor family. Knowledge is power too, and this could help them better in the future."- She said with a smile. The shopkeeper seemed pleased with her answer and told her to come whenever she is free.

She walks back to the inn and reads near the windows for a source of light. This country is called the Helios, it is a large country divided to inhibit different species across its land. On the south are the land of the dark dwellers, the demons, vampires, and other lowly creatures of the darkness. On the East is the land of the Rocks, where Drawves, goblins, and other earth-loving species reside. On the West is the land of Nature, where the place is filled with thick and gigantic trees where elves, nymphs, and fairies reside. and on the North is the Land of the humans, it is near the barren lands and they are striving in between three great kingdoms that wanted to annihilate and topple down the other species. War has been ongoing since it has been recorded that many humans also suffered and decided to run further towards the barren land and hide from other species and the three human kingdoms too.

"Isn't this a bit... bloody?"- Crystal can't help but close the book and sighed from whoever the author of the book was. It was too gory, and she is with two babies, how can she even stomach reading such bloody war fights? What if her babies became war freaks too and die an early death? Nevermind reading that then! It's better to stay in this small town if that would be the case! However, Crystal knew that it won't be any safer to stay here so sooner or later, she will need to go to a different town.

"Maybe after they are born and capable enough for traveling. I do not want to stress them both from constant moving." Crystal mumbled to herself before sighing.

"Maam! You can also read too?! Wow! You are very amazing!"- James came to her table with her lunch and praised her with sparkling eyes. Crystal only gave him a small shy smile before nodding her head.

"It is just a few of the simple words that I know. I am not that literate like you, James."- She praised the kid instead and watched him blush and shy away. Crystal ate her lunch which consists of chicken soup, rice, and a glass of water. Just when she was ready to go back to her room, Mary and Clarissa came in with the town mayor to discuss her decision to buy land and build her house or buy the ready-made houses in town.

"Town Mayor, as you can see, I'm pregnant and I cannot look after the construction. so I have to go for the ready-made houses, I do hope it's one near the physician because I do not want to risk delivering my babies by myself."- Crystal said and the town mayor nodded.

"I will come back to you tomorrow to give you the catalog of the ready-made houses for sale near the physician. Thank you for your time."- After that, they left the inn, and Crystal headed back to her room to rest.

"Living in this era and simple life isn't so bad after all, I hope my parents know that I am doing my best to live with my babies here."- Crystal nonchalantly murmured to herself before taking a little afternoon nap.