

Your score and tier and abilities mean everything. “ Lexi so what happens now that she has them.” “I’m not sure Brandon, but if people find out they will soon learn our secret. She can’t use them ever, and nobody outside of us can ever know.” “Lexie how will she ever learn. Call John he will come and teach her I’m sure.” “Of course he will, Lexi he’s her father. She has more of his traits than she has from the rest of us. He would of been the person who won and gotten you we both know that. Those drugs they made her what she is genetically, but these abilities and the power we both know she holds means everything and can let her form who she can be.” “No! She is my daughter... our daughter and we have no abilities. They will come for her if anyone finds out. The government they think she’s dead if they find out otherwise we will lose our daughter all four of us lose our child. Brandon nobody can ever know what she has or can do. We have to find a way to lock it away otherwise she will be killed.” “The other elementals tried to start a revolution and take over. That doesn’t mean our daughter will or that they will come for her.” “Brandon she is made up of 4 different peoples genes 3 of which are males from all different tiers, if they don’t come for her because she’s an elemental they will come take her because of that. It means that children can be born with more than one ability and can have a higher chance of scoring a 10. They will take her away to experiment on her or to make her into a weapon. We can’t let them do that.” “That won’t happen. John is the Presidents right had man and is in charge of the military and all the police he’s the top general, remember he’s the Chief Justice now. He helps makes the laws and is in charge of making sure they are carried out. My brother is also chief surgeon at the hospital and became a highly decorated general during the last war. None of us will let anything happen to our daughter.” “But is her life really something you are willing to bet on and risk?” “Of course not Lexi!” “Exactly so we have to do what’s best for her and until we know we can truly protect what is best is to keep her abilities hidden away from the world. That way she might have a chance to be a child and get to grow up and maybe one day have a family.”

PennyBoomer · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs


The last think I remember is going to sleep after eating the dinner Miya made and drink the hot chocolate. I remember everything joking around at dinner and then getting brought hot tea. I drank it when everyone else was cleaning up. Then I set it down and covered myself up with a blanket. The cloth from the canopy made it darker. Tony knew I had a hard time sleeping when there was light which is probably why he set the canopy up in the first place. Then I closed my eyes and everything was dark. I didn't dream of anything or anyone there was just darkness. I opened my eyes and there was nothing. Then light came through and showed me I was on the couch, there wasn't any sounds and I looked around but there wasn't anyone in sight I was alone. I sat up and felt dizzy. I heard my stomach growling. I got off the couch and stumbled for second. I was weak and my mouth and throat felt dry. I have no clue what could of caused this but something did. When I walked into the kitchen I got a glass of water. I looked out the window and saw the sun starting to go down. It was almost dusk. How long had I been asleep for? I grabbed a protein bar from the cabinet never to the sink and ate it, and drank a few cups of water until I was feeling less dizzy. I walked around and didn't see anyone on the first floor, I looked outside and nobody was in the pool or hot tub. I went upstairs, I saw I had some blood still on me and decided I should take a shower and change. I grabbed a crop tank top and some black athletic shorts. I got into the shower and washed up. I felt my muscles hurting like they had been locked in place for a while but the hot water hitting them made them feel less tense so I decided since it not dark yet now would be a good time to go on a run as long as it was still nice when I got out. After I finished washing up and getting the blood off me I got out and changed. I could see the bruises on my arms and my stomach and legs. The serum must of really done a number on me. I looked around to see if anyone was here before I was ready to leave, since I couldn't find anyone I grabbed a jacket and wrote a note leaving it on the table the note read 'I'm going out on a run around campus. I should be back in like an hour.'

Once I left I was running and didn't see a single person on campus, that's kind of a good thing though. I ran around the outskirts of the campus that way even if there were people I wouldn't be noticed most likely and I wouldn't run into any unwanted guests. While running by the girls dorm I heard a familiar voice call my name so I stopped and turned to the person it was Sam.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"Where the hell have you been. We all thought you got kicked out or you dropped out." She said.

"No I just moved I don't live in the girls dorms anymore."

"Mhmm, you look like shit. What happened to you?"

"I got into a fight, nothing that big." I said.

"So your picking fights now? That's one way to draw attention to all of us."

"No, it's not like that. I didn't start it, I just defended myself." I said.

"Your so lucky if I didn't know you were stronger than me I'd kick your @ss for starting things and making it harder than the rest of us." Sam said with a lot of anger and she clenched her fist. "Now that you hurt maybe you aren't." She had a wicked smile on her face.

"I'm definitely still stronger, I only have a few bruises." I could see her anger. "Trust me Sam, I'm not the person you want to pick a fight with. Not now and not ever because I will always win against you."

"You won't win this time because your not just against me, the others want a piece of you too. Since you are the one who made all of our lives harder." She said. I saw other girls come out of the building. I really wasn't ready for a fight. I can run but I'll only be able to put run them for so long in the condition, if I can get back closer to the royals then maybe they will stop thinking so that way the royals don't get upset by them. I just need to be able to run. That's exactly what I did, I went into a sprint towards the royals housing. Even if they catch me they might die if they hurt me, Hunter was so angry before and so dead set on protecting me. I don't know what he would do to them and even if he killed them nobody would care, he wouldn't get in trouble. I heard there footsteps behind me getting closer as I was losing speed and getting tired but I was close now. I hit the ground, someone had just tackled me. I pushed her off me and started coughing up blood again. I wasn't healed enough for this.

"Just bruises huh. Looks like someone really kicked your ass." Sam laughed. I glared up at her. She punched me in the face and the other girls moved in.

"Don't move! Tony spoke very aggressively. They all stopped and looked over at him as he ran towards up.

"Holly sh!t it's a royal. What do we do?" A girl said.

"Whatever he says, he should leave though since were all low-tier he isn't going to care." Sam said. Tony was almost in front of us and could clearly see me as I coughed and more blood came up. His eyes glowed and dropped to my side instantly. I coughed again.

"Who did this Megan." He said everyone heard is anger. You could hear the girls whisper to each other asking 'Why does a royal know her name?' 'He seemed p!ss*d off.' 'Why does he care what happened to her?'

"Who hurt her!?!" He demanded and all of them got quiet. "Who did this to her!?!"

"Tony... I'm fine." I said and smiled at him. I coughed again.

"No your not, your hurt. You didn't even heal from the trials completely yet, but u decided to go out anyways. What happen to being safe!?!" He was clearly angry and all of the girls kept their head down.

"If you don't tell me who started this and who did this then all of you will be coming with me."

They all kept there heads down quietly. I knew they wouldn't throw any of each other under the bus, they needed to stay together and protect each other but this might get the killed.

"Fine then, your all coming with me I'll let the king deal with himself!" He said.

We all walked back to the royals dorms. He then took them downstairs, I hadn't ever been there before so I of course followed. It was cold and damp there was a a door that he unlocked and made them all go in. Then he linked all of them together with zip ties around their wrists. The were all kneeling on the cold concrete floor.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"This is where we put people who we have yet to punish for betraying any of us royals." He said. "It was created a long time ago, it's completely sound proof. As royals we can do whatever we want with lower students and we can punish them however we feel fit based on there crime. In this case they assaulted a royal. There punishment will fit the crime." He said.

"Tony can't you just let them go. Isn't scaring them enough." I said

"No not even close, if we let every student who disrespects us and our system go without a punishment then everyone would do it and would no longer listen to us since they wouldn't fear what will happen to them if they do." He said.

"What are you going to do to them though?"

That's completely up to Hunter. He's the king." He said "Plus after all they didn't just attack any royal, they just attacked the kings girlfriend."

I could see the color draining from all of their faces when he said this. I could feel that they had just realized how much they had really just fucked up. Everything was clicking in there heads after we left I could hear them talking through the door.

"Sam, they are going to kill us. You lead us to attack the most stupid useless royal, not just any royal either. We attacked the kings worthless girlfriend." Girl 1 said.

"We shouldn't of ever listened to Sam." Girl 2 said.

"We also should of just said it was Sam who lead it then maybe we would of gotten off easy." Girl 3 said.

"Listen I'm sorry. I didn't realize that worthless treacherous thing was a royal. She was my roommate throughout middle school and never showed any sign of having abilities. She didn't even have a score last year. Plus I haven't ever heard that she was a royal had any of you?"

"No." All the girls said.

"I really had no clue that b!+ch was a royal. I thought she was just some stupid low-tier who was trying to be difficult and not fall in line with the rest of us. She also didn't use her abilities at all even when we caught her." Sam continued. "Do you think the King would make a low-tier a royal to protect her from everyone else and that why it wasn't announced. That way he could protect her from us lower tiers and the elites, because there isn't any way that an elite would be ok with a royal being a stupid worthless low-tier with no abilities like her... right."

"That doesn't do us any good now though." Girl 1 said.

"Maybe it will, because the other royals probably don't know that she doesn't have abilities. Therefore if we can talk to one of them and tell them. Maybe that'll be enough to save us." Sam said.

I didn't want to listen to them anymore so I went to go upstairs when I saw Tony messing with a few buttons.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, well these buttons allow water to flow it or for there to be more wind or to make the room warmer or colder or to release some bugs or rodents." He said.

I could still make out what they said enough to her them calling me names. There words had cut through me like knives. I was angry and wanted revenge for all the years they had made fun of me behind my back and made me face everything alone.

"Can I do it?" I asked

"Of course you can." Tony said.