

Your score and tier and abilities mean everything. “ Lexi so what happens now that she has them.” “I’m not sure Brandon, but if people find out they will soon learn our secret. She can’t use them ever, and nobody outside of us can ever know.” “Lexie how will she ever learn. Call John he will come and teach her I’m sure.” “Of course he will, Lexi he’s her father. She has more of his traits than she has from the rest of us. He would of been the person who won and gotten you we both know that. Those drugs they made her what she is genetically, but these abilities and the power we both know she holds means everything and can let her form who she can be.” “No! She is my daughter... our daughter and we have no abilities. They will come for her if anyone finds out. The government they think she’s dead if they find out otherwise we will lose our daughter all four of us lose our child. Brandon nobody can ever know what she has or can do. We have to find a way to lock it away otherwise she will be killed.” “The other elementals tried to start a revolution and take over. That doesn’t mean our daughter will or that they will come for her.” “Brandon she is made up of 4 different peoples genes 3 of which are males from all different tiers, if they don’t come for her because she’s an elemental they will come take her because of that. It means that children can be born with more than one ability and can have a higher chance of scoring a 10. They will take her away to experiment on her or to make her into a weapon. We can’t let them do that.” “That won’t happen. John is the Presidents right had man and is in charge of the military and all the police he’s the top general, remember he’s the Chief Justice now. He helps makes the laws and is in charge of making sure they are carried out. My brother is also chief surgeon at the hospital and became a highly decorated general during the last war. None of us will let anything happen to our daughter.” “But is her life really something you are willing to bet on and risk?” “Of course not Lexi!” “Exactly so we have to do what’s best for her and until we know we can truly protect what is best is to keep her abilities hidden away from the world. That way she might have a chance to be a child and get to grow up and maybe one day have a family.”

PennyBoomer · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

First week back II

"She's very useful as well. She cleaver and knows how to keep her mouth shut and get out of situations. This is the girl I've been telling you guys about who work with us royals back in middle school." Logan said.

"Oh. What a small world." Miya responded.

"Megan, you already know Logan and that he's the current Jack. This is Miya she's the Queen." Hunter said as he pointed at Miya and she smiled.

"I know who the Royals are." I said as I looked at Hunter, I hadn't realized I was making direct eye contact at first.

The others seemed shocked I would intrude, even though it is assumed I would know who they were. Not only that, but that I was looking at him directly. Miya eyes glowed blues and she shot light out of her hand at me. Hunter felt her power up and his eyes glowed as well. I knew Miya was almost the same strength as he was. Hunter was right in front of me, he might not win if he fought Miya, being the strongest male doesn't mean you the strongest. We had just slept together so I could feel his energy still as I assumed he could feel mine. He put up a shield to block her attack on me and then put it around her. I quickly went over and grabbed his hand. Miya has been able to break his shield before but this time she couldn't. Not with the training we had done and my extra power. The Ace walked in. She had short light brown hair and purple eyes. "What the hell is this!" I heard her say. Hunter was protecting me and didn't stop his shield from getting smaller forcing Miya to her knees. The Ace sent a flood of wind at us. Hunter lowered his head and kissed me. The feeling of being in danger made and not only me put the person I cared about made use mine. I had my eyes closed and was behind Hunter so others couldn't see my eyes, but the Aces air was stopped and came back at her pushing her to the ground. Hunter turned around and smiled. All of there faces were in shock.

"Now that this is out of the way. Never try to harm her again otherwise I will break you."

"How are you doing this." Miya said.

"Megan is more than a spy. She amplifies was abilities when she is close or in contact with me, making it so I'm stronger than the two of you combined." He said. I stepped out from behind him my eyes still glowing white. I knew Hunter was right, they were going to find out eventually and maybe they won't hate me so much if they see I have abilities. Hunter dropped his shield and I let go of the wind. My eyes still had a little glow left.

"Sydney I'm sorry, for redirecting your wind." I said and lowered my head.

"She can be our 10." Sydney said. "Those who agree raise your hand. They all raised there hands.

"Welcome to being a royal. I can't wait to announce it. We haven't had a 10 in years." Miya said.

"Please don't, I will be of better us if nobody knows. That way I can spy as nobody else knows I have any abilities so nobody worried about what they said when I'm around." I said.

"I agree." Logan said.

"Same." Hunter agreed.

That was the start of a friendship between all of us. I was right they did except me, I had become a royal.