
Touching the forbidden

When Destinee received a case to take care of, she unfolds many things. She needed Namjoon help in it, who was an ex-cop and her high school crush. Will they be able to solve the crimes?

priyaahamed · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs


"Let's break up,"

Jimin felt like every muscle of his had gone paralyzed. His frozen lips and wide eyes were staring at her. Julia, with tears in her eyes, looked up at him. "I can understand you, Jimin. I'm not gonna force you to be with me. I would never do that." Jimin was still standing there, not taking his eyes off her.

"It was not my choice too. I was forced into this contract, I can't leave this job for another year. But, because of this, I wouldn't let you get hurt. I know that's what you want too. So, let's just end it here." Julia says, her tears urging her to hold back but she couldn't. They were down her cheeks, saying words that she doesn't want to. She loves Jimin so much that she doesn't want to let him go at any cost. But after knowing everything, they couldn't be in a healthy relationship, which just would destroy the peace in them.

"Go home," she said, holding his wrist. She pulled his wrist towards the door, but Jimin wasn't moving any inch as his feet were glued to the ground. Looking back at Jimin who was still staring at her, she sighed heavily. "Just spit out what you wanna say, Jimin. Don't be silent. I just can't take it. You can curse me for hiding this, but just don't stay silent-"

"I'm in love with you," Jimin said and Julia stopped her words. "I don't care whatever you are doing, I was just worried, if you were okay," He added. "I was worried that anyone made a bad touch on you without your consent. Few of them could be monsters on the bed, I was really worried about you, Julia," he says, cupping her cheeks and her tears were falling on his hands.

"You make me worry, Julia. Is that why you hid that from me?" He asked and she wept loudly before hugging Jimin. "I was scared, Jimin. No one really stayed with me after knowing my job. I was really scared that you leave me too. But I don't want you to worry about me, Jimin. Your happiness is important to me.-" That was when Jimin broke the hug, pressing his lips against hers.

He wants to shut her so badly before talking anything stupid. Going dumb with the kiss, her eyes were shot open. Once she realized he was eating up her face, she didn't hold back as she kissed him back. She could feel his fingers wrapping her nape, pulling her close and she was longing for oxygen to breathe in.

"You are way more important than anything, Julia," he says, not breaking his lips from hers own. Their hot breath shared, spreading their heat to the room. She moaned loudly when he inserted his teeth into her jawline and she trembled on his shoulders. Cupping her face one more time, he spoke with his deep voice.

"You made me cry so bad," he says and Julia was going breathless. "I'm going to erase every mark they make on you and you will be seeing only mine. I will erase their traces on your body." Julia chuckled in tears, she really didn't expect Jimin to talk like that.

"Today, this guy, he kissed me here," she said playfully, pointing to her cheek and Jimin instantly kissed her cheek, marking his territory. "Here too," she said again, pointing her neck. He kissed her everywhere she was pointing and it was leading to whatever they were longing for days. Her legs wrapped around his torso and she could feel the cold wall behind her.

His fingers made their way to her back and she threw her head, summoning his name with sinful moans. She knew how she would think of him every time she sleeps with someone else. She would say his name in her mind every time and this time it was coming true. She happily called out his name and he was going deeper.

Once she fell on the bed and Jimin on her, she felt like she was in heaven. She felt how he was kissing deeper everywhere she pointed out. Now she wanted him so badly inside of her and she would go insane for it. His hair locks were so soft and lips were painting every inch of her skin.

She looked down at him, taking the hem of her shirt with his teeth, trailing up, revealing her tummy, burying his face in it. His fingers on her waistline made her twist around. He wasn't rushing her and that was so pleasing to her as well. He would rather kiss her all night than fuck her.

She moaned out his name again and he looked up, facing her. When their faces were just inches away, she held his cheeks before pressing her lips on his. She loved his plump lips any day and they were so kissable every time she looks at them. Jimin pulled her on him, and she was on him now. He hugged her so badly and she placed her soft kisses on his neck. Jimin's lips escaped her name beautifully and she was on top of the world.

They just realised they needed each other so bad.

"I'm already so done with this case. Why do I have to lead another one?" Destinee asked, staring at Yoongi with wide eyes. "Because you are his favourite," Yoongi snickered, showing his gummy smile. "Stop smiling, I will kill you," she said, throwing one of the files at the man. "Happy chasing the criminals," Yoongi said before going to his office.

Destinee scoffed heavily before looking through the files she was given. It was a hit-and-run case. The culprit was one of the big shot's sons. They could easily catch him but couldn't. They couldn't do it with the laws and orders. Money and power would hide him from reality.

Destinee wouldn't let them do that, so that was why she has given her this case. She was looking through the car photo that hit the poor lady on the road. But heard a knock on the door, making her look up.

It was Jin.

"Glad you are here, Mr Kim," Destinee smiled, shaking her hand with him. "You should treat me more this weekend. I have checked 46 orphanages by myself and I got one more piece of information for you," Jin says and Destinee sat on the edge of her seat, listening to him.

"We are not searching for one culprit. But two," Jin says and Destinee's eyes widened. "Two? Who are they? Where are they?" Destinee trailed up. Jin took a deep breath before answering.

"These two guys from this orphanage would've made these murders. But, I still couldn't find the motive behind it. There are zero connections between them. They were living in their orphanage since birth, and as far as I checked, they oddly knew each other. But I don't know why they did it. Or they could've done these crimes for someone and escaped," Jin slammed his hand on the table, making Destinee flinch.

"Great! But where are they now? Where they could be hiding?" Destinee mumbled. "I still need time, Mr Kim," she said, raising her eyes at the man. "Sure, I will do my best as well, Ms Jung," Jin nodded his head and his eyes fell on the car pictures. "New case, huh?" Jin questioned and she nodded her head.

"Argh, I just want to drink all day and sleep, Mr Kim. I can't take these to my head," Destinee said making him laugh. "Best of luck with that," he chuckled before going out. "ah, Mr Kim, do you have any plans for today?" she asked and Jin thought for some time before shaking his head no.

"No, Ms Jung. I'm free for today, that was why I came all the way here," Destinee smiled before picking up her jacket. "Shall we go out for a drink?" she questioned, waiting for him to reply. "Sure, I don't mind," he chuckled and Yoongi was standing on the doorstep. "Without me?"

"I didn't invite you," Destinee said before walking past him and going towards her car. "I don't need your permission," Yoongi said and he walked along with Jin. "What's the progress, Mr Kim?" Yoongi asked, turning to Jin. Jin opened his phone and showed him the photo.

"This boy is missing too. I will tell you everything on the way,"