
Totally Another Typical Isekai: Outlines!

Totally Another Typical Isekai: Outlines! is just what it sounds like. It’s my story, but it’s basically the unedited drafts of it which will come out much quicker. While I can’t guarantee the main elements won’t be changed from this version to that one, I will say I’ll try my best on both! Now on to our synopsis! Our unlucky protagonist wakes up to find himself in a cage with his keepers speaking a language he can’t understand. He looks around to see other people in cages with some nonhuman characteristics, and it makes him question if he’s in a dream, but soon that idea will be shattered. This novel is still in its early stages, so make sure to be kind and if you want to chill, get alerted when the novel gets updated, and get earlier versions and releases, join the discord! ---> https://discord.gg/NYSDfRnnzK

ThatDragonFly · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs

Chapter 18 Unedite

In a panic, I try to get Sarah off me because I know all of this is due to bond's effect, but even with me trying my best to struggle out of her grasp, it has no effect. Eventually, she breaks the predatory invasion of my mouth just to sit in my lap and breathe heavily while looking closely into my eyes.

The look in her eyes reminds me of the look Ava had when fighting people, like someone looking at their prey. An anxious pit forms in my stomach as her breathing becomes more steady. Then suddenly she forces me into a laying position on the couch and immediately got on top of me so she can snuggle into my chest.

I know I can't pry her off me. She's a lot stronger than me…

A sigh escapes my lips as my hand lands on her back. She jumps a little like she wasn't expecting me to reciprocate at all, not that I have much of a choice. As my hand slides across her back, she seems to be calming down more and more. Hopefully, this is helping her, and she's not getting worse. I don't want her to cross a line since we barely know each other.

It's this damn magic fault.

I thought I would get more freedom after getting out of the slave camp, but now it seems like I now got a set of twins attached to my hip. Soon I hear "Eric, do you want water, tea, or beer?!" from Ava as I see her turn to where the couch is. As soon as her eyes meet Sarah on top of me, she kinda freezes.

Trying not to even acknowledge it, I say "Beer would be nice."

Without a word, she quickly walks up to the couch and pulls Sarah off me with ease. Sarah immediately finds herself on the floor as Ava helps me up while asking, "Are you even old enough for beer?"

Not really knowing my body's age or drinking age of this place, I just simply respond, "Sure." When I step into the kitchen, I'm handed a mug, and she points me in the direction of a barrel with a tap on it. My first sip really opened my eyes that this world's beer is a lot less refined and probably less developed. Of course it'll still get you drunk, it's just a little gritty.

Ava grabs a mug too and hands me utensils and a plate full of delicious food. It has a couple of vegetables I don't really recognize, but the main thing on my plate is a steak from I hope a cow. While taking my plate to the table, I see Sarah still in here.

Just on the couch where I used to be… face down.

Shrugging her off, I place my plate on the table and take my seat. The first bite is amazing, but before I can continue eating I see Ava enter the room strangely enough without a plate for herself, just a mug. Right as my hand makes contact with the knife, Ava springs over to me while saying, "I'll get that!"

Then she takes away my knife and fork to cut up the steak… I didn't need help.

Before I could even say anything about it, Ava gives it back, and the steak's cut into small pieces. Trying to brush it off, I continue eating, only quietly saying, "Thank you." After that, I finish pretty quickly and when I go to grab my empty plate, it's quickly snatched from in front of me. Right after, I notice my mug is almost empty, so I take the last sip of that and follow Ava to the kitchen anyway.

While filling up my glass and taking a sip, Ava washes the plate and utensils in their sink, which uses a similar thing as the shower, a magic circle that pours water. I still find all of it incredible that this is what they use instead of plumbing.

Looking back at Ava, I realize I was the only one to eat as well as I'm pretty sure I'm the only one she cooked for, so I ask, "When are you and Sarah going to eat?"

She passes next to me, and fills her mug again once she's done and next to me, she says, "Sarah is on her own and I'm not hungry yet. I want to drink some more before eating."

"Well, I guess that fair I probably should have drank a bit more before eating, but after escaping, I can't bring myself to say no to a meal and especially if they are going to be this delicious every time."

Ava mutters, "You don't have to flatter me like that… but I will not stop you."

I say "I'm not trying to flatter you. The food was fantastic!" while taking another sip and when I look back at Ava, I notice her face becoming slightly flush as she shakily says "I'll make you anything anytime you want, just ask!" as she steps slightly closer to me with an excited look in her eye.

Then she continues, "The only thing is you have to tell me what you and Ava were doing while I was cooking."

The only thing that could come out of my mouth was a quiet "Snuggling?"

Ava turns her head slightly and asks, "What type of snuggling? Did she touch you during this 'snuggling,? If she did, it's fine, honey. You just have to tell me where." the more of those words left her mouth, the more a vague look would take over her eyes, overwhelming the original excited look.

For some reason I barely get out "No, just snuggling."

A look of disbelief spreads across her face and her small steps to get closer to me stop.

Author's note: Hope you enjoyed! :D