
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · Huyền huyễn
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102 Chs

82 JSA HQ, The Parliament of Trees

Mark was now on top of a building in Gotham inspecting the small crystal in his hands. It was quite hard to look for and he could only find it when he went to the various accounts Thomas Wayne in various banks and storage places.

A safe which was in a bank that was privately funded by the Wayne Enterprises, took about half a day for Mark to locate. As he held it in his hands he started scanning it with his improved eyesight and could see patterns as well as lines that might be the data stored within.

He did not find anything that Thomas Wayne might have used to decrypt the crystal which might have been a process shown to him only by Superman's father.

Pocketing it in his inventory, Mark was thoughtful as he tried to decide whether to visit Diana Prince AKA Wonder Woman to see if she might need help. When he was hacking he thought that maybe this Universe was the movie one but somehow characters that were not in the movies were here like The Boom.

JSA or Justice Society of America, a secretive team composed of superheroes that mostly represents the interest and power of the American government in secrets that the public is not privy to.

Thought not all follow the orders or some things that the Government wants but they are still easily steered to what they wanted to achieve. Out of all of them maybe Jay Garrick(The Flash), Dr. Fate(Kent Nelson), Alan Scott(Green Lantern) and Wonderwoman could pose a threat to him, maybe the Spectre too but that much is given when he guy is a cosmic entity.

And he could not find much on them since it was strictly kept covert by the American Government, but this mean that they already had knowledge of Themyscira as well as other alien civilization and might have developed Political contact.

So his appearance might have alerted some in the higher seats but it would not solicit much hostility since he did not show much in the beginning and was leaning into talking things out. But that was for later as he is now flying to the General direction of Khandaq, home of one of the heavy hitters in DC.

[JSA Headquarters]

"We need to stop this guy in whatever he is planning to do!" Carter hall smashed his fist in the table as he looked at the members of the team in front of him.

"And just as we have explained Carter, we are not going to attack that man again without reason. If you have faith in my abilities then please do not antagonize that person again." Kent was speaking in a grave tone as he looked at his friend.

"Then what? Let a dangerous man like him wander around without supervision?" Carter said.

"We are not the police Hawkman! And you seem to forget we are also dangerous, so why are we dictating what a person should be? You are better than this Carter, I just can't understand why you are so fixated in attacking this guy?" Ray Palmer was getting unnerve at his friend's unreasonable demands.

"A gut feeling Ray, the presence of that person just doesn't go along with my senses and my senses tells me that guy is no hero!" Carter was still serious as he tried to talk his teammates into detaining Mark.

"That's it? A gut feeling of yours? You called me all the way here because a guy just doesn't fit your tastes, is that it?" A guy with a red suit and a golden helmet with wings on its sides said as he looked at his friends arguing, this was Jay Garrick(The Flash).

"Carter, I know you could tell that person is dangerous and if we go after him I can tell you that there would be casualties. My friend I know you are a good judge of character but that doesn't mean we can label everyone that doesn't suit your senses as criminals without good reason. If we attack him unprovoked then we will be nothing less than villains dictating everything that gets in our ways." Kent said seriously as he dissuaded his fried in continuing the topic.

"It seems I have missed quite a bit here, can anyone get me up to date here?" As they were talking a warrior of a woman arrived and drew the attention of the rest of the team present, Diana or Wonderwoman walked into the meeting room just as Kent nelson was dissuading Carter.

"We were discussing if we should confront an unknown man with mystical abilities, from what Nabu told us that man is powered by chaos energies yet when we met the guy he did not raise much hostility against us. And somehow he was able to convince Kent and Nabu here to leave him alone which they both won't say the reason as to why." The Boom was giddy as she saw Diana, being a strong self-made woman does make many look up to as a role model including the young speedster.

"Mystical Abilities huh? How did you discover this person then?" Diana took as seat as she looked at his teammates, the rest were still on their way as Carter called for an emergency meeting.

"Able to hide from Nabu's ability to see the future and to spy on him magically. Super Strength which I think might rival yours but still not sure, Very Great reflexes since he can somehow follow Judy's speed with his naked eye, some form of Magic which Nabu also has no record of and could talk the Doctor here in leaving him alone." Ray Palmer listed out what they had found so far.

"Quite a powerful fellow indeed, then why not invite him here then?" As Diana said that the others all looked at each other and then stared at Kent Nelson.

"Well I can't tell you much but he is not a hostile unless provoked and his mind is not corrupted by the Chaos energies at all. That is all I can tell and that he is also has his own agenda but he already swore to me that it would not harm the safety of others at all." Kent looked at the Amazon and said these words with a serious expression.

"Do we have an image of this person then? Incase others might not have any altercations with him in the Future." Diana said but before others could say anything Carter reacted.

"So we will not have this person detained at all? He reeks of Chaos and how can you be sure he is not corrupted by such vile energies Kent? Maybe he was fooling you and everybody else and didn't you say that you could no longer detect him after he met us which meant he found a way to hide his Chaos energies." Carter was still fixated upon this as he was never fond of dark energies to begin with; something within him just doesn't like the power Mark gas or the source of it.

"As much as it would be great to rather side in caution of our ways than be in the side wrong, maybe we should just be careful for now. There are a lot more trouble in the world as it is and rather that fixate on this non-hostile person, it would be better we focus on the problems at hand." Kent said as he put on the Helmet then projected an image of Mark which made Diana stand up abruptly.

"It's him!" Wonderwoman said as she saw the familiar face that gave her the weird vial of liquid that made Minerva act like a drunken sailor.(A/N: She still doesn't know that a thousand Gold coins vanished in the treasury of Themyscira.)

"What do you mean 'it's him' Diana? Have you met this guy before?" Jay asked as he and the others looked at the Amazonian.

"Yes, he was the one who gave a vial that made Cheetah act funny for a day." Diana said which made the others present looked weird at her since they remembered when the villainess that got her cheetah form back somehow acted like a crass woman that lived by the sea. The vial was empty already that they were not able to scan what it was but to make a metahuman like cheetah act like that.

"Seriously? Didn't you say he was kind of like a shop keep that sells various items?" Ray Palmer asked as he remembered the words of Diana back then.

"Hey, isn't that kind of sounds like the rumor going about in the criminal underworld about a devil making deals?" The Flash said as he was investigating this kind if phenomenon that people somehow magically vanish and come back moments later with a object in hand and all tell the same story all over the world.

A devil who knew of their names and made deals that either making them sell something precious to them to the person. Many of such cases like these were going on around the world that it got the attention of the speedster making him take on the case in times where a person magically disappears.

But all investigations led to dead ends since when he arrives either the way the person vanished to do not lead to where he wanted to be. Jay had been running around the world for this and hearing such a similar tales over and over again that he immediately reacted to this.

He was not present when Diana talked about this weird place and he was so busy not to update himself in the moment as he was getting frustrated about all of it. He then explained to the team members about what most people said when they faced Mark and looking at it his features does match what the people described.

"A devil huh? Did any of them get corrupted or something?" Ray Palmer asked.

"None that I know of, most were just trinkets or armors that looked ancient and stuff but some got magical amulets that gave them protection or so they said." Jay said as he was looking at Mark's image seriously now.

"All in all this person could somehow provide various thingamajigs that somehow made it around the world in a door that magically pulls you in and makes a deal with the person?" Judy was excited as she walked to the door seeing a friend of hers just arrived.

"Donna!!" The upbeat speedster gave a wide hug to her fried that was looking exasperated at the sudden warm hugs.

"Is there a mission princess?" asked the young Amazonian.

"There is none but we were just talking about how to approach this new superhuman that has been appearing in some places all around the world." The demigod answered but Kent said something they slightly forgot.

"He's from another dimension or Reality, remember that so we should not think that some of his means might be outlandish for some of us but It is not impossible for such a person to exist. But for now we have not much the need to gather all together and discuss how we can counter incase that man is provoked out of a mistake or otherwise. And from our initial encounter it will be a pyrrhic victory, many will be lost from what I can see." Kent said as he took down the image in the center of the table.

It was about two hours in the meeting when an alarm of great powers reacting within Nabu's senses was tripped off. Kent Nelson immediately looked to what was causing such reaction from the Green which is one of the fundamental force within the Universe.

It was similar to when the Green choses it's Avatar every Century but the time is yet to early for Alec Holland to gain the Mantle of being the new Century's Avatar of the Green. But as Dr. Fate looked he could see a shroud that was similar to when he tried to see the future of their new acquaintance.

"It is him again." Kent said.

"What did he do Kent?" Carter asked as he knew who it was, they were just talking about him.

"Nothing to be exact, it is just that he had just gotten the attention of the Green. The Parliament of Trees might reach out to him soon, as well as another force might look for him." Kent was also able to pick out the changes in the future and a certain person in the Balkan Mountains reacted to this surge of Energy from the Green.

"The Green? Parliament of Trees? What are those?" Judy asked as she looked at the old sorcerer curiously as well as the others present. Most of them had heard of this information for the first time but some looked serious like Jay Garrick and Wonderwoman.

"The Green is a force almost as old as the Universe itself, it represents the entire plant lives within the whole Universe and it has now gotten attracted to our new friend. Just like the Speed Force that empowers Speedsters, the Green gives powers to those chosen by it or has great affinity with Plant Life. Most is a way to control plants and its various functions as well as give a great boost in Vitality for the person using the power." Dr. Fate explained as briefly as possible as he tried to feel where the epicenter of the surge of The Green.

"Pfft, so does that mean there are like forces called 'The Blue' or 'The Red'?" Donna Troy said as she found the naming to be funny.

"There is not Blue in my knowledge young Donna but there is indeed a force called The Red and it is the force the embodies all living beings from sapient beings, insects, fish, birds and most beings that live and breathe. It is governed by the Parliament of Limbs just like the Parliament of Trees, powers that are connected to the animal kingdom are mostly connected to The Red." Dr. Fate did not find offense at all as such simple names were given to the earliest of fundamental forces within the Universe.

"Really? So does that mean most animal themed heroes are connected to it already?" Judy asked excitedly but before Kent could answer Hawkman asked a question that made them return to the topic at hand.

"You said that other than the Green there is another that might find that man, who would those be Kent?" Carter said gravely.

"Large chances are that it would be 'The Black', the opposite of The Green which is the force that represents Death and Decay. Handled by the Parliament of Decay which was also formerly Avatars of the Black and its current avatar is someone really dangerous to all of us if his powers ever reaches us." Kent then took as seat as he focused on where the Avatar of the Black currently is.

"So do we help that guy? The Parliament of Decay sounds like a group of bad guys to me, so should we lend a hand or something?" Ray Palmer said as he found the name of the other group ominous to the ears.

"Yeah, they sound boring and creepy to me." The Boom said as she ate a box of Donuts along with Jay Garrick.

"It's not that simple young Judy, this is a feud between forces of nature that is not in our purview. Only if their actions harm innocents then we would take action but the rivalry of the avatars between fundamental forces of the universe is not something we can join in willingly." Nabu sounded out as it made the team pause in their tracks.

"The Speed force is a force of the universe so we could join in then?" Jay Garrick asked.

"Your force does not have any opposition to the force of The Black, it is not a good thing going about to fight someone without any valid reason to do so." Kent sent as he tried to have the hyper active speedsters to sit down.

"Like Kent said, it is not our business to intervene but we'll be watching." Diana said as she looked at those present.

"As long as there are no innocents involved I will not make a move." Carter Hall said as he still looked miffed about his defeat but he could tell when he is outclassed. Standing up he went to his personal room to think of ways to get back at Mark.

"Do not worry, I will call upon you all if there are any developments that needed intervening." Kent also stood up picking up Nabu then went to his room and start monitoring the situation in the mystic forces.

"I'll be by the computer here." Jay said as he blurred past them and took a seat in front of their HQ computers. Judy skipped towards Dona Troy and pulled her fried over to talk about some stuff of their own.

"*sigh* Let's just hope this guy is not as hostile as he said to be." Ray then left the table leaving Diana there to ponder by herself as she tried to remember her brief meeting with Mark.

[Balkan Mountains]

"An Avatar has appeared? Does the Parliament of trees know how futile it is to face me when the inevitability of their chosen one is always to die before me? Hehehe, interesting…" A creepy laugh sounded out in a bleak looking castle full of dreary atmosphere.

"…I'll give this one more time before I will greet his with my utmost beautiful powers, a death to slow that he'll be able to savor every moment. Hehehehehe…." The voice sounded derange as he kept talking to himself.

"New Avatar please be able to entertain me…"

[The Green]

In a dimension full of energies of life, trees reaching for the skies and flowers bloom all day all the time. A council made up of ancient Tree Elementals stood in circle discussing about the recent actions of the Green within the Realm.

"A compatible host has appeared." An old ancient voice sounded out within the group as a humanoid plant being made of hard Oak wood said which made the others present nod.

"Should we proceed with our plans?" Another voice sounded out before the group, they all looked at the elemental that looked like a Trilobite made of plants.

"Shouldn't we seek this new possible host before we go about the plan in turning the world into place of plantlife?" a hoarse female voice sounded out from an elemental made of weeds and a head that looked like a half cob of corn.

"It won't matter, the Green will make him do what we want and when the time comes it will be the world cleaning out the humans out from the face of this planet. They have polluted the air and spread too much destruction within this planet." A elemental that looked very ugly but has a very calming voice spoke.

"Do we really have to go about this plan? Thought mankind had shown great potential for destruction it was still what some of us were so why don't we give them a chance?" A calming female voice sounded out as an elemental with the shape of a mature woman and kind beautiful face said worriedly to her fellow elementals.

"It is because we were humans once that we all know the extent they would go just for a smidgen of their so called power. We have been from every generation of Elementals and we all know how many massacres they made for nonsensical things. And recently they have been making use of weapons that could damage life to its very being, this is something we must do to prevent the world from dying." Another voice that has a slight chinese accent spoke within the group.

"Be that as it may, it still depends on when the one newly chosen is able to do what we have planned. Just like you have said, the humans have made a new weapon that could wound the land and all life around it even after it has been used." A deep sonorous voice echoed as a large Tree of unimaginable age spoke within the council of elementals.

"Then let me go to this person, I shall convince him in understanding the power he wields is not something for simple people to have." A ladylike voice sounded out as an elemental that looked like it was wearing a Victorian dress made of weeds and vines.

"I will follow you Lady Weeds, though you are a very persuasive person, I still think that it is not proper yet to directly seek out this candidate for the Avatar." A calm male voice sounded out as a large humanoid elemental with a plat-like hoody on his head.

"There is also another that has yet been confirmed, but before we seek out this two that shall be rivals. It is imperative we try to stop whatever the plans of the Avatar of the Black has planned." A Dinosaur shaped plant elemental said as he looked around the parliament.

"We shall not interfere, it is not in our place to walk the Earth as only one Elemental of each force is allowed to walk the face of the Earth." A large tree spoke in his old wizened voice.

"Just go and seek out who shall be this Avatar, what comes after will be discussed once we know who we are dealing with." Said a elemental that looked like a Celtic Warrior with a kilt made of vines.

"That we shall do, come Brother Jonah. Let's see what this new Avatar has to offer…" Lady Weeds' consciousness in the Green vanished as well as Brother Jonah as they both woke up in the vast jungles of the Brazilian rainforest.


Mark was stumped, he had been scanning for hours yet no sign of where the cave Teth Adam has been sealed. It seems the Wizard is quite thorough in making sure the guy is hidden, only to be found by a group led by the Intergang.

"*sigh* Well, can't force what can't be can we? I'll just stick to studying the crystal for now, maybe I'll be able to get a lot of good things to use in these alien tech blueprints." Just as Mark said that while flying towards to Gotham in Mach 3, a certain alert from his small computer rung which made him stop in the middle of the sky above the Mediterranean Sea.

Mark looked at the alert which he placed in case the algorithm is able to pick out some valuable information that would be useful for Mark. As he check it his brows rose up as he looked a bit concerned, he had placed an algorithm to watch out for other potential Meta-humans in the world by making it look for patterns and the history of a person's life.

Similar to project insight of Hydra but just a watered down version, he still has trouble making it try to predict the future actions and potential of a person. But it is enough to track down possible Meta-humans that exist within the world as well as notable scientist in case they might make something that could be very well useful.

"Ted Grant Aka Wildcat, Giovani Zatara, Creature commandos, Project Starfish? Andrew Meda? Who the hell is that? White Dragon, Peace Maker's Dad? Can he be considered a Meta? Well his Quantum Space Folding Tech will come in useful if he already made it, seems Christopher Smith is still a child and his brother is still alive. Hmm… not my problem."

"Dr. Niles Caulder, Dr. Will Magnus, possible alien refuges in Earth and lastly young Arthur Curry. Seems that Aquaman is not yet there for the moment, should I help him or not? Hmm…. The ocean has a lot of gold to be honest and that tempts me." Mark was thoughtful as he flew thinking of where he might go next to gain something out of his vacation.