
Chapter 22: Behind the Rockstar

Gemma pushed the door open and entered the studio for Blaze's next photoshoot. She'd set this shoot up because his manager wanted great photos for his album roll-out and Gemma knew all the best photographers.

She stopped once she was in the doorway and admired the huge white backdrop to her right that had lights set up around it. There was a slightly bigger crew at this photoshoot than there was at the last.

The photographer's assistants were all dressed in black and were milling around, setting up lights and other equipment. To the left, Gemma could see an open door through which she caught a glimpse of a clothing rack and moving bodies. She assumed that was the dressing room.

Gemma looked at the older woman sitting in a chair outside the dressing room - she had glasses on, her attention focused on the book in her lap. Her auburn tresses were streaked with gray and pulled into a long, loose braid. Her outfit was simple - blue jeans, a white blouse, and a sky-blue cardigan on top.