
Chapter 8: Return to Civilization

'' I should really change clothes, his essentials, '' Atlas said to himself.

After almost 8 months of not talking to anyone, Atlas couldn't anymore, which is why he decided that over the next couple of months he would not go on an adventure but simply return to civilization and resume same time clothes.

He decided to settle in the countryside of the gourmet city because it is the center of all the continents of the human world.

After having decided all his, he leaves by sea towards the center of the human world, 2 days later, he finally arrived towards the greedy city.

'' I have to say that it is really tiring to swim two days in a row, but the good thing is that I have mastered the breathing technique which allows me to use as little oxygen as possible during my efforts.

He goes to the gourmet market to sell SB corn to earn money, for his necessities, everything he meets him was shaking, he himself did not realize it but after eight months of hunting in addition to living in nature it gives off a wild and murderous aura.

To everyday people its as if they see the biggest predator in the food chain about to kill you the very moment you make the wrong move.

Once he got to the gourmet market, he came to the merchant with the fewest customers, a middle-aged man.

"you buy?" Atlas asked

"yes, young man, what can I do for you, besides my name is Olivier" says Olivier

"OK, Olivier, I would like to sell SB corn at catch level 36" says Atlas

Olivier accepted at lightning speed and offered him 38,000,000 for each song.

After accepting the offer, he handed her the piece of corn he had previously put in his donation to avoid unnecessary trouble and went straight to the agency that sells chateaux in the countryside.

Once arrived at the agency, he took the chateau catalog directly and chose a permit that he was interested in and told the receptionist that he wanted this chateau as soon as possible.

The receptionist was woken up by Atlas she quickly accepted and called directly responsible for advancing the proceedings, 30 minutes later the proceedings are complete.

"57,000,000 pounds please sir" said the receptionist.

Atlas directly gave him the bank card that Olivier had given him and paid in one go.

When he left town, he bought a cell phone and clothes and went straight to his mansion.

In the evening, he buys all the furniture so that it is warmer and also orders all the kitchen utensils that he misses for a future outing even if he has not bought a conteau because he considers his claw to be the best knife of the world. world.

2 months later:

After two months spent in civilization, his wild aura was much less than when he arrived. At the same time, he befriends the merchant Oliver who gives him a lot of information about the rarest ingredients in human worlds that were not present in the manga like the golden fruit growing on top of the tree. decaying, a tree that sucks all the nutrients from an area several kilometers away to give rise to the golden fruit with a catch level of 78 or reprilian soup, a soup created by the pieces of bodies of dead monsters crushed by the mountain la gravity, a mountain with a special electromagnetic field that the closer you get to the mountain the more your body weight increases to be able to get the reprilian soup you have to go to the center of the mountain that's why it has a capture level of 103. And like this he gave me 7 foods that i never heard of in the manga and i plan to make them all for myself.