

A young man is reborn in a place that can only be described as hell.

Preston_Shaw · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Settlement Straight Out of Hell!

When night came and went and Mother never returned I looked for her.

It was necessary since she was the only one who took care of me since I've been reborn. I can't recall much about my life before I was reborn.

I remember I came from a place called Earth and I was barely out of my teen years when I died. Nevertheless, I know one thing for sure I did reincarnate, and I am currently a helpless toddler.

So far I've only been alive for a little more than three years but I still know next to nothing about this place, what it's called, or anything else important about this world so I needed my mother alive, I had to find her quickly.

When I first stepped outside it was at that moment I came to realize what kind of nightmarish hell I was born into.

All around me for as far as the eye could see was a vast and mostly flat wasteland made up of dry cracked earth that was searing hot to the touch.

There wasn't a single tree or blade of grass to speak of everything was dried up and dead.

I knew this place was a hell hole but I could have never predicted it was this bad.

The harsh terrain frightened me so I began frantically searching for some other people and in the distance, I could see some other huts sitting close together.

It was a village made up of a few dozen mud huts of a similar crappy design to my house and they were all empty.

I wandered around looking for anyone that could help me but even after a few hours of searching through the poorly built crumbling huts, I found no one.

Growing more and more frustrated by the second I continued searching the mud-crafted huts.

'What time is it? Where is everyone?'

To figure out what time it was I choose to look up at the sky, no clouds only one massive and cruel orange sun.

The harsh sun's rays toasted my skin and nearly incinerated my retinas when I looked at it directly.

Then there was this outside air it burned my lungs far worse than it did before. It went from being like breathing in hot sauce to inhaling sulfuric acid.

If I had to guess it was more than 150°F maybe even hotter and to make matters worse I still found no one and night was gradually approaching.

If I failed to find someone before nightfall then who knows what might happen to me?

My panicked search eventually brought me to the center of the village where I found what looked like a huge hole in the ground.

'Are those tracks?'

I investigated the entrance of the hole and that's when I figured it out. The hole wasn't just some random hole it was a mine shaft and odds are everyone is down there.

'But should I go in?'