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"Guys, time to eat," Mother said from the kitchen. "Coming, mommy," the children said. We went to sit down at the dinner table. In the middle of dinner time, Loud noises were coming from the living room. My three other siblings and I knew that our Father came home drunk once again.

"Go to your room, kiddos," Mom said in a panic. We all did what Mom said. We all went into our older brother's room. My older brother tries to calm down the two little ones. I'm just worried about my Mother.

I know she can handle him, but when he gets drunk, dad gets angry. When he is angry, he gets violent. I'm worried about her. "Is... I-... Is Mommy going to be ok? I want Mommy," Baby's little sister said, crying. "I know but, we have to stay here just for a little bit. Everything will be fine," Big Brother said.