
Hey!!! Help me too !!!!

The shout did not attract the attention of the nobles because they did not have time to look at it. They were too tired to pay attention to anything else, they focused their minds on resting and getting some sleep.

But Liu Yang was surprised by this person's willingness and determination to live. When he looked at the place, he saw a 29-30-year-old looking man.

His ordinary appearance, but his steel armor was already broken and his body completely bloody. He already had several broken bones and body parts pierced by the crystals.

Standing up was a big struggle for him, but his will to live has not diminished in the slightest. Unfortunately, his injuries were quite serious and his life is almost over.

(Interesting ... That person ... He's someone worth saving) Liu Yang thought. He would not let a person, who was determined to try to live, die that way.

"Hey!!!!!! Could you open that barrier for a moment? " Liu Yang asked.