
Top Producer Lady

After a young women lost job, boyfriend and family, she become the boss and meet her Mr Right!

Aovavarich · Thành thị
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13 Chs


After leaving Mr. Houston's magnificent mansion, Emily was determined to make the most of this opportunity. She meticulously cataloged every detail of the house in her notebook and used various online tools to create a comprehensive market report. This would ensure that she could provide Mr. Houston with an accurate listing price for his property.

She also drafted the listing agreement with great care, making sure it covered all the necessary terms and potential negotiation points. To ensure that everything was in order, Emily sought the guidance of her real estate coach, who helped her review the document thoroughly.

Once she had prepared everything, Emily contacted Richard to arrange a meeting with Mr. Houston for the negotiation of the agreement. Richard was delighted at the prospect of spending more time with Emily, and he genuinely hoped that she would secure the listing. He decided to drive his silver Tesla for the occasion.

When Emily arrived, Richard couldn't contain his excitement. As a meeting greeting, he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. Emily's face turned a bright shade of red, but she responded by gently kissing his cheek in return. Their connection seemed to deepen in that moment.

As they embarked on the drive back to Mr. Houston's house, Emily decided to pick Richard's brain about Mr. Houston's preferences during negotiations. She asked if his grandfather had any specific hobbies or tactics he preferred when dealing with business matters.

Richard recalled the wisdom his grandpa had shared with him. "My grandpa enjoys negotiating and approaches it as if it were a game. He once told me that before entering a negotiation, you should be prepared to walk away from the table. You must know your resolve and stick to it, even if the odds seem slim. Once you've made up your mind and demonstrated your determination, you will succeed, even if it seemed like only a 1% chance."

Richard also imparted this wisdom to Emily, saying, "I'm passing this advice on to you, Emily. Have the determination, believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything."

Emily took those words to heart, a newfound resolve filling her as they approached the gates of the mansion once more. This time, she wasn't distracted by the grandeur of the property. Instead, her focus was unwavering as she locked her gaze on the White House, ready to negotiate with determination and confidence.

In the presence of the butler, Richard opened the car door for Emily, and as the chauffeur drove the car away, they followed the butler who guided them to meet Mr. Houston. As they entered the room, Emily greeted Mr. Houston with a warm "Good morning," expressing her hope that he was having a great day.

Emily was filled with confidence as she presented her prepared work for the deal. She spoke firmly, her eyes shining with charm and determination. Richard couldn't help but be captivated by her focused demeanor, realizing just how impressive Emily truly was.

Mr. Houston also took notice of Emily's exceptional qualities. He recognized her logical thinking, keen observation, and her ability to seize opportunities. He understood that she was no ordinary woman, and he appreciated her professional approach. The thought of his grandson facing the challenge of pursuing a woman as exceptional as Emily brought a smile to his face.

After Emily's detailed presentation, Mr. Houston decided to inject a bit of humor into the situation. He asked her a playful question, "If I were to become your grandfather-in-law, would your association permit you to list the house?"

Emily's face turned slightly red, but she handled the situation with grace. She responded by saying, "If the seller's agent is related to the seller, we need to list the info on the MLS." Her answer was both professional and a clever way to sidestep the humor.

Richard joined in with a playful nudge. "Come on, Grandpa, sign the contract! I have complete faith that Emily will get us a great deal. Trust me!"

Mr. Houston played along and teased, "More haste, less speed." Laughter filled the room as Emily, Richard, and Mr. Houston all joined in the light-hearted banter. In the end, Emily secured the signed agreement for this magnificent property, marking a significant milestone in her real estate career and solidifying her connection with Richard and his family.

As Richard and Emily left the mansion, Mr. Houston, the grandfather, couldn't help but be curious about the nature of Richard's relationship with the young realtor. He turned to the butler and inquired, "Do you think this lady has a chance to become the lady of this mansion?"

The butler smiled knowingly and replied, "I don't know for certain, but I have never seen Richard so happy and attentive when he's with someone. Richard's mother passed away many years ago, and that loss made him a sensitive and often cold individual. Yet, when he's in the company of this lady, he becomes warm and jovial, laughing more often than I've ever seen."

Mr. Houston contemplated the butler's words as he watched Richard and Emily's car disappear through the gates. It was clear that Emily had made a profound impact on his grandson, bringing a warmth and brightness to his life that he hadn't experienced in years. The grandpa knew he would need to give this budding relationship careful consideration as he moved forward.