
Top Producer Lady

After a young women lost job, boyfriend and family, she become the boss and meet her Mr Right!

Aovavarich · Thành thị
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13 Chs

A Night to Remember

The months of hard work, dedication, and focused marketing had paid off for Emily. The mansion listed by Mr. Houston had been sold within just one month and was set to close the following month. Her professional triumph was celebrated within her company, CW, as they acknowledged her as the champion of February, honoring her with a well-deserved reward and bonus for her first successful closing and the largest amount of the deal.

Amid her success, there was one day that stood out from the rest. Emily was engrossed in her work one morning when her phone rang. It was Richard calling to invite her to a party the next day. He mentioned that it would be attended by some of his company's partners and notable technology company CEOs, including her hero, Elon Musk. Emily's heart raced with excitement as she accepted the invitation.

In preparation for the event, Emily went to a high-end store and chose an elegant white crystal gown. She also purchased a copy of Elon Musk's autobiography, which she planned to bring to the event, hoping for the rare opportunity to have it signed by the man who had long been her inspiration.

The day of the party arrived, and Emily felt a mix of anticipation and nerves. Richard picked her up, and they drove to a grand hotel hosting the charity event. The theme for the evening was inspired by the depths of the sea. Blue lighting filled the dining hall, creating an ethereal underwater ambiance. Large fish and gracefully floating octopuses adorned the venue, enhancing the enchantment of the evening.

Around a hundred tables, beautifully decorated with fresh flowers and sparkling crystal glassware, provided the backdrop for the grand occasion. Emily and Richard's table was strategically placed on the front right, amidst a gathering of Richard's colleagues and partners. As they mingled and exchanged ideas about AI, technology, and the latest trends, Emily's heart pounded with excitement at the thought of meeting her hero, Elon Musk.

Suddenly, a commotion near the entrance heralded the arrival of a distinguished group. Security staff, reporters, and service personnel accompanied Elon Musk and his associates as they entered the venue. They were dressed impeccably in black suits, and Emily was spellbound by the sight.

Richard, ever perceptive and attentive, noticed Emily's excitement and held her close to reassure her. He whispered soothing words to help her remain calm in the presence of the man who had inspired her for so long.

The evening continued with great fanfare, including a heartfelt speech from the charity funding chairman. The generous funds raised during the event would support children in the cancer hospital, adding an emotional layer to the night.

As the night progressed, the moment Emily had been eagerly anticipating finally arrived. She had the opportunity to meet Elon Musk. She clutched her copy of his autobiography, now tattered from nervous thumbing, and waited for the right moment.

Amid the lively atmosphere of the event, Emily approached Elon Musk, who was gracious and accommodating. She introduced herself and presented the book she had held dear for so long. He kindly accepted it, signed the title page, and exchanged a few words with her.

It was a night to remember, a culmination of her personal and professional journey. She had achieved remarkable success in the world of real estate, and now, through Richard's connections, she had the privilege of meeting her lifelong inspiration, Elon Musk.

The charity event had been a night to remember for Emily, with the highlight being her long-awaited meeting with Elon Musk. As the evening came to a close, she and Richard made their way through the crowds, their hearts full of contentment.

However, little did Richard know that fate had an unexpected twist in store for him that night. As he and Emily moved through the bustling crowd towards the exit, a familiar face caught his eye. It was his ex-girlfriend, Isabella, elegantly dressed and chatting with a group of acquaintances.

Richard's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. He had never expected to run into Isabella at this event, especially considering the high-profile attendees. Emily sensed his discomfort and looked at him questioningly. Richard hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to approach Isabella.

Seeing his inner turmoil, Emily gently squeezed his hand and asked, "Is everything okay?"

Richard sighed and replied, "Emily, I need to be honest with you. That woman over there, Isabella, she's my ex-girlfriend."

As Isabella noticed Richard in the crowd, her eyes lit up with excitement. Unable to contain her joy, she rushed towards him, leaving her group of friends behind. Richard's face broke into a wide smile, and they embraced warmly. Old memories and shared stories flowed freely between them as they caught up with each other's lives.

Isabella couldn't help but express her enthusiasm. "Richard, I can't believe it's you! What a pleasant surprise to see you here."

Richard returned her enthusiasm, saying, "Isabella, it's been too long. I'm thrilled to see you as well."

As they talked and laughed, Richard didn't hesitate to introduce Isabella to Emily, who stood by his side. Isabella's demeanor shifted subtly, her initial surprise giving way to something less welcoming. She greeted Emily politely but turned her attention back to Richard.

"Nice to meet you, Emily," Isabella said, her tone polite but her eyes revealing a hint of unease.

Emily, perceptive as ever, sensed the tension in the air and decided to gracefully step aside. Just as she was contemplating her next move, a handsome gentleman approached her. He extended his hand and asked, "Would you care to dance, Miss Emily?"

Emily accepted the invitation with a gracious smile. The two of them glided onto the dance floor, leaving Richard and Isabella engrossed in their conversation.

As Emily and her dance partner swayed to the music, she couldn't help but notice the contrast between the warm and amiable atmosphere of the evening and the cool reception she had received from Isabella. She wondered about the history between Richard and Isabella but decided not to dwell on it.

The dance was a welcome distraction, and Emily enjoyed the company of her charming partner. They exchanged stories and laughed together, and Emily couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected dance that had allowed her to put aside the brief encounter with Isabella.

Meanwhile, Richard and Isabella continued their conversation, reminiscing about the past and catching up on recent events. Richard had moved on, and Isabella had noticed that he had someone new in his life. Although she tried to hide it, her demeanor grew increasingly chilly as she realized that Emily had taken a significant place in Richard's heart.

As the night drew to a close, Emily and Richard reunited, their eyes meeting with a shared understanding. The unexpected encounter with Isabella had briefly stirred the waters, but their connection remained strong.