
In the beginning

"Your just too different!!" she yelled. Being the only coloured person in a private school wasn't easy. For Samirah even harder she had got it thanks to pure luck ,one of the few selected into a prestigious school as part of the scholarship program. Everyday she would hear the same things, life was undeniably repetitive.

"Hey freak, what you doing there. Loner," Lucas the school's so called perfect role model. Luck is definitely not on my side anymore she thought to her self. To everyone else she was an alien, someone not as good or as intelligent as everyone else.

"Don't be so rude, I'm talking to you!"

She naturally just replied "I know,"

Growing up as an abandoned child she had learned to read people through, well anything. Her life had depended on her own skills and if she'd made it this far how much was there left to go.


Class had begun, and as usual she sat at the back carefully going through the her work. This school which had claimed to be protecting her after they found her disregarded on the streets, was just doing what people do best pulling an act. She felt ashamed to live in such a community where people could pull an act as if it was as natural as breathing. She would always be over shadowed by the corrupt children who would never have to worry about anything, she worked hard and was probably the most successful student in the whole school of only she had money. Filthy, dirty money.

She wouldn't be beaten if she had money, she wouldn't be homeless if she had money and she wouldn't be abandoned if she had money but hope was slipping away for her.

All her life she had been beaten, starved, malnourished and insulted that ant and all health was every low.

Her appearance could scare and child to fainting most people would look away or that the chance to make it worse.

As she walk back to her alleyway she suffered the worst downfall yet. Lucas and his gang were ready for her, she took a left and blank....