
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs

Chapter 23:Cadmus iii

As the young heroes continued their journey through the unsettling corridors of Cadmus Labs, the original Toneri ventured deeper into the heart of the facility, in an attempt to uncover the full extent of Cadmus's experiments. The air grew colder and the lighting dimmer as he descended further into the labyrinthine depths of the complex.

The sights became increasingly grotesque and nightmarish. Glass containers and test tubes lined the walls, each housing bizarre and unnatural creatures. The creatures within were abominable, twisted amalgamations of various animals whose bodies were fused together in horrifically unnatural ways. One tank contained a creature with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the eyes of a snake. It thrashed weakly, its limbs jerking in an uncoordinated manner, a clear sign of the instability and agony caused by the forced genetic fusions.

Another tank housed what appeared to be a humanoid figure, but its limbs were elongated and insect-like, its skin covered in scales that shimmered under the harsh artificial light.

Toneri's Byakugan allowed him to see even the smallest details of these abominations. He could see the chaotic flow of life energy within them, revealing the extent of their suffering and instability. The closer he looked, the more he realized that these experiments were not just scientific endeavors, but acts of cruelty.

He paused at a cluttered workstation, sifting through a stack of papers and logs. One document, labeled "Experiment Log #2467: Chimera Fusion Trials," caught his eye. He read through the log aloud, his voice tinged with disgust. "Subject shows signs of increased aggression and instability. DNA fusion between lion, eagle, and human resulted in a being with enhanced strength but severe cognitive deficits. Further testing required."

Toneri moved to the next set of papers, his expression darkening as he continued reading. "Experiment Log #3120: Amalgam Soldier Project. Attempt to merge reptilian and human DNA to create a super-soldier. Results inconclusive. Subject exhibits advanced healing but lacks higher cognitive functions. Further trials needed."

He shook his head, his voice filled with disdain. "So they are trying to create a counter to the Justice League, an army ready to defend their interests."

His thoughts turned inward, reflecting on the knowledge he had from his homeland. 'Even back in the Elemental Nations, the Bambutsu Sozo (Creation of All Things) was needed to create stable life, and even then, it was not without its challenges.' The Creation of All Things was a divine technique that required immense power and understanding, something far beyond the grasp of these scientists.

As he walked further, Toneri approached a series of large test tubes, each big enough to contain a human. The tubes were filled with a viscous blue liquid, and inside, various entities floated, each with a breathing mask attached. Some appeared to be in a state of suspended animation, their bodies perfectly still. The liquid glowed with an eerie light, casting an otherworldly glow on the creatures within.

Toneri placed his hand on one of the tubes, using his Byakugan to examine the entities more closely. He could see the intricate web of energy and life force coursing through their bodies, a testament to the complex and unnatural processes used to create them. "So, they think they can play God," he said aloud. "Such hubris for mortals to think they can create life so easily."

Internally, he could feel a growing sense of unease. The sheer scale and audacity of Cadmus's experiments were staggering, and the implications were deeply troubling. He knew that this facility was not just a threat to the Justice League, but to the very fabric of natural life.

He continued to explore, taking note of the different experiments and the data he could gather. The logs detailed various attempts to create super-soldiers, mind-controlled drones, and even artificial life forms with enhanced abilities. The more he read, the clearer it became that Cadmus was willing to cross any ethical boundary to achieve their goals.

Toneri's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden realization. These experiments, if left unchecked, could lead to catastrophic consequences. The creatures he saw were only the beginning, prototypes of what could become a vast and dangerous army. He knew he needed to gather more information and find a way to put an end to these unethical practices before they could be unleashed upon the world.

As Toneri ventured further into the labyrinthine corridors of Cadmus Labs, the atmosphere grew more foreboding. The lighting dimmed further, casting eerie shadows along the walls, and the air became colder, almost suffocating in its stillness. The experiments he passed grew increasingly grotesque and horrific. The twisted amalgamations of animals, the grotesque hybrids, and the unsettlingly lifelike androids were all testament to the lengths Cadmus was willing to go in their pursuit of power.

Toneri paused at a new workstation, this one cluttered with more recent logs and papers. He picked up a document labeled "Experiment Log #5002: Project Alpha-Chimera." He began reading aloud, his voice echoing in the sterile silence. "Subject designation: Alpha-Chimera. Abilities: super strength, durability, poison secretion, enhanced endurance, claws, and camouflage. Status: Highly unstable with severe mental degradation. Subject exhibits violent tendencies and unpredictability."

His eyes scanned further down the page, noting additional details. "Subject's mental state deteriorates rapidly under stress, leading to uncontrollable rage and aggression. Attempts to stabilize subject have failed. Currently contained in Vault C-1."

Toneri looked up from the log, his gaze shifting to a door that resembled a vault, reinforced with heavy metal and numerous locking mechanisms. The door was imposing, clearly designed to contain something incredibly dangerous. The label "Vault C-1" was etched into the steel, a stark reminder of what lay behind it.

"Interesting," Toneri muttered to himself, a hint of curiosity in his voice. He thought about how Cadmus had attempted to lock away their failures, believing that physical barriers could contain their own hubris.'All things locked away have a way of coming back to haunt us, 'he mused internally.

He approached the vault door, his Byakugan eyes analyzing its structure. The door was thick, reinforced with multiple layers of metal and designed to withstand immense force. Toneri stood before it for a moment, contemplating his next move.

With a sudden, decisive motion, he punched the door with such force that vibrations rang through the room, dislodging rocks from the ceiling and sending a shockwave reverberating through the facility. The door held firm, though a noticeable dent marked the point of impact.

"Hmm, that's much more durable than I thought it would be," Toneri thought, considering the design intended to contain something with super strength. Changing tactics, he decided to use a more precise method.

Toneri stepped back and performed the hand seals for "Suiton: Suidanha (Water Release: Water Severing Wave)". As he gathered chakra, he superheated the water within his mouth, increasing both its temperature and pressure to extreme levels. The result was a thin, incredibly powerful jet of water, akin to a laser.

He directed the water jet at the door, carefully controlling its intensity and aim. The high-pressure stream sliced through the metal with ease, the superheated water vaporizing parts of the steel as it cut. The edges of the cut glowed briefly from the intense heat, smoking as they cooled. He carved a circular opening large enough for a human to pass through.

The physics behind his technique were simple yet effective: the combination of high temperature and pressure allowed the water to act like a cutting torch, capable of slicing through even the most durable materials. The rapid heating caused the metal to expand and weaken, while the pressure of the water did the cutting, leaving a clean edge that smoked from the residual heat.

Toneri stepped back, examining the cut he had made. The door now bore a perfectly circular opening, the edges still glowing faintly. He peered through the hole with his Byakugan, scanning the interior of the vault. Satisfied with what he saw, he stepped through the opening and entered the vault.

Inside, the atmosphere was even colder, almost frigid. The vault was dimly lit, with only a few emergency lights casting a weak glow. In the center of the room stood a massive containment unit, reinforced with multiple layers of glass and metal. Inside the unit, a creature stirred.

The Alpha-Chimera was a terrifying sight. Its body was a grotesque fusion of human and animal features, with muscular limbs ending in razor-sharp claws. Its skin was mottled and tough, almost like armor, and its eyes glowed with a feral intensity. The creature's chest heaved as it breathed, its breath fogging the glass of its containment unit.

Toneri observed the creature with a mix of fascination and revulsion. "So, this is what they tried to lock away," he said aloud, his voice echoing in the empty vault. "A failure they thought they could simply hide behind a door. How naive."

He stepped closer to the containment unit, his Byakugan allowing him to see the chaotic flow of life force within the Alpha-Chimera. The creature was a seething mass of energy, its unstable nature evident in the erratic pulses of power coursing through it.

As he studied the Alpha-Chimera, Toneri knew that Cadmus's hubris had led them to create something beyond their control. The creature was a testament to their ambition and their failure, a living embodiment of the dangers of playing God. He understood that such experiments could not be allowed to continue and that the knowledge he gathered here would be crucial in bringing Cadmus's unethical practices to light.