
Chapter five ★ a lil girl time wouldn't hurt

<p>Alice sat in Brian's room with her legs crossed. Brian stared back at her with a smile of triumph and she so wanted to smack him till he was attached to his brick wall, "Can we not talk about this?", she blushed.<br/><br/>Brian smirked "Okay".<br/><br/>Alice squinted and threw him a homicidal glare, that was fast and unarguementative, knowing Brian as well as she did, she knew he'd bring the topic right back up in a more awkward situation.<br/><br/>"Thank you", she pulled his head close and gave him a kiss on the cheek and then another on the forehead.<br/><br/>"Urggghhhh, ewwwwww, disgusting Alice no", he wiped his face and gave her a 'what the hell' look, then pulled out his tongue in horror.<br/><br/>Alice smiled and blew him a kiss but he used both his hands as if to cross them and make a shield.<br/><br/>Alice rolled her eyes "Now rock paper scissors", she blurted randomly.<br/><br/>Brian lowered his eyes at her "What are we eight?", he raised his eyebrows.<br/><br/>"Ten bucks for who ever wins".<br/><br/>Brian smiled and pulled his hand behind his back "Roockk", he started.<br/><br/>"Paper", she followed.<br/><br/>"Scissors".<br/><br/>And just when they were about to scream shoot Brian's door flew open.<br/><br/>Alice and Brian turned to the door simultaneously.<br/><br/>"Oh hey Justin".<br/><br/>Justin smiled at Brian "Ey sport".<br/><br/>Taking a moment to look at him Alice noticed his oversized vans tracksuit and his Jordan four's, you could tell he had just washed his hair because it had curled slightly and was damp, he looked tired and bored like he had got out of bed in a hurry to come to her house. And suprisingly the combination of baggy clothes, wet hair and boredom did him justice.<br/><br/>Alice hadn't greeted him yet still caught up in her analysing.<br/><br/>"Earth to Alice", Justin laughed and joined them on the bed.<br/><br/>"Pluto to Justin", she smiled and gave him a side hug. Justin opened his arms and enveloped her and she inhaled his perfume before pulling away.<br/><br/>"So what were you guys up to?".<br/><br/>Brian got up from his bed to go and pick up Muffin, to put her on the bed. With Muffin in his arms he just waved a hand "We were just talking about--".<br/><br/>"We were playing rock, paper, scissor," she interrupted him.<br/><br/>Justin noticed how Alice had jumped into the simple conversation, so he narrowed his eyes but said nothing.<br/><br/>"So I'm here to do my hair".<br/><br/>"Yes, please go", Brian gestured towards the door "Me and Muffin have some bonding to do, whilst listening to our favourite song. Now good bye Alice, Good bye Justin".<br/><br/>"Geez", Alice laughed and she led Justin out of her little brothers room.<br/><br/>"Oh and Justin", Brian called.<br/><br/>Leaving Alices side Justin peeped back into the room, and after a moment agreed and waltzed back to Alice.<br/><br/>"What did he say?", Alice asked looking at the confused expression on his face.<br/><br/>Justin shrugged in confusion "He said have fun".<br/><br/>'That little shit', Alice thought.<br/><br/>"I'll hide that cat of his, it seems to be making him crazy", Alice laughed.<br/><br/>Justin smiled "Your brother would probably call the cops and have them make a search and if he found out it was you he'd still leave you in prison for a night".<br/><br/>"If anything ever happened to that cat, I dont think anyone would be able to calm him down", Alice spoke.<br/><br/>Justin swayed next to her "So we just got to pray it never goes missing".<br/><br/>Alice unlocked her door and Justin entered first and sat at her dresser. Locking the door behind her Alice walked over to her closet, she pulled out a pyjama sweater and a hair iron.<br/><br/>"I'll need to iron the hair since you washed it", she told him and put the iron in front of him.<br/><br/>She pulled her shirt over her head and looked around for her sweater, picking it up she pulled it over her head and went to Justins head and ruffled his hair.<br/><br/>"Well lets get started".<br/><br/>"Don't pull", Justin warned her.<br/><br/>Alice chuckled "I won't you stupid complainer"<br/><br/>"Can I ask you a question Alice?".<br/><br/>Dividing his hair in the middle she hummed "Asking can I ask a question is already asking a question without permission, so I don't really think I have a choice".<br/><br/>"Yea whatever".<br/><br/>"So whats it".<br/><br/>Justin sniffed and sighed as the heat from the hair iron engulfed him "It's religious is that okay?".<br/><br/>"Uhhu", she agreed.<br/><br/>"You claim that you love us and your family am I right".<br/><br/>Alice nodded knowing he was watching her through the mirror. <br/><br/>"Who would you like to die first in your family?".<br/><br/>"Personally, I wouldn't want any of them to die, but its inevitable so if would you be happy there?".<br/><br/>Alice shook her head 'no' "Sadly I don't think I'll be able to be happy because if I die first all I've ever known and loved and felt will be down on earth far away from me and I don't think I'll be able to call that hapiness. Maybe theres an ecstatic atmosphere there that makes everyone happy but without you guys and my family I don't think I'd ever rest in peace."<br/><br/>"Thank you", was his only response before she continued his hair in silence.<br/><br/>After thirty minutes Alice was done with his hair and was now on her way to Keith's house. She had left Justin with her little brother in the studio.<br/><br/>Parking in their ridiculously large parking lot Alice jumped out of her car not even bothering to lock it, if anyone was going to steal any one of the cars they would most definetly not choose hers they'd choose the more expensive ones.<br/><br/>She walked into their house and bumped into his older sister. Keisha.<br/><br/>"Walking right in like you own our place I see", Keisha lifted her tweezed eyebrows at her.<br/><br/>Alice remained silent, she found Keisha irritating, thickmouthed, insensate and jiving.<br/><br/>Keisha rolled her eyes "My brothers in the pool room upstairs", and she walked away.<br/><br/>'Geez'.<br/><br/>Alice walked to the pool room and entered to find Keith leaning over the pool stick for support whilst on his phone. He glanced up once he caught her movement.<br/><br/>"Hey Alice".<br/><br/>Smiling Alice approached him and leaned back against the pool table "I don't think your sister likes me".<br/><br/>"She doesn't like anyone", he waved a hand of dismissal and put the phone down and looked at her "So what did I do to deserve a visit its almost late, I'm not sure if you should be driving when it's dark".<br/><br/>"Sit down!", she ordered him and obediently he dragged a stool and sat in front of her, muttering a 'yes ma'am'.<br/><br/>"Why are you cheating on Shaniq?", she blurted.<br/><br/>'Christ', she thought. Asked too soon.<br/><br/>Keith ruffled his hair "I am not-", he tried denying but Alice gave him an 'if you lie to me, I'll beat your teeth out with a stick' look so he inhaled "How did you find out?".<br/><br/>"I saw you and Shasha", she lied nonchalantly.<br/><br/>"Okay fine", he raised his hands in the air "I am cheating, but I have a very good reason behind it".<br/><br/>Alice scoffed and pulled her lips to the side "I bet you a hundred bucks right here and right now that your reason is stupid as the fuck".<br/><br/>"Being a girl, you probably will think it is stupid".<br/><br/>Alice lifted her chin "Never start a conversation with me by throwing the gender in my face".<br/><br/>Keith widened his eyes "Oh shit sorry Alice, but I mean you will probably be on the girls side, you don't even date".<br/><br/>"Because I'm too emotional", she told him matter of factly.<br/><br/>"Okay fine, theres that. Everyones emotional Alice-".<br/><br/>Alice jumped in "Not like me".<br/><br/>Keith shook his head "Okay whatever, and in a relationship guys look for fun, love, sex and emotions".<br/><br/>"Uhhu", Alice balanced her cheek on her palm.<br/><br/>"Love, sex and emotions I can get from Shaniq. Anytime I want it. But fun".<br/><br/>Alice lifted her self and sat on the pool table "What about fun?".<br/><br/>Keith crossed his legs and uncrossed them immediately "Look I've been with Shaniq for a year now, I know every single inch of her body like the back of my hand, it's been a year now Alice, theres no new stuff, no fights, i mean i feel like I'm married, I'm bored of her and what better way to get this fun than messing with her disloyal bestfriend".<br/><br/>"What!!!!!!!", Alice yelled.<br/><br/>"Chill, chill, chill, I love Shaniq more than anything and all I'm saying is that fun is supposed to feel like a sin, you supposed to feel guilty, and theres no way I can feel guilty when I'm with Shaniq. Shaniq feels right, she makes me feel like an angel. But with Shasha, its fireful ecstasy, ecstasy that leaves me starving, craving for more sin. And the sad truth is that I can never get fun from Shaniq".<br/><br/>"But why her bestfriend though, couldn't you hire a stripper, if you can't control yourself?".<br/><br/>Keith chuckled "That's the point Alice that's what makes it feel like a sin".<br/><br/>"So what will you do if Shaniq ever found out?".<br/><br/>"I'd regret it and spend the rest of my life carrying pink balloons to her house".<br/><br/>Alice chuckled.<br/><br/>"Plus she'll never find out, we got stealth".<br/><br/>Alice frowned at him. If only he knew, she couldn't tell him that she knew, not now.<br/><br/>"Sadly I get you", and she stood up to leave.<br/><br/>Once by the door Keith called her and she turned back.<br/><br/>"Don't you owe me a hundred dollars, Alice?".<br/><br/>Alice groaned and pulled out her purse and took out ten, ten dollar bills and handed it to him "A deal is a deal", and she was off home, until an idea struck her and she searched her phone for Shaniq's IG username. Once she found it she video called it and asked for directions to her house.<br/><br/>It wasn't fair and Shaniq didn't deserve it.<br/><br/>But do you know what else.<br/><br/>She reacted like a girl and a little girl time wouldn't hurt.<br/><br/>______________________________________________<br/><br/>💜AIO💜<br/><br/></p>