

Alexander Gordon Is leaving school to get lunch with some friends when suddenly he walks out of the door blinks, and he's in the world of Tollan. Will he rise to power and fame? Or die on the first day? Anything is possible in this world.

Salty2974 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Where am I?

What Alex laid his eyes on was simply unimaginable. It wasn't something like a generic medieval setting but it wasn't like something from a fantasy novel. What he saw could only be described as Otherworldy.

The only words that came out of his mouth were "Where am I...?"

Alex decided to get a grip on himself and get a better look at his surrounding. Behind him was a castle, on both sides of himself and in front of him, there were 3 staircases going straight down. Each was about 6 feet apart (About 1.8 meters) With barriers in between. Alex decided to go down the middle one because that was the closest.

It took him about 5 minutes to get down the staircase and once he got to the bottom in front of him, he saw a huge market square with what looked like shops everywhere, but it became clear that wherever he was it was severely underdeveloped in technology as these weren't your typical shops. It looked like something from a game.

All the signs had weird symbols on them that Alex couldn't read. He decided to go up to one of them and asked: "Hey where am I?"

"Chii? Uri mutsva pano? Ah bata rega ndikutsvagire something"

It was that weird language again. As the old man said this he went to reach for something in his tent and pulled out something that looked exactly like what he had on in the castle. The man put it on, Alex and suddenly-

"So you not from around here?"

"Wait...I can hear you now...?"

"Yup you never head of translates?"

"What are those?"

"They translate whatever you hear into something you can understand."

"What?! I've never heard about that before."

"Really? It's kinda hard to go without them...Say kid where ya from?"

"Oh the U.S.A"

"The what?"

"Really you don't know what that is?"

"No idea say kid you got any weapons?"

"Nope. Never used one in my life."

The look on the man's face was complete shock and disbelief.

"You've gone this entire time without any weapons?!"

"Yea is that a big deal of something?"

The man grabs both of my shoulders on the side and started shaking me while yelling


He suddenly stops shaking me. He tells me to come with him so I decide to follow him and see what happens. As were walking past all these shops we finally get to the end and he stops. He opens the door walks in and says "Come on in"

The building in front of me was about double the size of a convenient store. It looked like it was a two story building but with one floor. I cautiously walk into the building, on my left I see a bin of rusty old looking swords next to the bin were 3 really nice looking swords in contrast with the ones in the bin.

On my right i see a bunch of what looks like armour and behind that in the middle there's a small room with a curtain. In front of me i see a counter with a bunch of drinks behind.

The man walks behind the counter and tells me: "Pick any one you like"

I jokingly said "Ah no thanks. Im broke."

The man quickly replied with "Free of charge."

"So take one from the bin?"

"Those aren't for sale, I don't sell bad broken swords."

"Ah ok, whats the best one then?"

"That depends kid, no single sword is the best they each have their disadvantages and their advantages sure but it really comes down to the weilder."

"Alright then what do they all do?"

The man started with the furthest right one (The one closest to him) the sword had a grass green look it sorta looked like 4 times the size of a katana in terms of the blade.

As he pointed at the sword he said "That one is the munondo weuswa it can cut through most things as long as it isn't stronger than steel and besides that its a pretty regular blade. Moving on"

He pointed at the middle one, its base had a gold and black color scheme, with the actually blade having golden what looked like jappense letters on it horizontally. (The letters were人間の平和)

"They say whoever weilds this blade will become the next golden god and bring peace to the human race. The names a bit tricky as it relies on who poeses it depending on what type of person you'll become. The base name is: Golden god but if a healer gets it then it will be called healer god so on and so fourth. The letters say: Human peace no body is sure on what it can do moving o-"

"Whats a golden god?"

The man was stunned as he said "You don't know? Oh well I'll tell ya, there are 4 rankings for gods: Bronze god, Silver god, Golden god, Dimand god, and Shadow/Light god.

"I want it."


"I want it."

"Hmm, you may not be able to weild it..."

"I want it"

The man let out a loud sigh.


The man grabs the sword and hands it to me with a black and gold sleeve looking thing covering the blade with the pattern of a dragon. I grab the sword and he gives me a holster for the blade which i put the sword into.

"Thank you."

The man simply said "Good luck kid"

"Huh? What?"

"See ya around"

"Yea...see you"

I felt a strange feeling so i just decided to walk out, and there was a man with black hair and a white cloak pointing his blade right at me.