
Tokyo Revengers: Intrinsically Insidious

In the Kanto Region of Japan, the gripping tale unfolds as 22-year-old Yamishin Kyoki ruthlessly seizes control of South Yokohama, driven by a toxic blend of ambition and hunger for power. Alongside his equally venomous partner in crime, Remi, Kyoki sets his sights on an audacious plan to conquer the entirety of Yokohama. However, Kyoki's turbulent history with the notorious Black Dragon gang looms as a formidable obstacle to his expansionist ambitions. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for power and a sense of urgency, Kyoki embarks on a brutal conquest, navigating a perilous path where alliances are fragile, and the pursuit of dominance takes precedence over all else. —------------------------------- This fan-fic is set in an expanded alternate universe of Tokyo Revengers with characters that are unlike canon as well as non-canon events. This takes place in the same fan-fic universe as “Tokyo Revengers: Threnody of Extant” By MrGoldStar. This is also cross posted on ArchiveOfOurOwn, under the name "Nitrous6." If you wish to support me, I have a Patreon: patreon.com/TheWorkOfNitrous Discord: https://discord.gg/eKZsaqTuM8

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17 Chs

Ten Crimson Rivers(1)

Three Hours Ago

All the men of Team Salmon were stationed outside of their vehicles, bickering and celebrating the win near the TOHO Cinema. "What's up with the serious face, boss?" Yuuto leaned over the car, drink in hand.

"We're not done."

"What?" Yuuto laughed, confused, "we got all their safehouses sir. Now it's just their headquarters."

"We gotta go up north. I lied to the teams about this being Team Salmons last task."

Ryo, on the other side of the car, pushed away the other members close by, then walked over next to Kyoki and Yuuto, "we got more work?" he asked.

"Yes. We need to head up north, to the Keihan Industrial Zone."

"Wait," Ryo scratched his eyebrow, continuing, "you mean where Team Swallow is? What's happening up there?"

Kyoki sighed, reached into his jacket, and continued his escape, puffing out smoke, "we have a mole." He said, quietly.

"!" Both of their expressions turned shell-shocked, a momentary paralysis gripping their features as the unexpected revelation sank in.

"Who?" Ryo snapped out of it, veins popping out of his forehead.

"Don't know." He shrugged his shoulders in response. "But anyway, that's not the real reason we're headed up north. That's only the reason for why I didn't tell anybody."

The two waited in anticipation before Kyoki spoke, "the Himura Family is going to attack them."

"Them being Team Swallow?" Yuuto questioned, Kyoki nodding his head in agreement, yet his face remained the same.

"But I thought you said nobody would get hurt?" Ryo barked, nearly loud enough for others to hear.

"Yeah well...I lied." Kyoki met Ryo's eyes.

Ryo's eyes were a deep shade of blue, yet they sparkled with an unmistakable vitality. His gaze, akin to a moonlit ocean, held a vivacious energy that seemed to breathe life into the very essence of his being. The dark blue hues, when caught in the play of light, revealed a radiant sparkle.

On the contrary, Kyoki, bore eyes of a similar deep blue, but devoid of emotion. His gaze, dark and inscrutable, lacked the lively glimmer that characterized Ryo's eyes. Instead, Kyoki's blue eyes seemed to be veiled in a mysterious shadow, betraying little of the emotions that lay beneath the surface. Where Ryo's eyes sparkled with life, Kyoki's remained enigmatic and unyielding, concealing the depths within.

Yuuto noticed a tension rising, "well you have a plan to win right, boss?" He quickly interjected.

"Mhm, I do. But the truth is," he groaned, "it'll mostly be up to you guys." He turned his head to Ryo and said, "gather up the men and let them know where we're headed."

"But boss I dont have that authority."

"You do when you tell them it's by my order. Now go." He shooed Ryo away, who started to assemble the tired men.

"I respect you more than anyone, boss, but I don't see why you couldn't tell us." Yuuto grumbled, stretching his legs.

"I choose the plan that is the most optimal in two things. The lives of my men," he loosened the tie on his suit, "and the lives of my enemies."

Yuuto looked back at the men, whom were all frustrated with the news. However, they were obedient, and above all, confident in their ability to win. He scoffed, "I've been following you for some time now, so I should know above all. We always come out on top."

It looked as if the corners of Kyoki's lips curled, but Yuuto wasn't sure, because if they did, then they quickly disappeared. "I should warn you. I maybe...a bit different when we get there."

"Himura Tadashi, huh?"


Yuuto crossed his arms and sighed, "well, how do we get you back?"

"Try not to worry about that. Somebody'll bring me back."


Amidst the crackling roar of the inferno, Daken advanced through the corridor engulfed in flames. Heat waves distorted the air around him as embers danced like ethereal sprites. The acrid scent of burning wood and melting materials filled his nostrils, yet his focused gaze remained fixed on the goal. The intense heat caused the metal surfaces to warp and gleam like molten veins, casting an eerie glow on his path while debris, ignited by the voracious blaze, cascaded from above, creating a perilous dance of falling obstacles. Undeterred, Daken deftly maneuvered through the fiery obstacle course, sidestepping flaming wreckage with calculated precision.

As he advanced, a cascade of sparks rained down from exposed conduits and twisted girders overhead, creating a volatile display that mirrored the chaotic dance of the surrounding inferno.

The metallic clang of falling debris echoed through the narrow passages, a discordant percussion to Daken's determined footsteps.

'Just a bit further!' He thought, his skin turning bright red as small explosions continued.

With each step, the searing heat intensified, causing rivulets of sweat to cascade down his face. The metal surfaces, now transformed into a maze of fiery obstacles, reflected the relentless determination in his eyes. As he approached the targeted room, its metal door offered a brief respite from the all-encompassing blaze, a momentary sanctuary within the tumultuous heart of the industrial inferno.

He went to open the doors, "ACKK!" He yelped. He looked down at his palms, blisters forming from the burns, 'Idiot!' He thought to himself, smacking himself in the head.

"Come on...Come on....Come on!" He hurled a kick with all his might, the metal slightly creaking and forcing an opening. He crawled through.

'Shit! There's only a few crates!' 

He went to the crates that were not on fire, obviously, and ripped them open.

"Thank God." He uttered to himself as he took out handgun, nearly kissing it.

While Daken found a safe haven, the Himura Family remained outside. They had already killed five men who tried jumping the fences, the rest followed Remi.

They thought they were safe.

The ground begun to shake, and low rumblings of motors filled the air.

"It's him." Tadashi whispered to himself, "Yamishin Kyoki."

Super duper short chapter, I'll probably only VERY rarely go lower than 1200 words, and this is near 1000, so definity short. Hope you guys enjoyed though!

Nitrouscreators' thoughts