
Toilet Reincarnation

Rei, is the usual college graduate, with a crappy job, and an abusive boss, with nothing going as he planned after graduating from college, suddenly dies in an accident, Just when he thinks life will be better in another world, where he can finally find happiness, he gets reincarnated as a toilet, Not surprised by his luck, he aims to live the best laid-back life he can this time around, even if he stays as a toilet.

Draxmn · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

To The City

[Eca Kingdom, a road in the middle of nowhere, close to Rei's location]

On the side of the road, a fancy-looking carriage, with a guard standing next to it, and an elegant pale old lady with long blonde hair and red eyes sitting inside.

The lady startled from the scream, 'Oh my, have you heard that?? Was that my husband's voice?'

'Don't worry mistress, Sven went to where lord Calum is, Everything will be fine. besides, there shouldn't be any monsters around here.'

Sven while rushing into the forest, stops and stands his ground after he finds Calum kneeling down in front of a toilet and begging forgiveness.

'I'm really sorry!! I didn't know you were a person.'

As Rei is still confused, he hasn't processed what happened to him 'huh? What do you mean not a person.'

Calum looks up at Rei 'Well, I'm not sure how to explain this to you, but you are a toilet.'

After some awkward silence, Rei remembers what happened and that it wasn't all just a bad dream

'FUCK you, you shitty angels, Why would anyone want to be a toilet.... and YOU why would you try to shit in a toilet in the middle of nowhere.'

Calum responds in shame 'Well I really had to go.'

Sven slowly starts approaching them 'Uhm…. Lord Calum? Are you okay? Why are you talking to a suspicious toilet in the middle of nowhere.'

'Oh yes, I'm perfectly fine, didn't mean to alert you, it seems this is a person who got a transformation curse, which made them like this.'

Rei wanted to correct him by saying that it's actually not a curse, but it's more convenient if he just goes with it 'My name is Rei, and yes somehow I got transformed into this….''

Calum tells Rei 'As an apology, how about you accompany us back to my mansion, I can ask a friend of mine to take a look at your curse.'

Rei, having nowhere to go, excitedly accepts 'Thank you so much!' then that excitement dies down when he remembers he can't move.

'Uhm, I would love to accompany you, but I'm not sure how I can move in this form.'

Calum starts laughing and tells Rei to not worry 'We have Sven for this, he will carry you.'

Sven picks up Rei and they start walking towards the carriage.

Rei notices Sven in pain carrying him, 'Sorry if I'm too heavy.'

Sven responds while being out of breath 'No...no worries... Heh, heh I can carry even 10 of you.'

As they approach the carriage, Calum goes in the carriage to talk with his wife.

Mik who's protecting the carriage sees them and starts laughing hysterically 'Sven, you found your bride, and you carrying her back.'

Sven angrily responds 'Hey, Watch it, this poor guy got a transformation curse.'

Mik starts panicking 'Oh no, no, I'm really sorry, I didn't know.'

Rei, having already accepted what happened to him, tells them that it's alright.

Calum after explaining the situation to his wife, comes to greet Rei 'I'm terribly sorry for the trauma my husband caused you, My name is Nora Capia, I'm Calum Capia's wife, we would more than welcome you to stay at our mansion in Ralswa, until you can get rid of that curse.'

'Thank you both for your help!'

Since there was nothing else to do, Calum tells Sven to prepare the carriage so they can move.

Sven awkwardly asks 'Lord, do you need us to wait a bit more, for you to do your "duty".'

Calum starts laughing 'haha no need, it went back right up after what happened.'

Sven places Rei inside the carriage, in between Calum and Nora, and they start moving towards Ralswa city.

After some thirty minutes of silence, Nora tries to break the awkwardness 'Uhm, so a curse huh, what exactly happened? Do you know who did this to you?'

Rei starts thinking of an excuse, knowing he cant start telling people that he's from another world, so he makes up an excuse that his memory is a bit hazy 'I'm not sure what happened, all I know is I woke up like this, and have no collection of anything.'

Calum asks Rei to look up his status since it might jug up his memory.

'Status? What Status?'

The couple both look at each other with sad expressions, Calum explains to Rei that everyone can view their own status, by thinking of 'status', and they can see their skills or effects that are active.

Rei remembers what that stupid Angel told him that this world has game elements, so he tries thinking of status and it pops up in his view.


Name: Rei Staurt Age:26 Race: toilet (Human)

Title: "The one who shit his pants and made me wi….", "The Reincarnated toilet"

Level: 1 Job: Jobless (Don't be a Leech)

Hp: 420 Mp: 4069

STR: 24 DEX: 19

INT: 46 LUK: 1


/Toilet Transformation/ |Active|

Transforms the user into a toilet.

/Language Interpreter/ |Active|

Allows the user to understands all languages.

/?????????/ |Active|

?????? ??? ???? ?? ??????????? ??? ?????????

/Growth Assist/ |Active|

2x Experience boost, Every level, all stats are increased by 5 (Except LUK).



Allows the user to float (limited to 5 meters).

/Flush Master/

Temporarily Increases INT stat by 30 [Can be used once a day].

/Environment Perception/

Allows the user to perceive his surroundings (2 Km Limit).

/Poseidon's Kiss/

Splash toilet water on an enemy.


Rei sighs 'Well I guess they didn't screw me over that much, But what's with those titles.'

Calum gets excited 'Have you remembered something?'

'Ah no, nothing, but it seems I do have a curse of some sort.'

Calum reassures Rei that his friend specializes in curse magic and will be able to help him.

Since Rei is still new to this world, and the shit angel didn't explain anything, he took the opportunity to get more information, he asked Calum about where they are going.

'Oh, I forgot you have lost your memory' Calum explains that they are in the kingdom of Eca, The city they are going to is the capital Ralswa, The Eca Kingdom is in between two kingdoms, The beastmen kingdom Nesa and the dominantly human kingdom Biari.

Calum adds that while Eca is a small kingdom, but it's on good terms with both Nesa and Biari, and it's considered as a knowledge hub, since it has the biggest academy, nobels from both kingdoms come here to study.

After some time passes, Ralswa can be seen on the horizon, Nora gets excited 'Finally, we are almost at Ralswa, Rei, you can see the big academy tower from he—, Ah pardon me, I forgot you were cursed, and have no eyes.'

Rei explains that he might not have eyes, but he can perceive everything around him as if he has eyes, he can even see their expressions, because of his skill /Environment Perception/, also having another skill called /Float/, that might allow him to move by himself.

As they approach the city gates, Rei can feel that they are passing through the long line of carriages, and go straight in, 'They must be very influential people here, and they are also nice, maybe they can actually help me.'

After traveling a while, they reach a huge mansion, that looks like a castle from medieval times 'Woah, is this your mansion?' Rei asks

Calum responds with a satisfied look 'Haha, yes it might be a bit small, but we designed everything.'

The carriage stops at the main entrance, the carriage door opens, to over 40 maids greeting the lord.

Nora tells Rei 'Welcome to our house, please consider yourself at home, you should get a bath, then you can go to bed…. I forgot to ask, can you actually sleep?'

Since Rei still knows nothing 'Well I'm not sure, I guess even if I can't fall asleep, I can just sit in the dark with my thoughts….'

Calum responds with a pitiful look, 'Ah, okay….. Just don't lose yourself'

Calum calls for the head maid Yuka, 'This young man got a transformation curse, and he will be staying here as our guest until we figure out how to undo it, please get him cleaned up and show him to his room.' and gives a wink to Rei.

Rei almost crying having someone actually help him for the first time 'Thank you again, Lord Calum, for all your help.'

'Hehehe, no worries, tomorrow we will also visit Professor Philip to take a look at your curse'

Rei gets picked up and placed in the bath alone, after staying there for some time, he starts to wonder if they forgot about him not being able to move, or pretty much do anything 'Sigh, I guess I can just stay here until they come to take me...'

As he starts contemplating life, the maids come in 'We are here to clean you up.'

Rei starts to feel their presence, there are five girls surrounding him.

'It's alright, you can just go ahead and take me to my be—'

They all start scrubbing him with soap going in, deep cleaning him.

'No! Wait not there, wait that feels too gooooooooooooood'

[Flush] [User's INT increased by 30]

'I'm done now….Please take me to my room' Rei tells them with a deep shamed voice.

They take him and place him in his bedroom on the bed, and put a blanket over him.

Being alone for the first time since he came to this world, Rei finally starts to realize that this is his life now… No more suffering and getting abused on earth. No more office work.

'Sigh, It's a new life, I can maybe finally live free. This could be my chance to be happy, but first, I must get back to being a human, I don't want to live like this, That will be my goal for now."

As Rei slowly falls asleep, a notification pops up.

[New Quest…. "Become Human Again"]

[New Title, "Can't even last 3minutes"]