
Toilet Reincarnation

Rei, is the usual college graduate, with a crappy job, and an abusive boss, with nothing going as he planned after graduating from college, suddenly dies in an accident, Just when he thinks life will be better in another world, where he can finally find happiness, he gets reincarnated as a toilet, Not surprised by his luck, he aims to live the best laid-back life he can this time around, even if he stays as a toilet.

Draxmn · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The Academy

[Eca Kingdom, Calum's Mansion]

Rei wakes up feeling satisfied 'It feels so good, Is this how rich people feel like, back on earth.'

A knock on the door interrupts his thoughts, a maid comes in. 'Good morning, Sir Rei.'

'Good morning Calli.'

'Today is the big day, we all wish u the best, go get first place! we believe in you.'

Rei thinks to himself "first place? is there like a competition on the first day.... whatever."

'Thanks! I will do my best.'

Rei starts moving towards the dining room, greeting people along the way, he has become friends with most of the staff in the mansion, he goes into the dining room, sees Calum eating.

'Good morning Lord Calum.'

Calum responds 'Ah Rei, Good morning, how are you today, Nervous?'

'Well, Not really, I've been to school before, Nothing to be worried about.'

Calum starts laughing 'Hohoho, That's our Rei, you will do well there.'

'Sure I will, I'll do my best to avoid any trouble, and attend until professor PP helps me undo the curse.'

Nora comes in, goes, and hugs Rei 'Good morning Rei, Are you excited for today? I know you will make so many friends there.'

'Good morning, Ya I'm sure there will be a line of people waiting to be friends with a toilet.'

'Don't say that Rei! You're an amazing kid, and very talented, you will be okay.'

Calum shrugs 'Also, Rei, after all that training, I think you probably are stronger than most students attending the academy, maybe in the future even stronger than that new hero.'

'NOOO… Please don't say that, As much as I like winning, I rather not have all those responsibilities that the hero has.'

'Hohoho, That's the spirit...Alright, Yuka… I think that's enough, you can stop stuffing food in Rei, He will need to leave, he can't be late today. Sven will take u to the academy, but he won't be able to accompany you inside, it's limited to students only.'

'Thank you so much, both of you, for everything...'

They both make put on a wide genuine smile 'Don't mention it… We came to see you as part of our family now.'

They both wish Rei good luck, Rei leaves for the carriage, and goes towards the academy, along the way the roads slowly start getting more crowded Rei asks Sven 'Why is it so crowded?'

'Ah, it's like this every year, it's because today is like a holiday for a lot of people, parents see their kids off to the academy, also because of the hero, more people are trying to take a peak.'

'Alright, we reached the gate, from here on only students are allowed, so you will have to go by yourself. I'll come back at noon when you're done.'

'Thank you for the ride, see you later.'

'Wait, almost forgot, take this identification number, the professor sent it.'

Sven sticks it on to Rei and wishes him good luck.

Rei starts floating going through the academy gate, he gets surprised by the fact not many people are staring at him, he starts picking up on the students' chatter, two boys walking beside him.

'Hey, did you see the hero?'

'Of course, I did, her beautiful long black hair, and blue eyes, I wouldn't mind knowing her...hehehe.'

'Haha, same, bruh, but she's flat though, I guess you can't be perfect...'

"Ah...Great…. some cringe in the morning, well at least the boys are still horny, same as earth."

Rei starts to feel a crowd gathering close by.

'I don't understand why would the hero start bullying students.'

'It's not her you idiot, it's William Blackwell, son of duke Harold, everyone says he's a bully like his brother, and you should avoid him.'

'But she's not doing anything to stop him, just standing there expressionless.'

Rei starts laughing inside his mind "hahahahaha, of course, the bully cliche, I think I can feel the crowd from the right, sorry whoever getting his ass kicked, not getting involved, let's just go around the—'

While Rei is in deep thoughts, avoiding the crowd, a male student with short silver hair and dark brown eyes, wearing the academy's white uniform, gets thrown right at him.

'Ah, that really hurt, I'm really sorry man I didn't know I'll be thrown at yo—'

He looks up, seeing a toilet 'The fuck? No wonder it hurt, someone left a toilet here'

William walks to him, with the hero beside him.

'hahaha...That's what you get, you low noble, you go to where you belong in the bathroom with toilets.'

Rei starts to get pissed off 'Hey man, not cool, just because you're handsome doesn't mean you can go around throwing people.'

'Huh? Who said that?'

William starts looking around, with everyone looking as well, in confusion.

'What who said that, I'm right here, I'm the toilet!'

William takes a step back 'What the fuck is going on here, how is a toilet speaking…. That's just too weird, Annie let's just go.'

'Phewwww, Great, he left, I'm sorry again for hitting you, My name is Allen, nice to meet you.'

'I'm Rei, don't mention it, you didn't throw yourself anyway.'

Allen looks at Rei's number 'hey, your number is 42, mine is 41, what a coincidence, we're in the same test group, why don't we go together.'

Allen sees a professor coming from afar, and starts trying to move Rei, while Rei is having an existential crisis "Test? Test? Test? Test? What fucking test, I thought it's just a normal first day….Shit, I'm so fucked…."

'Shit, Rei, we need to leave before we get in trouble.'

Rei snaps out of it, and they start running towards the test area.

'sigh...I didn't know there's a test, I probably won't pass.'

Allen looks confused 'How can you not know the academy's test??' he thinks to himself if he should tell Rei, that there's a written test as well, but doesn't want to get him more depressed.

'Anyway, it's not that hard, not that many people fail. We are almost there, so we are in group A'

They make it to the testing area right before the test supervisor comes.

A balding fat man, wearing a huge amount of jewelry, starts walking around checking the students with a creepy smile.

'Hehehe, of course, the hero is in my group, I'm Mahor the best profes—'

He stops at Rei 'What is this, whose prank is this? It's not funny! Whoever did this, show yourself now!'

'Uhm, Professor? My name is Rei, I have a transformation curse, was no one informed about me?'

'How is it even possible for you to join the academy, how would you do this test or the written test...'

'Damn't, of course, there's a written test as well, how didn't I see it coming'

'This is the problem with you people… I should fail you straight away.'

As they start arguing, Professor PP comes in running, out of breath.

'Damn that was a long run… Rei…..Good...Morning.'

'Good morning professor PP.'

Mahor gets angry 'Prof. Philip, you know this thing?! How can someone like this be allowed into my prestigious academy.'

PP gives Mahor a disgusted look 'YOUR academy? I don't recall you owning this place, besides Rei is a special student, I already got permission from the headmaster, I'll be in charge of his writing test.'

Mahor starts panicking and laughing nervously 'ha ha. I didn't mean anything by it…. If the headmaster says so, then it's allowed…...'

'Good…Rei, come to my office after you're done here.'

'Alright, will do. Thanks, professor.'

Mahor gives Rei a dirty look, before starting to explain the test.

'The test is simple, all you need to do is hit the target that's 200m away, and your score will be based on how deep your attack penetrates it, that should be easy enough even for toilets….'

As the students start getting tested, with most of them dealing minimal damage to the target, they get to the hero's turn, with all eyes on her, waiting in anticipation to see how well she'll do.

Annie creates an ice spear and shoots it towards the target, destroying it completely.

While everyone cheering, Rei and Allen are in the back.

'Damn, guess she really is a hero, I believe only 4 people to date were able to destroy that, oh well, after her is that asshole William who threw me.'

'Well, let's see how well he do.'

William gets ready to do the test, everyone goes silent, he launches a fire attack towards the target, and it goes halfway through the target.

Mahor starts getting really happy 'heheheeh, these two will be in my class.'

'Alright, it's my turn now.'

Allen goes and casts a magic bullet, it penetrates the target, almost beating William, everyone starts chattering loudly.

Mahor starts orgasming from the excitement of the thought of having three top students in his class.

'Damn, Allen, not bad, you're also very strong.'

'Hahaha thanks, Rei, you're next, good luck.'

While rei starts going to the attacking position, he starts thinking if he should try his best or not.

"I would rather not have the spotlight, but I sure do like competition….. Let's try to fucking destroy it while being cool."

Rei gets ready to attack, but Mahor is standing in front of him, he ignores him and shouts 'MAGIC BULLET'

A very thin ray of light goes near Mahor, through the target exploding it and the wall behind it, with everyone's mouth wide open, Mahor is in shock, and Annie starts laughing.

'Hmph, so did I pass? May I go to Professor PP's office now.'

Mahor having almost get annihilated tell him 'Ye..s….'

'Alright, See you later Allen, I'll be going now. Good luck with your test.'

'Thanks! Good luck to you too.'

Rei goes to PP's office, slams himself on the door to knock.

'Come in.'

'Hello, Prof. I finished my practical test.'

'Good...good... I assume it went well.'

Rei starts laughing sinisterly, 'Hehehe, yes it did…'

'Alright, since you can't write, I will ask you the questions and I'll write for you, the exam isn't that hard, most commoners pass it.'

Rei gets nervous, starts concentrating "I must listen properly."

'The first question, it's about math, what's 14 plus 32?'


'What's 14 plus 32, Sigh…..I guess it might be hard on you since you lost your memory.'

'Wait, I was just surprised by the question, the answer is 46.'

'Excellent, next question what's 5 multiplied by 6.'


'Guess you're a smart one, aren't you.'

'Haha, yes…..'

'Ok, what's the airspeed velocity of a magic bullet?'

'What? Uhm, I don't know that.'

'Hahaha, I'm just kidding that's not part of the exam, let's continue.'

They continue with the questions, with mostly basic math and physics questions.

'Alright, see… that wasn't hard, you got a full mark.'

'I thought it would be something related to history or some complex math, but I guess this is it...'

'Prof, regarding the curse, were you able to find anything.'

'Well, I still haven't found any clues regarding your curse, but I have a promising lead, I will call on you later, but for now… Rei Staurt, Congratulations, on getting into Eca's Academy of magic.'