A lonely young man left alone and dying alone. Wakes up to a new life. Finding himself in Equestria a land where giant antro ponies live and finds himself no longer lonely as the mares are giving him all the attention he had wanted and more. (To Your Eternity and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Crossover) Contains harem and futa.
Both Celestia and Sun woke up earlier as they always do and brought up the sun. The day sisters laid back on their shared bed, which they shared with their daughter Sunset who slept between them. Both of them are very protective of her, even if Sunset prefers the embrace of Sun to Celestia. But even so Sunset is unable to resist her voluptuous motherly body. Her moms and aunts are truly beautiful. Sun is gifted with regal elegance, exquisite curvature, and a gargantuan bosom that outsized other ponies bosoms, she was quite arguably the loveliest of all the royal families.
"Morning sisters," Moon said as she entered with Luna both naked.
"Morning sisters," Sun said getting off the bed and walk over to Moon.
Standing side by side, it was like looking into a mirror. Both Moon and Luna had been growing since that day when Sunset return with the sirens, Luna breaking free and what happen in the old castle. Now Moon is as big as Sun is with Sun only having a few inches on her in height, the same went with Luna.
"How was the night shift?" Sun asked.
"Good, the sirens spent all night servicing us," Moon said as she had the siren sisters underneath her desk with them servicing her cock together, one having her cock down their throat while the other two lick her balls. Which Luna got to experience when she took her shift in doing paperwork while Moon look after the dream world.
"Might as well give them the day off then. Besides it's been awhile since we did any bonding that didn't had some pony between us," Sun said as she embrace Moon who embrace her back.
As the two embraced, their enormous breasts quashed firmly together into flattened masses of titillating softness. Their arms lovingly caress one another, from shoulders to lower back, fingers teasing over each other's bodies. Every shift of their voluptuous frames, every quiver of their immense racks pushing into each other, it all forms a magnificent display of lesbianism.
"Come let's bring Sunset to the bath so we can teach her the joys of sex without having a magical cock," Moon said.
"Yes," Sun said turning to the bed and saw that Sunset is busy.
Celestia had flop her massive left breast on top of Sunset's face, pressing her nipple on her mouth. Sunset waking up and finding a massive breast covering her face, just began suckling drinking up the milk of whom ever is pressing their breast on her face again. It's one of the few times that Celestia gets to be close to Sunset who normally treats her like a piece of furniture.
"Morning," Cadance said as she enters with Heart.
Both Cadance and Heart get along better than the others, as Cadance had few duties to do around Canterlot and when Heart took her place as one of the 3 ruling queens, Cadance didn't had anything really to lose. Luna and Moon have a complex relationship, as Moon is what Luna use to be. Moon does her best to bond with her twin as she and the others see themselves as now. As for Sun and Celestia, their relationship is the worse with Sun only tolerating her twin as she can't forgive how she treated Sunset. (1)
"Come let's bath and then eat," Luna said wanting to eat before going to sleep.
"Yes," Celestia said lifting Sunset up in her arms as she continued to suckle on her breast, drinking up her milk.
Sunset pressed her face up tightly to Celestia's breast as she nursed on her nipple and sucked it into her mouth. Her tongue played with the nipple inside her mouth as her lips were pressed firmly to the pebbly areola surrounding it.
Sunset switched to suck on Celestia's other nipple for a while, and she nursed and slurped on it until the dark pink nub of flesh was firm and wet. Sunset's face was pressed up close to Celestia's bosom, and her lips were opened wide and she tried to devour as much as other mother's breast as she could, sucking so hard her cheeks caved in.
"Sunset is always hungry," Cadance said having seen Sunset always suckling on hers and the others breasts.
"She is a young alicorn," Heart said.
"She has much growing to do before she's fully grown. And why she's always eating. Our milk is super rich, filled with magic and nutrition that her body needs to grow," Celestia said.
Sunset stop sucking on Celestia's breast and flew over to Sun who took her in her arms and held her close as Sunset began drinking heavily from her breasts. Celestia just stared longingly at how close Sunset is with Sun, always preferring to be with Sun then her.
Canterlot -
Wearing the hooded cloak Izak walk towards the big building, while in the center of the group of women who brought him here. They told him that he needs to stay with them and not to remove the hood or the cloth covering around his mouth, remain silent so that they could reach the castle without drawing attention. He still couldn't help but stare at all the people and all the tall buildings that look to be made out of stone.
The shadowbolt leader Ingigo Zap kept her eyes open as she, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare kept the human male in the center of their group. Their uniforms identified themselves as part of the new Equestria military and the cutie mark of princess Sunset showed that their part of her personal guard, causing the ponies to clear the way as they made their way to the castle. The royal guards are being retained or replaced as Queen Sun and Moon are very displeased with how useless the guards have become under Celestia's rule. The fake dragon attack is still fresh on the pony's minds of how the old soldiers and Wonderbolts fled and hide while the dragon was attacking the city.
The group made it to the front gate to the castle grounds, where they pass by the guards who are wearing red armor. They're the red guard the soldiers who replaced the old sun guards who are just useless. Athena red guard have been slowly replacing the old guards who were kept on the payroll till they could be replaced.
Once inside the castle the shadowbolts lead Izak deeper into the castle and pass more guards as they did so. One thing that Izak has been noticing is the lack of clothes that most of the people wore. He saw many walking around naked but also there are those who seem to be doing something that did wear clothes. All very confusing to him, but it is much warmer here than where he came from. The people in that town he had woken up in had people walking around outside in clothes but he did see people inside buildings naked. He would have to ask about that once he's meets with the princess.
"So this is him?" Raven Inkwell asked walking up to the group.
"Ask him yourself," Ingigo asked stepping aside and revealing Izak behind her.
"Greetings," Izak said.
"Come follow me," Raven said leading the group through the castle.
Reaching a room, Raven looks inside before entering the room and telling the others to wait. Awhile later she opens the door and let them inside. Walking inside the room Izak saw how big it is compare to the homes back home. The room is an office and is where Sunset does her work in.
"Hello Izak," Sunset said wearing a simple white backless dress.
"Hi Sunset," Izak said.
"Please take a seat," Sunset said pointing him to the chair in front of her desk. "Shadowbolts well done you're free to leave. Raven you tell mom I'll be here talking with Izak."
The others left leaving Izak and Sunset alone.
"Let's get down to it," Sunset said sitting down across from Izak. "Do you have any idea of where your home was located or what the land you came from is called?"
"I remember the land being called the Northlands," Izak said.
"What about your people? What were your people called?" Sunset asked.
"My tribe was he Uera tribe," Izak said.
"From what the others told me your people had no concept of glass windows and you were amazed at many common items when you were in the hospital. Which would make your people an isolated tribe, who has very little contact with other people. Seeing how you know of fruits and the northern lands don't have fruit bearing trees. The problem is that your village just showed up in a place where people have traveled through long enough where they would had seen your village. Which has lead me to believe your people were transported here," Sunset explains.
"Transported?" Izak asked.
"Yes you have been told about magic right?" Sunset asked.
"Indigo and the others showed me some magic spells," Izak said.
"Good because Izak as far as I know you're the only human here in Equestria. The only reason why I know of humans is because I went through a magic mirror the the place where humans are from," Sunset said.
"Really?" Izak asked.
"You have much to learn about this world and outside of your isolated village," Sunset said.
"Why are you helping me like this?" Izak asked.
"Because you're the first human to come to Equestia and I want to discover why you're here and how," Sunset said.
Author's Notes -
1 - Before becoming the ruler of the Crystal Empire, the show really didn't show what Cadance did as a princess.