
To whom it may concern

Life has never been easy for me. One day, while embarking on this journey called "Life" , we will need to stop and take a moment to admire all the obstacles we have surpassed. Yes it was never easy but aren't you glad you went through all that? I know I am. I mean,we've all dreamt of a perfect life. A life where all the things you have ever wanted are there, just there to cheer you up. A perfect life with no problems and issues. But where's the fun in that? That perfect life was never going to get you far anyway. You would have never learnt how to fight for yourself or get to see how people will change around you. I'm only 16 but I've already seen people change around me. I've already seen people leaving me and then coming back into my life like nothing ever happened. The worst part is, I let them do whatever they want because I'm scared of letting go. I'm scared of letting them go because I figured they came back because they couldnt live without me. No! They came back because the people they left me for, also left them. They come back into my life and probably yours too, because they had no one else to go to. And when they find someone else who's worth much more than you ever were, they will leave you again and they will never come back unless they've been hurt too.