

I wish I didn't love him. I wish his face didn't linger in the back of my mind no matter where I went of who I was with. I wish I loved him as much as I loved my boyfriend.

I'd dreamt of kissing him from the day we first met. He was not the most impressive, he wasn't muscular or tall and many didn't find him particularly handsome. But I saw something in him, in his sparkling emerald eyes and the smattering of freckles that lay beneath them. In his soft blond hair and thin lips and lean figure.

There was something about him that I couldn't quite place, something about him that made him approachable.

I knew I would love him from the very start, and yet I still fought for his attention. I pushed my relationship aside in pursuit of real love.

I don't regret what I've done, not for a moment. I don't regret loving him. I don't regret being unfaith.