
To the square of infinity

An eighteen year old trying to figure love…

aroseoflove · Thanh xuân
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A normal day

11:00 am

Voice of the alarm annoys me as I find my phone and shut the volume down. Ugh didn't sleep well last night. I was busy reading Colleen Hoover's November 9. Since my childhood I love to fantasise my life. I've always thought of myself as the main character and who doesn't? Everyone is the main character in their story. I have always wanted to be a girl who is good at everything like they tell in movies; she has a job in her teenage, a partner, a best friend and a supportive family. If I am complaining about it then definitely it means I want to have all of these but I don't. God, I forgot to introduce myself, This is me a clumsy girl who has just entered her eighteens. I am Elsie. A girl who is an orphan, with no job just a little amount of inheritance from my dead parents that is about to end, in a month or two. The rest of the introduction has to wait because I am already really late. In less than an hour, a girl is coming over because I am renting the other room of my apartment. This was my mother's apartment but after she passed away, I got it from my aunt. It's a three bedroom apartment and right now I am renting one of the room because I am in real need of money.

12:07 pm

Got done with the shower and dressed nicely, drying my brown wavy hair to look decent. I just hope she likes the room and takes it. The bell rings. It must be her. I shut the door of my messy room because I am so late to have the time to clean it. Now I am rushing towards the main door and as I open it there's a flash in front of my eyes, I don't know it's some really bright, white light and I am unable to see who's standing in front of me but I am sure, the voice I heard is not of some girl. It's a guy saying something but I don't understand and suddenly, my world goes black.