
To The Sky

The sun will set one day; the darkness will come to the world again, the dim starlight will reveal the shadows of horror that hide in the darkness, the moon will become the expected dawn and the sun will become one of the stories of the past that children hear about it from their elders, fear will become the currency of the world and the hope will be forbidden to talk about it and freedom will be dreams for children and elders they feed on it in a few moments before waking up to cruel reality…

AuthourZero · Võ hiệp
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25 Chs

Volume One {The soaring Dragon} Chapter Eleven {One against All 1}

In this world the dragon stands on top while the snakes hide in the shadows, trying in every way to bring down the dragon but the dragon will keep soaring …

* * * * *

"Take this with you"…

Drago felt something and looked at his hands and saw a faint line of red…

Drago was surprised and his surprise increased when he wiped the blood and tried to fix his hands to find that the cut doesn't disappear…

He looked behind him quickly to find the owner of the sword walking slowly…

"Your ceiling is limited and your capabilities are modest"…

Drago's expression calmed down and he said "Purity power, I never expected to encounter someone like you in this age"

"We have always prevailed" said the owner of the sword without stopping "beginning with the tyrant until now but people like you don't know the truth"

"If you are really strong there will be a place for you in this world but look at you some random wanderers who have no place for themselves and no power"…

{Stable meaning that he has no family or entity to support him}

"This is because we chose this life. Purity stems from detachment from obstacles such as power, family and for this you will never understand us"…

"You are right" Drago said" our paths are different but at one point you will converge and I hope that this point will come soon so that I can wipe all of your faces"

"Fool" These last words echoed from the sword owner's mouth before disappearing into the horizon…

Drago stared at his hiding place for a few moments before looking at the sword's mark on his hand then turned his face and walked carelessly ignoring the whole situation…

* * * * *

Drago came out of the black hole to find the professor Jin and some of those who passed the test waiting for him with signs of respect on their faces…

Drago ignored them and stood silently waiting for the test to end…

In a close corner Ban was looking at Drago in a challenge look…

Drago raised his head eyes met for a moment before ban shook his head in surrender "There is no hope"

It didn't take long until the test was over. The test was supposed to be a day. It only lasted an hour and among the thousands there were only a few dozen left.

Professor Jin cleared his throat and said "Congratulations on passing the exam. You are now official students at the Summit Academy. However, every year there is an exam for the newly enrolled students. Success means continuing to be students and failure means a one way ticket....Now follow me"

Professor Jin led them towards a long edifice on which was written in an old handwriting "the hall of education" As soon as they entered they found themselves in a large yard surrounded by many floors filled with many tyrannical auras represented by many smiling faces not happiness but a smile like the smile of a wolf looking at a herd of sheep.

Not everyone was like this, there was the careless, the pathetic and even the arrogant who was represented at the height of the floors which were divided into two halves occupied by two people one of whom was the owner of the sword and the other was a handsome and tall young man with black hair and big black eyes holding a silver oyster shell..

Below them were three divisions each division having a different logo and number of people…

"The study had begun, bye"

Professor Jin disappeared and that's when the discussions began…

"Some new fish"…

"And it's soft too I think we'll make a great feast"

"I agree with you let's start cooking them"

"We don't need to bother cooking them and waste our time let's eat them like this"

Those around Drago felt fierce looks and heard the words and turned back except Drago, Ban and that girl…

"Are you finished "…

Drago's voice stopped the sarcastic laughter and deep discussions…

"What did you say child?"

"I told you to shut up and…" Drago appeared in a moment in front of the one who spoke and punched him hard which nailed him to the wall "I'm not a child"

"Fuck you" The person who was hit stood up and filled with anger and his strength began to rage around him all it takes is one moment and he will explode and kill Drago…

"Stop" said the owner of the oyster shell calmly then talked to Drago "Is this a challenge for us?"

Drago replied firmly"Yes"

"Everyone is here"

"Yes and I hope that you will all come at once because I have something to do and I don't have enough time to play with you one by one"

"Good" said the owner of the oyster shell "although I don't like bullying especially on the newcomers but since you asked for this don't blame me. Kill him and I will deal with the consequences"

At that moment, the auras of thousands of people began to billow into the sky and murderous intent began to cry out in anguish as if it had been waiting for this day for a long time...

The new recruits were terrified and fell on their feet in fear and there were even some who wet their pants...

"He's mine "…

The person Drago hit a while ago was the first to come forward.

Flames exploded around him and his strength escalated until he reached the sky.

The flames surrounded him and he advanced very quickly with his hand ready to make Drago fly in the sky…

"The steps of domination...the last step"...

The young man's movement froze in the air.

His bones creaked as he tried to escape from the pressure but unfortunately he was unable to be free.

"Are these your limits?" The sarcasm appeared on Drago's face "I have raised my hopes for nothing. You really are just rubbish"

"Don't compare us to a weak person" Another person jumped in front of Drago and pointed his spear at him "I am Drico and this is my meteor spear and today he will taste your blood"

"Domination steps...

"Sky hacker"

... The final step "…

A spear beam shot out that was able to pierce through anything but under the suppression of the domination Steps it was unable to move…

"Ari" The same contemptuous look appeared on Drago's face "You really don't compare to the rubbish you used to be you are much worse"

The crowd fell silent when Drago felt something so he looked over him to find a meteor of terrifying size pressing on the entire hall waiting for the moment when Drago would be smashed to pieces.

The arena wasn't small rather it was a few kilometers long and much greater in height but only this meteor filled it all which shocked the crowd even those who had seen it previously let alone those who saw it for the first time like the case of the newcomers who fainted in fear..

Drago traces his source to find a beautiful woman with fiery hair and red and black clothes standing next to the meteor and looking sadly at all beings with contempt.

The fire element who was defeated by Drago first no longer tried to break free he shouted with every ounce of strength he has"Fire princess, crush him for me"..

"Shut up, stop insulting the Fire Family" The boy froze at her words then turned her face to Drago "And for you…die"

Her hand went down and the meteor moved towards Drago very quickly.

the problem wasn't only his pressure but also his enormous weight and mighty strength.

{Many characters appear at once and all of them are against Drago so how will he act and will the dragon bow his head or not}

{Stay tuned.....My Regards, Zero}