
Echoes of Transformation

As the miles rolled beneath the worn wheels of their vehicle, Lily grappled with the unsettling changes rippling through her existence. The once familiar contours of her humanity seemed to erode, replaced by cravings and sensations that sent shivers down her spine.

A relentless hunger for blood gnawed at the edges of her consciousness, her thoughts consumed by a primal urge that felt alien and uncontrollable. Her eyes, once mere windows to the soul, now flickered with an ethereal glow that betrayed an otherworldly essence within.

Lily's body trembled with a strange energy, and the subtle sensation of claws unfurling haunted her waking moments. Dreams, twisted and macabre, painted vivid scenes of violence and anguish, leaving her waking with a lingering unease.

In the dim light of introspection, Lily confronted a haunting realization — she felt like a monster. The fear of harming those she cared about gnawed at her, and a chilling question echoed in her mind: What if she, too, was succumbing to the same transformation that had befallen others on Earth?

Haunted by the specter of her own metamorphosis, Lily grappled with the weight of a newfound reality. In a world teetering on the edge of the unknown, she resolved to share her fears with Jake and Gab. The confines of the car became a crucible of introspection, where the echoes of transformation reverberated through the fragile fabric of their shared journey. As the road stretched ahead, each mile seemed to carry them further into the enigma of their own existence, the shadows of uncertainty growing longer with every passing moment.