
To Save the World: Shadow's Descent

Shadow was a simple man who believed one thing. To save the world you need to purge those who corrupt it. The night after finishing a job, Shadow was suddenly awoken in the middle of the night and transported to another world with other "Earthlings" in order to save the world of Aniva from the brink of destruction.

Torched · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Shadow

"I'm about to leave the office. I'll see you when I get home dear."

A fat middle-aged man starts packing up his office supplies to return home for the night. After picking up all the items he needs, a small grin appears on his face.

"Another day another poor soul suffering to help me push forward"

He lets out a small chortle as he walks out the door of his office. As he is about to reach the elevator the glass window behind him suddenly shatters. As the window shatters, a whistling sound reverberates around the room. Everything goes silent for a second before a loud *THUNK* is heard as the man's body drops to the cold hard floor with an arrow lodged right in between his eyes.

*10 minutes ago*

A man is seen climbing up the side of a skyscraper. This man looked unusual, to say the least. He had charcoal grey hair that reached down below his shoulders and his skin looked almost pale with hints of light gray in certain spots around his body. He was pretty tall standing at 6 foot 2 inches and had a lean and muscular build. The strangest thing about him, however, was his pitch-black eyes that felt like they connected to the abyss. No light reflecting from within, only the pitch darkness that absorbs everything that is unfortunate enough to come into contact with it.

As he finally reaches the top of the skyscraper, he shifts his gaze over to another skyscraper that is slightly shorter in size than the one he is on. He focuses his eyes on the skyscraper, or more specifically, a certain window where he can see a fat middle-aged man sorting through his office supplies.

'Edwin Tweed, a corrupt politician involved in drug trafficking, human trafficking, the mafia, and suspected for being the cause of multiple political assassinations. Scum like him doesn't deserve to remain in this world'

The man on the roof is then seen taking off the longbow that was slung around his shoulder during the climb. He then takes an arrow out of a quiver he has attached to his thigh and knocks it on the bowstring.

Pulling the bowstring back as far as it will go, he focuses on the fat man that is now walking towards the elevator. Even though the two skyscrapers have over a kilometer separating them, the man on the roof doesn't seem to notice and can clearly see his target. The man slowly breathes in, holding his breath for a second until he suddenly releases his grip on the bowstring, propelling the arrow forward with a whistle toward the fat man.

*Back to present*

The man on the roof slings his longbow back onto his shoulder and puts his hands together.

"May the shadows consume your soul."

The man says as he slowly turns around to descend down the skyscraper. After the man gets down to the ground, he quickly ducks into a small alleyway nearby. Inside the alleyway is a black motorcycle that the man quickly gets on.

After he turns the engine of the motorcycle on he starts driving away with the sounds of sirens serenading his ears. After driving for close to 30 minutes through the city, he arrives at a small house near the outskirts of the town. Parking his motorcycle outside the house, he leisurely hops off the motorcycle and enters the house.

The inside of the house is very empty. This small house, which only has a bedroom, dining room, bathroom, and kitchen, has no decorations to speak of. The only furniture that resides inside the house is the dining table with a single chair at the end of it, a full size bed, and a small night stand that sits to the right of the bed. The man makes his way towards the bed and drops his longbow near the end of the bed. He then collapses onto the bed and lets out a long sigh.

The man picks up a journal that was laying on the nightstand and opens it up. Inside the journal, a list of names can be seen, most of them are crossed out but some of them are still left unchecked. The man runs his finger down the list of names eventually coming to EDWIN TWEED. He then takes the pen hooked onto the top of the journal and marks out his name.

Right after marking his name, he closes the journal and reaches into a pocket at the back of the journal. Inside the pocket there is a picture of a young girl. The girl has long charcoal hair, pale skin, and dark eyes. The man gazes at this picture with a soft expression and keeps staring at it until he eventually falls asleep with the picture still in his hand.

Sometime in the middle of the night, the man suddenly jumps out of bed and frantically looks around.

"What? Where did that noise come from?"

The man keeps looking around for a little while longer before focusing his gaze on a light gray screen in front of him. If one was to take a closer look at the screen, they would be able to see a sentence in black writing.

[Welcome to the game Shadow.]

Most of my other chapters will be longer than this, but I thought this would be a good spot to stop this first chapter.

Also, I know my writing is far from perfect, so don't be afraid to offer me suggestions or correct my spelling, grammer, you name it.

Thanks for reading!

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