
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Chapter 5: The Worth Of Efforts

It's been a solid ten days since Izak and Alex first set foot on the rugged mountains. From the moment they arrived, they've been fully immersed in their rigorous training regimen. Izak's dedication has yielded impressive progress, but it hasn't come without its challenges. The demanding routine has left him grappling with fatigue, a persistent ache that has settled into his body.

Voicing his concerns, Izak opens up about his struggle, "Lately, I've been grappling with a lot of fatigue and pain. Do you think it might be a good idea for us to head back to town? We could claim the well-earned rewards we came here for." He's hoping that a return to familiar surroundings might offer some relief from the discomfort he's been experiencing.

However, Alex has a different perspective on the matter. In response to Izak's plea, he offers his own insight, "I understand that you're feeling fatigued and in pain. But sometimes, what we perceive as challenges are actually signs of progress. This fatigue you're experiencing could very well be the tangible evidence of your transformation and growth." With unwavering determination, Alex is keen on pushing forward, convinced that enduring the hardships will ultimately lead to their desired strength and success.

Izak absorbs Alex's perspective, finding a glimmer of solace in the idea that his fatigue might indeed be a testament to his advancement. Still, the longing to return to the comfort of town and bask in the rewards they've earned tugs at him persistently. While a spark of optimism kindles within him, the desire to alleviate his current discomfort and enjoy the fruits of their labor remains strong.

"I can't deny that progress is a positive sign," Izak admits, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "But considering the toll this fatigue is taking on me, I can't help but feel that it's time to prioritize our well-being. Maybe we should consider heading back, perhaps within the next two days?"

Izak's plea, however, fails to sway Alex's unwavering determination. With a seasoned air of confidence, Alex dismisses Izak's concerns. "I've been on countless quests over the years," he asserts, a touch of pride in his words. "And in all my experience, a mere day or two delay isn't something that would hinder our success. Instead of dwelling on this, I believe it's time for you to embrace a new phase of training. Let's take advantage of the challenges we face here and channel them into your growth."

As their dialogue unfolds, the contrast between Izak's cautiousness and Alex's resolute commitment becomes more pronounced, highlighting the different perspectives they bring to their shared journey.

Alex extends his hand, palm upturned, and a mesmerizing display of magic unfolds. A flickering flame materializes above his palm, dancing with an enchanting intensity. With a deft motion, he molds the flame into a compact fireball, imbued with an inherent energy that propels it forward. The fireball streaks towards a rugged rock, the sheer force of its magic-infused velocity causing a fiery collision that obliterates the rock upon impact.

"Wow!" Izak's voice bursts with amazement, his eyes wide as he watches the spectacle unfold before him. The sheer power and finesse that Alex wields leave him astounded, as if witnessing a force of nature that knows no bounds.

Breaking the spell of silence, Alex's voice resonates with a newfound gravity. "Consider this as the culmination of your training here," he declares, his gaze steady and unwavering. The practical demonstration of magic and its potency serves as both a testament to Alex's skill and a symbol of the heights Izak could potentially reach. With these words, the weight of finality settles upon their mountain-bound journey, signaling an imminent transition to the next phase of Izak's growth.

With patient guidance, Alex takes Izak through a deliberate process of visualization and imagination. He urges Izak to etch the image of fire into his mind, to truly know its essence. Step by step, the instructions unfold, leading Izak to extend his hand, palm facing up, and conjure the mental image of fire hovering above his open palm. A spark of determination lights up Izak's eyes as he focuses, attempting to transform his mental construct into a tangible reality.

As he envisions the flames, a flicker of fire does indeed manifest, but its existence is fleeting. The flames waver and falter, lacking the stability to persist. Suddenly, the fire loses its ephemeral hold and descends upon Izak's palm, leaving a small, painful burnt mark in its wake.

"Ahh! Why did the fire burn me!?" Izak exclaims, shock and confusion evident in his voice as he inspects the minor injury on his hand.

Alex responds with calm understanding, "The fire burned you because you couldn't maintain its stability. It's a natural consequence when the focus wavers, and the flames lose their form. But look at the bright side – you managed to create your first fire, even if briefly!" Alex's encouragement shines through as he acknowledges Izak's initial steps into the world of magic.

As the realization of the day's efforts sets in, Izak's fatigue becomes more pronounced. "I'm feeling a lot more exhausted now," he admits wearily.

Alex offers insight into the situation, "Creating that small fire required tapping into your inner strength and mental focus. It's no wonder you feel drained – you're starting to explore the limits of your capabilities. Remember, this is just the beginning. Over time, as you become more attuned to the intricacies of magic, you'll find the exhaustion lessening."

With these words, Alex imparts a sense of patience and perseverance, reminding Izak that mastery takes time and gradual understanding. The dynamic between the two friends continues to evolve, with Alex serving as both mentor and guide as Izak embarks on his magical journey.

For hours that stretched into two more days, Izak and Alex remained dedicated to the process, repeating the ritual of visualization and attempted conjuring. The mountains bore witness to their persistence, as the cycle of focus, failure, and renewed determination played out under the open sky.

Finally, the moment arrived when they deemed their training sufficient. With the satisfaction of progress and the relief of impending rest, Izak's voice rose in a mix of fatigue and exhilaration, "Finally!" His exclamation encapsulated both the exhaustion he felt and the anticipation of returning to the town where their efforts would be rewarded. The prospect of the monetary reward held a deep significance, signifying the means to sustain himself for several more months.

Alex observed Izak's reaction, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I can see the joy in your eyes as you prepare to head back and find solace," he remarked, empathy lacing his words. "Believe me, your enthusiasm resonates with every new adventurer – including myself – when they set out on their initial quests."

With this admission, Alex offered a glimpse into his own past. His journey, like Izak's, had also been marked by uncertainty and growth. The shared experience bound them together, transforming the mentor-student relationship into a camaraderie forged through mutual challenges and aspirations.

Embarking on the journey back to town, Izak and Alex find themselves in another carriage. With the wheels turning beneath them, they engage in conversation, reflecting on the valuable lessons they've learned during their time on the mountains. Excitement dances in their voices as they anticipate the rewards that await them upon their return – a tangible recognition of their dedication and growth.

As they discuss their experiences and the imminent rewards, Alex's voice carries a sense of contentment, "It's truly a comforting feeling, knowing that we're headed back to what we call home." His words resonate with a sense of belonging and security, reflecting the familiar comfort that awaits them.

However, the word "home" triggers a complex reaction within Izak. Unbeknownst to Alex, this term carries a deeper layer of emotion for Izak, stirring memories and emotions he's tried to bury. Despite his discomfort, he manages to hide his conflicted feelings from Alex, veiling the unease that the word evoked.

Alex remains oblivious to Izak's inner turmoil, and their conversation continues in a seamless flow. The two friends talk freely, sharing thoughts and anecdotes, as the carriage steadily carries them closer to their destination. The anticipation of reaping the rewards and the bond they've formed through their shared experiences overshadow any unspoken concerns.

At long last, the town comes into view, a familiar sight that heralds the end of their mountain sojourn. The town's welcoming embrace awaits them, along with the promise of rest and the fulfillment of their hard-earned objectives.

Stepping off the carriage in front of the bustling city guild, Izak and Alex carry with them the fruits of their labor – a collection of eight rare ores. The sense of accomplishment fills the air as they present their materials, the culmination of their days of training and hard work. The guild assesses the value of the ores and rewards them handsomely.

With eager anticipation, Izak can't help but blurt out, "How much is it?" His excitement is palpable, as he envisions the sum he's about to receive as his share of the reward.

Alex, ever the reliable companion, responds with a smile, "It's an impressive total of 2320 gold coins!" The weight of their efforts is reflected in the substantial amount, underscoring the value of their dedication.

True to his word, Alex promptly hands Izak his half of the gold coins, sealing the agreement they had made. With a farewell and a promise of future quests, they part ways, the camaraderie they've cultivated carrying them forward.

Izak retraces his steps to the familiar inn that had become a temporary home during their expedition. The innkeeper's warm smile greets him, a silent testament to the relief of seeing him return safely. Reclaiming the same room he had rented before, Izak indulges in the simple pleasure of familiarity.

After freshening up, he collapses onto the bed, a sense of utter contentment washing over him. "Finally, I can rest without any worries for weeks!" he proclaims, the peaceful ambiance of the inn room enveloping him in a comforting embrace. The sensation of relaxation becomes a reward in itself, a pause in the relentless flow of life's demands.

With fatigue finally catching up to him, Izak surrenders to the welcoming embrace of the bed. The weight of his endeavors and the satisfaction of a job well done fade into the background as sleep claims him. Without any further delay, he drifts into the realm of dreams, finding solace and renewal in the tranquility of slumber. The quiet of the inn room cradles him as he loses himself in the rest he so rightfully deserves.