
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Chapter 20: Everything Went Normal

"I'm exhausted," Izak sighed, slouched in a chair at his inn's lobby, a plate of roasted meat before him.

"It appears you've had quite a challenging day," observed the innkeeper, acknowledging Izak's weariness.

Izak straightened his posture and began to dig into his meal, determined not to let the past haunt him.

"I believe as long as we continue to adhere to the safety protocols we've established, everything will be just fine," Izak reassured the innkeeper.

The innkeeper smiled in response and returned to her duties behind the counter.

As was his routine, Izak resumed eating his meal with his usual composure, leaving not a morsel behind. Once he had finished and bid the inn farewell, he made his way back toward the forest. Passing through the bustling market, he couldn't resist picking up a loaf of bread to munch on during his journey.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, his steps guided by familiarity, Izak's keen eyes caught sight of his friends Alex and Delaynie. They were engrossed in their exercise routines, preparing for an upcoming sparring match. A grin spread across Izak's face as he quietly observed them.

"There they are," he mused to himself, content in the knowledge that he was about to join his friends for some camaraderie and training.

"Hey there, Izak! I thought you might be taking another day off," Delaynie exclaimed, somewhat surprised to see him, considering his recent absence from training.

"I was initially planning to take the day off, but I wasn't feeling quite right, so I figured, why not join you all for training," Izak replied with a positive attitude.

"That sounds like a plan," Alex acknowledged Izak's decision to join the training. "Let's kick things off with a match between Delaynie and me; we've always had some intense battles."

Izak settled onto the ground, placing his sword across his lap, his eyes focused on the upcoming duel. As he observed his friends spar, a sense of normalcy washed over him, momentarily lifting the weight of his troubles.

Delaynie, adept in the use of magic, began the contest by launching fiery projectiles towards Alex. With precision, Alex countered each fireball with his defensive barrier spells.

"Alex, you're expending a lot of energy just blocking," Delaynie remarked, noting his friend's strategy.

Alex grinned, his determination unwavering. "I'm trying to conserve my strength for the right moment. Why don't you try using your axe in this fight, Delaynie?"

The sparring match continued, with Izak watching closely, the camaraderie and the clash of skills providing a sense of normalcy and comfort in the midst of their training.

"Keep it up!" Izak shouted, his voice filled with encouragement and enthusiasm as he cheered on both of his friends.

In the heat of the moment, Delaynie abandoned his magical attacks and charged toward Alex. With a swift, determined movement, Delaynie drew his axe, swinging it forcefully toward Alex's position. Alex, his reflexes honed from countless battles, swiftly unsheathed his swords and intercepted Delaynie's mighty axe strike.

The clash of steel against steel filled the air, and both combatants displayed incredible skill and determination. Alex launched a series of calculated strikes, aiming to exploit any opening in Delaynie's defenses. In response, Delaynie deftly parried and blocked with his axe and its sturdy handle.

The training session had transformed into an intense, lifelike battle, where every move was a fight to maintain control. Izak watched with bated breath, his heart pounding in rhythm with the thunderous clashes of blades and the fierce determination of his friends.

With a quick and calculated maneuver, Alex swiftly ended the intense battle by positioning himself behind Delaynie, his sword poised at Delaynie's neck. It was a clear victory for Alex, and Izak couldn't contain his excitement.

"Yey! Alex won!" Izak cheered loudly, sharing in the triumph with his friend. Delaynie, though conceding defeat, wore a good-natured grin, acknowledging Alex's superior skill.

"Come on, Izak! It's your turn to take the stage," Alex declared, releasing Delaynie from his held position and passing the torch to their other comrade.

"Alright!" Izak responded eagerly, rising to his feet and moving to stand opposite Alex, his own sword ready and unsheathed. The forest arena was now set for the next thrilling chapter of their training session.

"Are you ready? You can make the first move," Alex offered, a competitive glint in his eyes.

"Okay..." Izak replied in a hushed tone, his fingers beginning to weave intricate patterns in the air as he initiated his spellcasting.

Alex, ever vigilant, noticed the subtle shifts in Izak's movements. He advanced toward Izak with the intention of launching his own attack, almost closing the distance between them. However, just as Alex was about to strike, Izak unleashed a brilliant burst of light that momentarily blinded Alex, forcing him to lose sight of his opponent.

With a deft sidestep, Izak swiftly moved aside, positioning his sword at Alex's stomach. In a flash, the blade stopped just short of making contact.

"Well, that was clever!" Alex acknowledged, a mix of surprise and admiration in his voice. He graciously conceded victory to Izak, recognizing the ingenuity of his tactics.

"That's good!" Izak replied, a bead of sweat rolling down his brow as he fell to his knees. He panted heavily, the exertion of his magical feat taking a toll on him as he rested where he had sat. The forest training session had indeed been intense and full of surprises.

"You're growing stronger and more clever," Delaynie praised, patting Izak's hair with genuine admiration.

"Thanks," Izak replied, still catching his breath and allowing his body to recover.

Alex and Delaynie settled beside him, recognizing the need for a brief respite before continuing their rigorous training session.

"How about we learn something new?" Alex suggested, eager to explore fresh tactics that could enhance their combat abilities.

"Hey, Izak, do you have any ideas?" Delaynie inquired, turning to their friend for insights on potential magic combinations.

Exhausted but still thoughtful, Izak offered a suggestion, "You could try combining fire and water to create a dense cloud of smoke for a few seconds."

Delaynie quickly dismissed the idea, recalling a prior attempt by Alex. "Alex already tried that once, and it proved to be too inefficient, wasting energy for such a brief smoke screen. It wouldn't be practical in most fights."

Alex decided to demonstrate the point by conjuring the combination of fire and water, resulting in a fleeting cloud of smoke that dissipated almost immediately. It became evident that this particular combination wasn't a viable option for their combat repertoire, as it offered minimal utility and expended valuable energy.

"This is really challenging," Izak grumbled, his frustration mounting as they discussed various ideas without finding a satisfying solution. However, a new idea suddenly sparked in his mind.

"Hey, Alex!" Izak exclaimed. "Why don't you try conjuring a bunch of water orbs?"

"Alright..." Alex complied, summoning multiple water orbs as he typically would.

"Great! Now throw one at Delaynie!" Izak suggested with a mischievous grin. Understanding the plan, Alex hurled a water orb above Delaynie's head, causing it to burst and shower him with water, soaking both him and his clothes instantly.

Izak couldn't help but chuckle, finding some amusement in the impromptu prank they had just pulled off.

Amused by the water orb antics, Delaynie joined in the laughter and playfulness, moving closer to Izak and deliberately touching his clothes to transfer some of the wetness. The camaraderie and light-heartedness of the moment washed away the tension of their training session.

Izak, now equally soaked, couldn't help but grin as he became the target of their friendly teasing. "Alright, alright, you got me!" he admitted, sharing in the laughter.

Alex chimed in, acknowledging the practicality of the water orbs. "True, it may not be a battle-changer, but it's a simple and useful trick, especially for putting out fires."

For a while, they relished the break from their rigorous training, savoring the simple joy of camaraderie and shared laughter in the heart of the forest.

After their brief interlude of fun, they resumed their practice, dedicating themselves to the art of swordplay and honing their magical abilities. With each passing minute, they grew incrementally stronger, pushing the boundaries of their skills.

Their lives continued in this familiar rhythm, each day marked by diligent training and a steadfast resolve to improve. But the memory of the elusive vampire that had escaped them remained in the back of their minds, a constant reminder of an unfinished mission. They were determined to uncover any clues that would lead them to the vampire's whereabouts, ready to resume their pursuit at a moment's notice.

Several days passed, and life settled into its usual routine. Delaynie took on the responsibility of keeping everyone informed about any potential leads on the vampire's whereabouts. He diligently checked with sources both within and outside the town, including the town guild, in their quest to track down the elusive creature.

Not long after, Delaynie received a lead on the vampire from an injured adventurer who had returned to town in a carriage, his condition dire and uncertain....