
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Chapter 15: Unexpected Event

"Alex! You did it!" Izak exclaimed, rushing over to Alex, his hand raised for a high-five.

"Of course, I did it. Losing the fight was never an option," Alex replied confidently, meeting Izak's hand with a resounding high-five.

My apologies for the mistake. Let me correct that:

Delaynie snapped out of his shock and cautiously said, "You're still in good shape, I guess..."

Alex chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice, "I may be aging, but I'm not losing my fitness, idiot."

Izak intervened, trying to keep the peace, "Guys, let's not start another fight."

Alex, wearing a mischievous smile, added, "Who knows, we might just do that again."

Delaynie shifted the conversation to a more serious tone, "Alex, I know I triggered your thoughts, but please listen to me. There's a quest with a reward of 100,000 gold, but it's related to vampires. I know it's a lot to ask, but as an old rival, this is a request I can't make every day. I'll offer you 40,000 gold coins if you help us, but we really need you to accept this quest with us."

Alex took a moment to carefully consider the proposition, his expression deep in thought.

Delaynie approached Alex, his curiosity piqued by his nonchalant response. "Alex," he began, "my offer is indeed intriguing. But consider this: we won't be hunting ordinary vampires. We're up against an ancient vampire, one who has evolved far beyond the capabilities of his kin. He's a formidable foe, and our usual tactics won't suffice. Together, our party might have a chance at taking him down."

Alex furrowed his brow, absorbing Delaynie's words. "An ancient vampire," he mused, "I see your point now. If it's such a formidable adversary, then count me in. Let's assemble our party and face this challenge head-on."

Izak's determination shone in his eyes as he declared, "I too want to be there and be ready to help you all!"

A warm smile spread across Alex's face as he replied, "Of course, Izak, I'm not leaving you behind for the rest."

With the trio united in purpose, Alex turned to Delaynie, his anticipation for more knowledge palpable. Before delving into strategies to confront the ancient vampire, he posed a crucial question, "How long do we have before we must take action?"

Delaynie sighed, his expression grave. "Unfortunately, it's not a precise timeline. Let me reveal the truth about the vampire's location first. The ancient vampire lies directly beneath our town, still in its hibernating form. However, the timing is uncertain. We have a window of 2 to 5 years. If we attempt to kill it while it sleeps, it will awaken immediately upon breaching its hibernating, transparent shell."

Alex nodded solemnly, absorbing the gravity of the situation. "We'll need a well-thought-out plan and ample preparation to ensure we're ready when the time comes. Delaynie, let's start strategizing on how to face this ancient threat."

Delaynie suggested, "We could use the initial 2 years for intensive training to ensure we're at our peak when the time comes."

Alex's curiosity got the best of him, and he asked Delaynie, "Hold up! How did you know that the ancient vampire is so powerful?"

Delaynie, slightly exasperated but understanding Alex's forgetfulness, retorted, "I suppose you can be a bit of an idiot sometimes too, Alex. It's because I can sense the power level of people!"

Izak, wide-eyed with curiosity, questioned further, "Vampires too?"

Delaynie nodded in response, elaborating, "Everything, Izak, but only if they're not trying to suppress their powers to stay hidden. If they're actively concealing their abilities, I won't be able to detect their true strength."

Izak's excitement was evident as he asked, "That's great! Can you detect mine?"

Delaynie concentrated, trying to sense Izak's power, but to his surprise, he found nothing. "Izak," he said with a puzzled expression, "I can't detect any power level from you. It's as if you're completely devoid of any supernatural energy."

Izak, eager to clarify, responded, "That's not true! Alex and I have dedicated ourselves to extensive magic and physical training. There's definitely more to us than what your power can detect."

Delaynie pondered for a moment, his brow furrowing in thought. "I don't know," he admitted, "Maybe there's something peculiar about my power or perhaps a deeper connection between you two. But let's not dwell on it for now. Even with two years ahead of us, this is no time to rest and relax."

With unwavering determination, Delaynie rallied both Alex and Izak. "We'll train together, hone our skills, and forge ourselves into a formidable team capable of facing that ancient vampire head-on. Our unity and preparation will be our greatest weapons in this battle." And so, they embarked on a rigorous training regimen, their eyes fixed firmly on the daunting challenge that lay ahead.

Alex and Izak shared a strong bond, one forged through shared experiences and trust. With unwavering resolve, they had both committed to rigorous training and supporting Izak's growth, despite his young age.

Alex, gazing at Izak with a mix of admiration and determination, asked the young apprentice, "What do you say, Izak? Are you ready to continue this journey with us?"

Izak's response was resolute and filled with unwavering enthusiasm. "Yes!" he exclaimed, a glimmer of determination in his eyes.

The trio made their way to the guild, determined to adjust the Vampire Quest to include Alex and Izak in Delaynie's party. They knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but together, they believed they could face any adversity.

Inside the guild, they met with the guild master, who readily accepted their request to modify the quest. "Very well," the guild master said, "I've updated the quest to include Alex and Izak. Be careful out there. This ancient vampire won't be an easy foe."

With the paperwork settled, they ventured out to the very forest where their morning fight took place. The forest was shrouded in an eerie, mystical aura as they entered, a stark reminder of the battles that lay ahead.

In the heart of the forest, they began their training session with Izak. Delaynie and Alex took turns coaching him, demonstrating techniques, and sharing their knowledge. Izak was eager to learn and showed great determination as he practiced diligently.

Alex, offering words of encouragement to the young apprentice, said, "You're making excellent progress, Izak. With dedication like this, you'll catch up to us sooner than you think."

Izak, his determination unwavering, replied, "I won't stop until I'm as strong as both of you. I want to be able to protect our town and face that ancient vampire alongside you."

As the day turned to dusk, they continued their training, each moment bringing them closer to their goal. The forest, once a place of danger, had transformed into their training ground, a symbol of their commitment to becoming a formidable team.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as the trio persisted in their rigorous training regimen. They understood that this journey was as much about honing Izak's abilities as it was preparing for the impending battle with the ancient vampire.

Izak proved to be a dedicated student. Under the watchful guidance of Alex and Delaynie, he expanded his magical repertoire beyond water and fire, learning to command elements and harness their power. In addition, they trained him in the art of wielding a blade with the finesse of a seasoned warrior.

As the seasons changed, so did Izak. His determination, mixed with their expert guidance, yielded visible signs of improvement over the months. He grew stronger, his magical prowess more refined, and his swordsmanship became that of a professional.

To sustain their training and livelihood, they took on smaller quests along the way, ensuring a steady income for their needs. The town began to recognize Izak's growth, and his reputation soared. People respected the young apprentice who showed unwavering dedication and an indomitable spirit.

After approximately two years of relentless training and questing, a defining moment arrived. Izak stood before a massive tree trunk, his muscles taut with effort. With a swift and powerful strike, he cleaved the tree in two. Exhaustion overcame him, but the tree fell, severed from its trunk, a testament to Izak's newfound strength.

Delaynie and Alex exchanged proud glances, recognizing that Izak had transformed from an eager apprentice into a formidable force, ready to face the ancient vampire and protect their town.

With a triumphant smile, Izak declared, "Finally! I am ready for what comes next." His eyes sparkled with determination as he prepared for the next leg of their adventure, venturing into the mysterious caves beneath their town. The past two years of relentless training had forged him into a formidable ally, and he was eager to face the challenges that awaited them underground.

As Alex and Delaynie exchanged a meaningful glance, the unspoken understanding passed between them. They both knew that the time had come to confront the looming problem before it grew into an insurmountable threat.