
To Reclaim the Throne: The Promise

On the day of her wedding, her lover abandon her and they were attacked by the Imperial Army. A series of misfortune leads the Moon Tribe Princess, Skye Thracian, to surrender herself to the Imperial Family. She lost everything. Her beloved tribe was annihilated and her father was brutally murdered. She wanted revenge. But she's helpless. On the other hand, Astenia Empire has a dark history. There's a famous story circling in the empire. The rumor about the lost prince who said to be the rightful successor to Astenian throne. And... the rumor about Prince Apheleon, the Crown Prince of Astenia Empire, and his relationship with the Moon Tribe Princess, Skye Thracian. As Skye entangled her fate with Prince Apheleon, a person from her past suddenly returned to reclaim her and his rightful place in Astenia Empire. Her former lover, Rajeel Luminos. xxx No part this book may reproduce without the author's permission. (Cosmicgoddess, 2022)

Cosmic_Goddess · Lịch sử
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Chapter 4: “Child of the Moon”

I extended my hand to the person standing in front of me. She's a middle-aged woman who introduces herself as the Head Maid of the Imperial Palace. And she's here to groom me.

When I arrived at Astenia Empire, I was greeted by a dozen of knights. Still baffled, I followed the person who brought me here. I was still dressed in my wedding dress—though it was badly ripped and dirty.

I haven't take a bath for almost three days of constant travel to the place I don't know.

The Great Empire of Astenia.

As I've heard, is a splendid place with a wealthy life. People wore full clothes unlike in our tribe. We only wear thin pieces of clothes to cover a small portion of our body.

Also, the people here speak diligently.

"She's Nora. She'll assist you." The man says. I happened to heard his name.

People is calling him—Captain Yeshua.

"I greet the Moon Tribe Princess from Thracian Forest. My name is Nora Simeon. I am the head maid of this palace."

The way she introduced herself was far from our customs. We don't recognize strangers. Instead, we seize them and interrogated them with intimidating questions.

But here it was very different.

"Princess," Yeshua called me.

I move my face sideways to see him. He has nice face and he speak diligently. As expected from the people of Astenia Empire. Though he was probably still young—he was already successful.

"I wish for your good health."

I did not give any reaction.

How ironic... The person who murdered my tribesmen and brought me forcefully wishes me to be healthy.

I fisted my hand. It was still fresh on my mind. The anguish of my people as the imperial army stabbed them without any remorse. It was a miserable death

I feel so useless for not saving them.

Nora brought me inside the big room. We greeted by the guards in the same manner. I notice their look towards me.

The maiden following Miss Nora eyed me with hostility. I may be ignorant and sheltered all my life—but I can distinguish fake compassion.

"So she's that person? Who knows she look like that?" is what they murmuring.

They didn't try to hide their gossip from me.

I wonder. What do I look to have their predispositions? Maybe I had a disheveled appearance right now. But people in my tribe considered me ethereal.

I have long silvery hair that extended from my hips, rare amethyst eyes—no one in our tribe has the same eye color as I have, and a pale complexion.

One could say... I wasn't an ordinary human.

I remembered how people describe the Moon Goddess. People said we have the same appearance. Unlike the other Moon Priestess—I was the only one who has silver hair and amethyst eyes.

My predecessor either has black hair or dark eyes.

And I could say. The Moon Goddess Selene and me... have the same appearance.

I meet her several times. Just like our encounter on the lake.

She's the most woman I have ever seen. Whenever she goes, a crystalline light always followed her body. She whispers words to me. And I recognized her...

She's my mother.

"Once you finished eating, we shall guide you to the throne room. His Majesty the Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince, is waiting for your arrival." Nora informed me.

"May I ask something?"

Nora stared at me blankly. She sighed inwardly.

"Yes, you may."

"What are the names of the Imperial Family? And how would I address them?"

I haven't been here for too long but I know the hierarchy of the people here.

Nora explained to me patiently.

The current Imperial Family of Astenia Empire, Von Astenia Family. The Reigning Emperor is Emperor Esmael Von Astenia. He was the grandson of the Grand Duke who become the Emperor after exterminating the Slovishen Family.

So Emperor Esmael has two wives. The Empress Consort, Empress Isobel, and the mistress, Lady Florencia—people addressed her as Queen Florencia, the Mistress.

I was flabbergasted upon discovering the highly publicized extramarital affair of the Emperor. I pitied the Empress. But I was not in the position to gave sympathy knowing my current situation.

But more importantly the shocking information I have heard since I arrived here...

The Empire has only one prince. The Crown Prince. Apheleon Von Astenia. He was not the son of the empress.

He was the offspring of the Emperor's affair with Lady Florencia.

And the Empress Consort is happen to be infertile.

After bathing me thoroughly on rose oil, they dressed me up. They were atleast three maiden helped Nora. They styled my hair, put some powder on my face, and dressed me on a tight clothes which I haven't worn all of my life.

The food they served for me looked delicious. Nevertheless I have no appetite. I tried forcing myself eating... but I can't digest the food without recalling the events three days ago.

Rajeel came into my mind. It made my heart clench in sorrow.

How dare he runaway? Why did he abandom me easily?

Just where... where did I go wrong?

I questioned myself every night. I silently cried alone in the dark. I missed him everyday.

How could I continue my life without Rajeel?

Now that the Moon Tribe is defeated and my father is gone. How can I stay strong amidst this tragedy?

Knock. Knock.

The doubled door opened and Nora entered followed by three other maids.

"Princess, His Majesty the Emperor wishes to see you."

Most importantly, what business do I have to the Imperial Family?

Dressed in richly designed purple dress where the tight corset hugged my body making me hard to breathe, I was escorted by them into the throne room.

The guards were stationed in every corner. They were like a statue—who don't move nor even blink.

It takes many detours before the man from before—Yeshua—opened the large double door, revealing the people inside the enormous room.

During this times, I had remember my peaceful life before. Though I'm very different from everyone, my tribesmen treated me without prejudice.

And Rajeel... the little boy who grew up with me in Thracian Forest. I remember his long blonde hair and peridot eyes.

And then I wondered. Where is he now?

"Welcome to Astenia Empire, Princess of Moon Tribe." Yeshua courtesy and bowed politely.

I furrowed my eyebrow at him in confusion. Nora waited behind and that was when I realize...

All eyes are on me.

My heart beats wildly inside my chest. I ambled my eyes around. It was huge room occupied by nobles from different households.

They watched me with their keen eyes. And they whispered with curiosity towards each other.

And then I averted my eyes infront.

Above all of us, they were three majestic chairs crafted with golds and sapphire. A woman dressed in luxurious red dress sitted from the left side of the person—that I assumed the Emperor.

Emperor Esmael Von Astenia.

The grandson of Emperor Lazarus. Just like the rumors, he is very intimidating. He has a shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes—just like sapphire. He wore a huge crown above his head. Like the woman—his Empress.

Empress Isobel Von Astenia.

"We finally met, Child of the Moon," says the Emperor.

I was too stunned to speak. All I did is to stare at him with my eyes wide and mouth barely close.

This person—he murdered my tribesmen!

"Where are your manners?" Nora whispered behind me agitatedly.

Ofcourse when I arrived here, they taught me some etiquette upon meeting the Imperial Family or any other nobles. It was brief. But I remembered their laws too well.

I bended my knees. I heard everyone gasped. Nevertheless I bowed my head respectfully.

I must comply to them. For now. If not my revenge won't happen not even in my dreams.

"I-I see the Sun and Moon of Astenia Empire, His Majesty the Emperor and Her Majesty the Empress."

"Ho ho ho. What a dignified lady. I guess it wasn't a bad idea to have you here."

I tightened my grip on the dress. It was shameful to do this damn courtesy! Most especially to the people who brought tragedy to my people!

"Rise," the Emperor said. "I am honored to meet you, Princess. Now—"

The Emperor was interrupted midway when someone announced an arrival of another guest.

"Th Rising Sun of Astenia Empire, His Highness the Crown Prince."

Everyone attention went after to that person. I sighed inwardly as I twist my body to see the Crown Prince.

What I saw first is a man—around my age—entered gracefully followed by his knights. Upon noticing his golden blonde hair like a ray of sunlight, my vision blurred.

I staggered and held my forehead. Nora held my shoulder reflexively. I tried to maintain my gaze towards the prince.

When I saw his blue eyes—premonition starts to flash before my eyes.

I saw a field of flowers. A man was standing beside the tall tree. He was embracing a woman affectionately. Their loving gaze towards each other is a proof they were in love.

The woman's face is blurred so I couldn't see her properly.

Another premonition flashes.

This time it was clear.

On the veranda, the crown prince was kissing a woman. Their eyes were closed. He embrace her like it was the most important thing in this world.

Then the woman revealed her face.

It was me.

"We finally crossed paths, Princess." A man's deep voice from the present brings me back to reality.

The prince has a sweet smile plastered on his rosy lips. Hus blue eyes watched me intently.

I held my breathe. My mind is still dizzy from the shocking prognostication.


"Ahem!" Nora cleared her throat incredulously.

It was a warning. I must courtesy the prince.

"I-I-I see the Rising Sun of Astenia, His Highness—mmmph!"

Everyone gasped and widen their eyes in suprise.

The prince from my presage came into reality. Unexpectedly, he kissed me without me knowing.

He pulled me by my waist. I feel his hard chest melting me whenever he moves his lips to mine.