
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Taste them

As they both sat down for studying, Lizzie asked him to start with Mathematics as he was strong in that subject.

John was excellent at Maths and any other subject except for Social studies. Lizzie planned to highlight the important and key points and dates in his textbook and prepare a notes for him for Social studies.

As she opened his textbook she remembered that she forgot her highlighter. She saw a highlighter in the pen stand lying beside John on the corner of the table.

As she bent over to reach the pen stand she suddenly came extremely close to the boy sitting right next to her.

Her face was just a few inches away from his that their lips almost brushed against each other. Any tiny movement of either of them would have made them kissed.

This was totally unexpected. They were never this close to each other physically. Both widened their eyes in shock and their eyes met.

John found her hazel eyes the purest and prettiest. His heart kept beating so vigorously that he was afraid it may pop out.

He felt the same way as in the morning. Why was he feeling this way which he never felt before with any girl.

His sight gradually fell on her lips. He wanted to grab those soft and juicy lips and taste them. They were the most beautiful thing he saw after her pearly eyes.

The situation was no different for Lizzie. She felt her heart racing all of a sudden as soon as she came so close to him. She is losing herself in his eyes.

As she felt him staring at her lips, she blushed so hard that her cheeks turned deep red. She felt so embarrassed and good at the same time.

John wanted to pull her closer to him. As he slowly started lifting his both hands to cup her face he heard a knock on the door.

Both were startled and drew themselves back. John caughed and both looked away from each other. They were too embarrassed to see each other. Their faces were now deep red and strangely felt extremely hot though it was winter.

As they were in their own thoughts, the house maid entered the room to keep their snacks and drinks on the table.

She noticed John's clear red face and couldn't help but worried "Young master, why is your face so red? Are you not feeling well?"

John choked at her words and blushed more. He immediately bickered "N-no I-I am fine. Nothing to worry. You may leave now."

The maid did not want to ask more and nodded her head. She served the snacks and drinks on the table and took her leave.

For the next ten minutes which seemed like eternity, they didn't utter a single word trying to figure out what just happened.

Finally breaking the silence, Lizzie spoke "Let's study" and John nodded his head. Both were calm and kept studying. After they called it a day, both went down.

Lily was in the kitchen preparing dinner. She asked John to walk Lizzie home. They left the home and kept walking quietly as they couldn't forget what happened in the room.

A vehicle which was on off limit speed was moving in the direction opposite to them. John saw the vehicle approaching rashly towards Lizzie. He pulled her close to him all of a sudden making her head to land in the crook of his neck appearing as they were embracing each other.

As John's focus was totally on the vehicle and her safety, Lizzie was shocked as she didn't know what was happening. As her face touched the crook of his neck she inhaled his smell that drived her crazy. The cologne added with a slight hint of musk occupied all the senses one could have. It was like a drug to her which she cannot get rid of. She craved for more and more of it, or probably more and more of him. Her conscience was telling not to give in but her heart and body betrayed her.

Before she could realize what she was doing, her arms were around his neck pushing herself more close to him.

John who felt her arms around him immediately reacted and put his hands around her waist. He could feel her hot breath on his neck.

As they were in their world of an unknown yet crazy feelings, they were taken aback by a vehicle horn and realized how intimate position they were in.

Both cleared their throats and resumed walking trying not to make the situation more awkward. The rest of the walk was totally silent except for the by passing vehicles and people voices.

When they reached Coopers' home, Lizzie awkwardly broke the silence and said "See you tomorrow at school". John simply nodded his head not knowing what to say. He saw as her figure disappeared into the house. Without his knowledge, a small smile crept across his alluring face. He turned back and walked away to his home.

Meanwhile as soon as Lizzie entered her home she closed the door and leaned against it. Her heart was literally jumping. She felt very embarrassed about her actions earlier.

'Why did I have to do that? Why did I hug him? Why didn't I control myself? Ahh!' She scolded herself in her mind running her fingers through her hair, ruffling it.

Hearing the sound of the door, Alice came out of the kitchen only to find her daughter's odd behavior. She came further and asked "What happened Lizzie? You seem frustrated."

How could Lizzie say about what happened between John and her? She didn't want to be embarrassed again.

"Nothing mom. I am just tired. Ah I am very hungry. Please prepare the dinner while I freshen up." that was all she could say and hastily walked towards her room.

Alice shrugged and and went to the kitchen to continue what she was doing.

Lizzie was thinking about him as she was taking the shower. She didn't know how to face him the next day. She tried to forget everything happened earlier and had her dinner before going to bed.

Hello readers! Hope you all are fine and healthy...

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