
To Love & To Hold

"Shhhh," he cut me off, his palms spreading on the revealed skin of my abdomen. His index fingers made their way into the waistband of my sweatpants as he pressed his front closer to my behind. "Don't shush m-" I tried to argue. "I said so," he stated, his tone going deeper as his hand went lower, this time to the waistband of my panties. I couldn't control my breathing anymore, more so as his teeth lightly grazed my neck. "So you better obey." ^^^^^^^ They say "A night in Vegas can change your life." Rachel didn't think this saying would apply to her. Well that was until she opened the door of her hotel room after a crazy night out. As a marriage certificate is shoved in her face, she notices a glistening diamond on her ring finger. The piece of paper turns out to be legit as stated by the lawyer who presented it. What's more shocking is that her said husband is Lorenzo Caden Peters, one of the best actors in the world and soon to be CEO of the biggest textile company around the globe. How would their life turn out?

FreshyGore · Thành thị
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66 Chs


___Not to bore you further with our story___

Rachel's POV

Preparations went all through Friday night till the early hours of Saturday morning before everyone had to go home and catch some rest before we returned to the center by 3pm to get things rolling for 5pm.

It was safe to say our plans had turned out right and we made the right choice by keeping the location a secret till Friday evening. We went ahead to reveal it live at Leisure Haven as Xander live-streamed every one of us doing our assigned tasks.

The paparazzi and journalists had poured in barely 30 minutes later and in 2 hours the whole vicinity of the center was surrounded with people and cameras.

We weren't bothered this time as it was all good publicity. The location was a shock to many and it got people buzzing more than before. Questions were being asked how we were able to secure the space for the event and how much did we pay?