
To LOVE-Ru: System, debauchery and troubles

Finding himself after his death in the body of Yuki Rito, the guy not only acquired a cute little sister who now needs to be taken care of, but also received the Perfect Human System. And, apparently, even this is not enough for the universe. A divine artifact called the Notebook of Love appeared on the horizon, provided by the enchanting Goddess Freya... The goal is simple: accumulate Attachment Points with the help of girls and develop at the expense of them! More chapters can be read here: patreon.com/Rocky124

Rocky124 · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs


Guys, I greet you all! I have an important announcement for those who haven't noticed yet. I started my own page on Patreon. Right now there are +4 additional chapters, but there will be more coming soon. If you want to support me, be sure to subscribe!

The link to my page is in the description of the fanfiction.

And there will be more here.



[Username: Yuki Rito]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 16]

[Stamina: 10]

[Intelligence: 14]

[Luck: -]

[Charisma: 10]

[Will: 16]

[Affection Points: 19]

Having moved significantly away from the territory of Sainan High School, the guy mentally checked with everyone the results obtained after deflowering a cute classmate, seemingly roughly imagining what characteristics he would begin to invest in from tomorrow. Peaceful birds sang in my soul. Sairenji was satisfied and said that she would restore order in the office herself as the head of their class.

"It's amazing how effective in terms of getting the number of Affection Points it turned out to have sex with Haruna, who already initially felt sympathy for my person. For example, in the eyes of the same Mikado-sensei, I was just an innocent schoolboy with whom she suddenly wanted to have a short affair in my office. Yes, I admit, the Notebook of Love is definitely useful. However, fortunately or unfortunately, this artifact cannot make any girl sincerely fall in love with me..." Rito thought as he walked.

"With every new hour, I understand that it was not in vain that I chose you as my follower."

"Thank you for the compliments," Yuki smiled calmly in response to the words of the beautiful Goddess who suddenly appeared from the side in her always open dress.

- How serious we are. You know, I didn't show up to start an empty conversation. "I have very interesting news for you," Freya solemnly waved her silver hair, immediately approaching Rito and gently patting him on the shoulder.

- Is it true? — the guy arched his eyebrow, which is why the woman floating in the air next to him laughed loudly into her fist.

"More trust," she shook her head, then continued in an even tone: "So, listen to me." From now on, something will change in the Perfect Man System. Now you can spend the accumulated Affection Points to instantly learn all kinds of skills. Let's say cooking or playing the guitar. As long as you have enough currency in the form of Affection Points, your advantages over other people increase tenfold, if not a hundredfold!

Hearing her words, Rito involuntarily froze in place. The pace finally slowed down, and the guy stood rooted to the spot, digesting such amazing information with an expression of shock on his face. In the end, Yuki can be understood, because the system already allowed him to pump up his body without training. It was as if his mind had been struck by lightning. The chances are still increasing.

Wouldn't purchasing various useful skills make Rito the ideal heir to the emperor of the galaxy?

"I remember you told me that this System of the Perfect Man is the creation of Odin, that is, the supreme deity. Is he really improving it in every possible way in the process? - Yuki asked, finally recovering from the surge of excitement and resolutely clenching his fists until they cracked.

Freya, as a result of the above question, for a second showed thoughtfulness on her incomparably beautiful pale mature face of a luxurious aristocrat, and then in a charming and demonstrative manner she put her finger to her chin, saying the following:

- Well, actually, speaking in your generally accepted youth slang, Odin just suddenly decided to start a new one for fun, haha!

Along with the mocking remark, the Goddess also paid attention to the perky grin on her lips, while Rito, standing next to her, tried to normally comprehend this voiced nonsense with a strange face at the ready. However, if she is not lying, then the guy at least hoped that subsequent changes in the system would not be too global and disturbing. After all, as often happens, as soon as the developer takes risks with modernization, software errors immediately appear in the structure of the device...

But be that as it may, Yuki resumed his walk from school to home and already intended to interrogate Freya about the prices of certain skills.

Along the way, there were fewer and fewer people walking past, and private two-story houses in a residential area of the city of Sainan appeared on the sides. The fresh air inhaled by the lungs was very calming. And perhaps it was at this moment that Rito felt the best in the world, inspired by serenity and the newly formed close connection with Lala and Haruna. The guy will definitely tell them about his true plans for them, and of course, he will not hide the main goal of acquiring an official harem.

However, the hitherto energetic Goddess unexpectedly showed signs of wariness...

"And yet you are something of a magnet for problems, even though you are constantly lucky." Rito, there is a very strong representative of the Devilukan race ahead, beware of him, and I have to take my leave," Freya said in a serious tone, immediately switching to invisible mode.

- You're breaking up with me? "Yuki hissed with dissatisfaction into the void, then turning his gaze to the road, where near the turn right in the middle of the leading path stood a tall young man with ashen hair and blue eyes.

What was special was that he was wearing eerie bone armor, reminiscent of a demonic exoskeleton. There were bright red crystals in the shoulder pads, and a dark burgundy cloak fluttered behind him in the light wind. He most accurately matched the image of a formidable knight. Rito could not judge from first impression how muscular he was, however, the tail behind this Devilukan did not at all have a devilish design, like that of the same Lala, but rather looked like an appendage of a scorpion.

"He definitely has no obvious weaknesses..." flashed through the tense guy's head as soon as he began to analyze his potential opponent.

"You know, earthling, I'm pretty tired of waiting for you near your house." I even had to meet him halfway. So I did you the honor! — the unknown man gave a pompous speech, taking several steps towards his interlocutor.

"Who are you?" Yuki asked him in a heavy voice, trying to remain calm in his heart and hoping in his thoughts for his usually incredible luck.

- My name is Justin. I am Princess Lala's personal bodyguard. The King of Deviluka gave me the order to return his daughter to his homeland. Do you understand what I am talking about? — the ash-haired man in armor expressed himself in a categorical tone.

"Not really," the guy pretended to be a fool in order to lower expectations on the part of the Devilukan and get more information from their conversation.

"As expected, underdeveloped creatures live on this barbaric planet. Two of my subordinates mentioned in their report that a certain peer of Mrs. Lala from a family of earthlings helped her avoid her own capture and subsequent return home to Deviluk. I already managed to talk with the princess, she told me that she chose you as her groom. Yuki Rito, right? Okay, now prove to me that you are worthy of it in a duel with me!

As the final words left Justin's mouth, he pulled out a bone hilt from behind his back, which almost immediately lit up with energy plasma, forming the appearance of a long and wide sword.

- Stop! — the guy sharply threw up his hands, stopping the Devilukan from attacking: "Are you laughing at me?" I'm unarmed, and besides, I don't have protective armor like you. No matter how you look at it, the fight is completely dishonorable!

Justin froze in place and only then looked at Rito again, noticing that he was standing in a school uniform and had only one backpack behind his back. Otherwise, nothing useful for battle.

"You're right, earthling..." the man said with an apologetic note in his voice, ceasing to feed the bone handle with energy.

Yuki was about to brush it off his forehead and answer, saying that in this case there was no point in both of them taking part in the battle, but Justin immediately interrupted him with his actions. The Devilukan with the scorpion's tail threw the hilt away and took off his armor, revealing a tight-fitting jacket and pants underneath.

"When I met Mrs. Lala today, I saw her so happy for the first time in recent years and I was shocked by this fact. If the princess is disappointed with you in the end, then don't expect forgiveness or mercy from me! — the warrior said devotedly, raising his fists and closing the distance between them with lightning speed.

"4 Affection Points in Dexterity!" - sparkling reaction.

[Affection Points: 15]

[Agility: 20]

Having given a mental order to the system, Rito instantly felt how a stream of seething energy began to spread throughout his body, in particular, settling in the leg muscles, ligaments, joints, stretching and improving the guy's overall flexibility. As if not feeling his weight and obeying sharply developed reflexes, Yuki crouched down to avoid a blow from Justin, only miraculously not falling on his backside on the asphalt from the rising wind.

- Just don't blame me! - Rito exclaimed, aiming his fist with all his might directly at his opponent's groin area.

- How mean! Justin spat, instinctively stepping back a few meters with an angry look on his face.

"Even if I put all my remaining Affection Points into the Strength stat, it won't help me much in a fight with an alien, who probably surpasses in physical strength those two big guys in suits yesterday. Hell, I don't even know how to fight!" - Yuki cursed.

"You wanted to deliver an extremely dirty blow." Maybe then it would be better for me to raise my blade and cut you into two halves? — Justin decided to make a comment, straightening his shoulders proudly and turning towards the bone handle.

— Freya, how much does it cost to purchase a martial artist skill? - Rito suddenly asked at the top of his voice, then watching how the whole world before his eyes was losing its colors.

The body cannot be controlled and becomes stiff. The Devilyukan was frozen in time, the same applied to the guy, but his mind remained untouched. A Goddess materialized nearby, whose purple eyes shone and seemed to cast a glare.

— Skill in all types of martial arts? Sorry, but you don't have that many Affection Points," Freya said categorically, then snapped her fingers so that at least Rito's mouth could move in this graym space.

- Fine! Then, what about a specific type of martial arts individually? — Yuki asked with hope in his voice.

- Name it. You have three seconds. You already forced me to intervene," the imperious feminine tone now did not lure the mind to the point of lust, but rather inducing trembling.

"Thai boxing?.." the guy immediately named in his opinion one of the best and most effective martial arts.

— 12 Affection Points.

- I'm buying! - Rito shouted instantly.

A moment later, new knowledge began to appear in his mind: strikes, stances, techniques and even the philosophy of Muay Thai...