
To LOVE Ru - The Unknown Darkness


counterbloxpro19 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Wherever you go, Rito

Rito was in the kitchen and preparing the dinner for the girls while he thought. ″This harem plan that Momo suggested would not be a bad idea…″ while he was nearly done with the cooking.

*Meanwhile in the dining room*

″I wonder what it is going to be for dinner…″ Lala asked the others as they were sitting at the table waiting for the food to be served which was interrupted by Yui who had rung the doorbell which made Rito shout ″Can someone open it?″ which Momo happily do as she stands up and walked to the door.

When she opened the door she was not expecting Yui to be this early and ready to move in.

″Hello Yui, we can put your things in the hall and we can move them to your room after dinner″ Momo suggested as she helped Yui to put her things in the hall till later and then they both went to the diner room and joined again with the others and Rito who was serving the food as it was done and when he noticed Yui he said: "Hello Yui, never expected you this early but I guess were a fast packer?".

″Yes, I was because I couldn't wait to move in with you all so yeh…″ Yui replied as she put up a portion of dinner food for herself with the others.

*Later after they were done with dinner*

″We should get your room set up and if you want I can help you if you want, Yui″ Haruna asked and got a nod but then Rito suggested that they would help her and he prepares something for his girls which they all agreed on and they went on to do just that.

*Later after the girls finished helping Yui*

Rito was in his room and was finishing the surprise he promised and soon he was finished he decided to take a bath.

When he entered the bathtub he thought "this brings memories back" as he went to chill for a few minutes a flashback of that memory popup.

*Flashback to the day*

″What is that?″ Thought Rito to himself

While they were thinking the girls noticed that their clothes were disappearing

″WHY ARE OUR CLOTHS DISAPPEARING?″ Screamed Nana at the same time asking Lala

″Well, I guess it is another failture″ Answered Lala

When Momo and Nana let out sight as they started to appear in front and above Rito in his calm bath they were interrupting his time in the bath

″What?!″ Screamed Rito when he saw the girls appear in front of him

The girls fell onto Rito making that his hands were touching Lala's & Momo's boobs while his right leg was touching against Nana's pussy and his mouth on one of her nipples (if a man did that to a Deviluke girl, that marks that they would fall in love/marry each other) as he did that the girls were completely visible and they all let out a moan as he pleased them where he was pleasing them.

″WHO ARE YOU THREE?!″ Screamed Rito as he got out of the bath while he runs out of the bathroom with a towel around him. While he did that the 3 girls went fast up to Rito's room without getting noticed by both Rito and Mikan

″Why are you screaming Rito?″ Asked Mikan as she saw him just after the girls went to his room

″There was 3 girls that just appeared in front of me naked in the bath″ Answered Rito

As they both rented the bathroom they were gone, *Weird, they were there a second ago* Thought Rito for himself while Mikan looked around for the 3 naked girls Rito said he saw

″So, where are they?″ Asked Mikan to Rito while he lifted both of his axles as a confused answer

″Anyways, I'm going back to what I was doing before any of this happend″ Said Mikan to Rito

″Right I'm going to get some clothes on″ Replied Rito

Rito put some new clothes on and went up to his room and as he entered his room he saw the 3 girls he saw in the bath sitting on his bed

″Why are you here naked? At least put some clothes on″ Asked Rito as he blushes and tries to not look

″Well we are sorry what happed in the bath but our clothes disappeared as we were teleporting, a device that Lala made.

Do you have some clothes that i and Nana can borrow?″ Answered & asked Momo

″Right, you 3 need to explain this to me and my sister after ok?″ Said Rito to the girls and they nodded while Rito looked after some clothes that might fit for Momo and Nana, while he did that Lala's invention that she called Peke transformed into a hairpin looking like and gave her clothes. After some looking Rito finds some clothes he hopes fit Momo and Nana

″Right, now you 3 need to explain this to me and my sister Mikan″ Said Rito as the 2 younger girls put on the clothes Rito lent

″Yes, we will exlain″ said all 3 girls as they stand up from the bed and walked with Rito down to where Mikan is sitting on the couch and watching news/tv as she heard Rito's footsteps she turned around to see Rito which she did not only see.

″Who are those 3 girls, Rito?″ Asked Mikan to Rito as he and the girls sat down around the table in the living room. When they were seated the oldest girl started talking.

″Im Lala Satalin Deviluke and those are my younger twin sisters Momo Belia Deviluke and Nana Astar Deviluke″ Said Lala

″Hello!″ Said both of them

″Who are you 2?″ Asked Lala sort after

″Im Yūki Rito, her brother″ Said Rito

″Im Yūki Mikan, his sister″ Said Mikan as the 3 sisters were surprised that they looked at a sister and brother as while they said

″Nice to meet you two, Mikan and Rito″ Said all 3 Deviluke girls

″Now explain why are you here and why you are wearing Rito's clothes″ Said Mikan as she noticed that

″Yes″ said Momo and started explaining while her oldest and twin sister helped to explain.

*End of flashback*

Rito ended up falling asleep in the bath with an unlocked door (which is somehow understandable I guess) and moments later the girls decided to also take bath before going to sleep just to enter and see Rito in the bath asleep which they could not help and giggle before taking a fast bath and then went up to Rito's room with him while Yami was carrying him in her transformed hair hand.

*Part of background music*

I see those tears in your eyes

And I feel so helpless inside

Oh love, there's no need to hide

Just let me love you when your heart is tired

If your ghost pulls you apart

And it feels like you've lost who you are

My love, there's no need to hide

Just let me love you when your heart is tired

When they reached his room, Yami puts him on his bed still naked from the bath and when the girls were about to go to their rooms, Rito managed to grab Yui's arm in his weird sleeping mood and do his own thing which made Yui shout her usual things while the other girls looked and thought ″I guess we sleeping here tonight again″ while looking at each other and took of their clothes but left their bra and panties on as they always know it will be a hot night for them while Yui is going to experience it for her first time.

*Meanwhile at deviluke's castle with Gid and Sephie*

″Are you sure that Rito should take over your place, Gid?″ Sephine ask her husband and king who was planning to step down but not yet.

″Yes, I'm sure but we have to watch them as I think they wanna finish their school and then we ask″ Gid replied while looking at a screen over his son in law's house in case of something happen to them but still unknown to both the girls with Rito and Gid & Sephine knows what is still hiding inside Rito.

*Back with the Yuki family with a new day (i guess)*

Rito was still sleeping while the girls had woken up and headed to the kitchen but it did not last long as they heard Rito's shouting voice from his room and they hurried there.

When they got up on the 2nd floor, Rito heard the door open and the girls walked in but couldn't show his face to them, why because he had tears in his eyes still when he felt Lala on his back and said to him: ″Why are you crying Rito?″ in a voice that was sad with a few tears coming/forming in her eyes while the other girls got closer and sat down near him and also hugged him to let him know that they are there for him.

″Right, you all should know this because you trust me and I trust you so ill tell but that if you want to hear it″ Rito spoke up with a few tears still coming out of his eyes.

″Yes, tell us Rito″ Both Mikan and Yami said in a worried voice as they looked into Rito sad eyes as he started to speak…

*Flashback to Rito's dream*

It's was a bright day with Rito taking a calm pause near a tree near the field on their school but he somehow fell asleep (why I'm not surprised) and started to dream of a candy land as always but which was not lasting long enough until he saw a shadow near him.

″Who are you and what do you want!?!″ Rito asked as he got caught by the shadow's arms that it made before said; ″You have to go on a path where there is no return so chose your path of either stay together with your girls and make a family or leave them behind and have a better life″… which made Rito angry who said ″Whoever you are, you can't control me, ill chose the path I want!″ in return as an answer but the shadow did not care and still hold him with his shadow arms but tighter… until he saw two other shadows, one with red hair and one with black hair while the main shadow released Rito and disappeared with the other two while the three said ″We will come for you and kill you as Golden Darkness did not kill you, Yuki Rito″ before he woke up with tears in fears from that dream to the state he was now.

*Flashback ends*

″Whoever they were/are and what path you chose, we will be and follow you, Rito″ Haruna said fast after he finished telling the flashback… Rito was gonna say something but Lala got ahead of him and said…

″That's right, Rito, we will be always there for you!″ Lala shouted while hugging him tight as the other did the same but Yami, however, got up and walked in front of him and sat down on his lap and hugged him which made a small smile on his face as him and the girls keep hugging for a few mins before Mikan got an idea in her mind which everyone agreed on which was:

″Why don't we all spend the day together instead of doing our things today?″ she suggested to the other which Yami instant said: ″Yes, sounds good to me as I don't have anything to do today″

″Sound good to me″ Both Haruna and Shizu replied while both Nana & Momo just gave a nod with a smile.

″Thanks all of you″ Rito said with a bit happier voice as he looked at the nice and cute girls he had in his house before standing up and walking to his room window and looking out on the beautiful day skyline that the sun had given the city that morning… before he was joined with his girls smiling together with them as he knew he can trust them with anything.

*Meanwhile in a high-end apartment*

The shadow Rito saw in his dream with red hair was sitting at her laptop trying to hack Mikado's laptop but couldn't with that defeat she sighed and said:

″She don't want anyone in her laptop″ The red-haired girl said as the other shadow Rito saw appeared beside her and said: ″Don't worry, I have someone that is going to kill Rito and bring back our Golden Darkness sister so just wait″ The black-haired girl said in reply.

″Yes, Master″ The girl replied while looking out at the sun/skyline too while thought ″What has he done to you Oneechan?″

*Later that day in the forest near the outskirt of the town*

In the forest, the red and black-haired girls wait as an spaceship lands and out walk the assassin known as Azenda to kill Rito and take revenge on Golden Darkness.

″You know that you can't face Golden Darkness unless Yuki Rito is eliminated Azenda?″ Both of the girls asked her as they knew she was only doing this to take revenge on her as she had lost to her before.

″Yes, I know but do you two have any info/details on him?* Azenda asked the girls who gave a nod walked behind her as they walked to the city to where they would scout and find Rito and Yami or Golden Darkness to them…

*Back with the Yuki family in the shopping mall*

″This was a great idea, Mikan-san″ Momo said as the group was walking towards the park with the sunset coming as the day comes to an end but unknown to them, they did not know/noticed the three assassins that were spying on them the whole day.

″Oh no problem, Momo-san, I just thought that it was better to spend the day together with Rito after whatever dream he had with the shadow with red and the shadow with black hair is forgotten and replaced with good things″ Mikan replied with a happy smile, but Rito just looked up to the sunshine and thinking about that dream and thought for himself ″The girls said that is going to kill me if so are they… they can't be but I then they must be what she was before″ and looked at Yami who was smiling and talking with her new friends and family and he said something that the girls heard even the spying girls: ″Whatever they are weapon or not, assassins or not, sisters or not, ill accept them in the family″ as he sighed as he got a nod from his family girls as they went home.

*Meanwhile with the assassin girls*

″I don't care what he said but ill kill him tomorrow so be ready, Golden Darkness″ Azenda said as walking back to her ship to be ready for tomorrows work but the two other girls just had a minute to take in what the boy just said to get what he meant with ″Whatever they are weapon or not, assassins or not, sisters or not, ill accept them in the family″ and would he accept them too as he did to their sister Yami, just thinking about this they got a feeling that they did not understand which was love and was it okay for them as assassins to love someone that is their target? As a final look at each other, they have one goal in the mind at the moment, well one of them, to be more exact, the red-haired one got some naughty thoughts and suggested if Azenda doesn't manage to kill him, she could attend their school and find out more about their feeling they just got which the black-haired one agreed on as she was a bit scared to how they would react that she was the one that sent Azenda to kill Rito… and so they went back to the red-haired one's room passing by the library to get some books about Human's feelings, confessions & love (which they did not know anything but the person at the counter suggested this when they asked and told what weird feeling they got) and things about people on earth to have a life without killing to get more info for the day ahead.

*Home with the Yuki family*

″Do you all wanna sleep with me again tonight?″ Rito asked before going to the bath again as he was getting sleepy and did not rather embarrass himself again in the bath which he got a bunch of yes from the girls.

″Right, you all can go up ahead of me as ill take a fast bath to just clean myself before coming to the bed and sleep with all of you″ Rito replied with a smile before heading to the bathroom for the bath.

While the girls started to think about the dream he had the night before.

″I hope that he gets a better dream this night″ Yui said as taking a sip of her tea she got while getting an answer from Haruna who said; ″Whatever dream he gets, we'll be there for him, Right?″ as she got a nod from the others before together said out loud; ″Wherever you go, Rito...″

As they were walking upstairs they stopped and Yami suggested that they would fast check if he fell asleep again in the bath as that where prob the dream he had started yesterday. But there were a few problems:

1. The bathroom door was not locked and they did not even care to knock as they thought he had forgotten to lock it and then fell asleep.

2. When they opened the door, they saw his back naked with a towel to cover his lower parts.

3. When he turned around, he was/got so surprised by his girls standing in the door opening that his towel undid itself and fell to the floor, making him completely naked in front of 8 of his girls whose faces got very red and they did freeze in place for a few mins while did not hear him shout at them before finally unfreeze and run fast up to his room embarrassed.

Rito just let a sigh out as he put on his nightclothes and went up to his room where he finds the girls already asleep which he finds ironic as he is the one who is asleep before them most of the time.

With that, he just got into the bed carefully sure not to wake any of them up before falling asleep himself.

But still unknown to everyone, his darkness power evolved again and it is not a long time left until it has to be released but will they find out and come up with a plan before that.

And will the red and black-haired assassins join his family as known created sisters to Yami? Find out in upcoming chapters.


Right, I'm fucking sorry that this chapter took like 5 months to write or so due to things that happened in my life like mentally preparing to move (which I already regret) and trying to fix my Forza Horizon 5 which worked before the move so again if you know something that could help me, dm on discord counterbloxpro19 #7719 or @thekindguy462 on Twitter, all the help would be great….

Who should I write next (after the encounter & fight with Azenda)?

1. Mikado (Where she talk about the Yuki family's future)

2. Nana's new and considered red-haired friend

3. Run & Kyōko

4. The first child in the family arrives (aka Celine & and the girls as mothers and Rito as father)

5. Random (do whatever you want)

So reviews and votes would be great!