
Chapter 4


Mr Blackwood Sr called me to come into the office today, it is very weird given the fact that it's Wednesday, I don't work full time so I'm not needed that often, also Mr Blackwood knows Dhwani isn't back yet so I have all the work with regionals at the studio on my hands, I'm sure he could have called me but you just have to leave it to Henry Blackwood to know how to work me till I drop. Not literally though.

"Yes! Miss snow, Mr Blackwood has been waiting for you." Greta told me with a smile. " I love your outfit by the way."

"And something tells me she won't be the only one loving it." Leonard comments from behind her but I pretend I don't hear him walking away.

It's not like I'm wearing anything special it's just a Navy blazer over a white blouse, Navy shorts and black suede loafers.

My walk to his office takes less than three minutes. Mr Blackwood is seated on one of the sofas with Kahlan when I walk in. "Lorelei!" Mr Blackwood sounds excited about Something. "Sorry I had to call you out of work. I hope it wasn't a bother."

He asks me with a smile. I don't answer when I know that he knows that I will never tell him that him calling me in was a bother to me.

"I was supposed to go pick up My grandparents, Uncle Josh and Dhwani from the airport later today anyway so I asked Cynthia to take over for me at the studio today." His lips tug upwards into a smile once my answer reaches his ears.

"Well then," he claps once with his hands. "I'm sure this is no surprise to Rory but since you have not been given your schedule yet," he looks at his son with a smile. "I wanted to tell you that there is an event you are to attend. Also-"

"So you called us here together, away from whatever we were doing just to let us know that we will be attending an event that isn't due to happen in what a month?" Kahlan questions.

"Two months." I say giving Henry a sheepish smile.

"Wow dad this wasn't such a total waste of time." Kahlan quips with sarcasm dripping off his tone. He goes back to staring at the wall behind me, or anywhere around but me actually. He refuses to look at me I don't know if it's guilt, pride or shame and it's not like I'm looking for his attention or anything but seriously.

"I was also going to tell you that the two of you will be going together."

Wait what? What exactly is this man talking about? I never go to those events even when my grandparents do, he knows that now he wants me to go with his son who not only made a mockery of me but also questioned my character and blatantly called me a whore. I have a feeling about this and it's not a good one. It is one that tells me that this whole thing is going to be a disaster.

Kahlan let out a low chuckle not saying anything. I know where this is going, maybe he does too.  Henry is a smart man and I am sure he knows that I am smart too. I am sure he knows I can tell what he is doing.

"Don't you usually go to these things why don't we go together then?" Henry doesn't answer instead he takes a look at his watch before looking back at us.

" Woah look at the time, we will talk about this another time I have an engagement that I will be late to if I don't leave now. He reaches the door, Kahlan and I keep staring after her him as he walks. " Also Kahlan, would you be a dear and go to the airport with Lorelei to pick up Storm. Tell her I said hi to her for me will you?" All Kahlan gives his father is an amused smile as he walks out the door.

"I don't think he was asking me." Kahlan muses.

The atmosphere becomes silent and awkward. Not comfortable at all, the kind of silence that's so noisy, you look for some type of noise to block it out. " No he wasn't"

My hands stay fidgeting on my lap my eyes stay glued to the floor, my thoughts swirling in my head.

"So, you're storms granddaughter huh?"

"Yup." My answer comes with a nod before it goes back to being awkward.

I feel sorry for him, the side of his cheek is covered in a band aid. Maybe I did more damage than I thought.

"Well..." he begins getting up from his seat "should we head out to the airport then?" My eyebrows raise, giving him a questioning glance. "What? It's not like my father is giving me an option here." He stalks out of the room making me follow after. The silence continues all the way down the elevator and the to my car, it doesn't get any better when we start the drive to the airport.

After plugging my phone into the AUX, making the silent and awkward environment come to life at the sound of the music.

"Jon Bellion?" He says as more of a statement than a question nodding his head to the beat. " I must say when I first met you, I thought you were perky and preppy,  and arrogant and bossy, you know, like those cheerleaders in highschool."

I don't say a word, ignoring him. I know I'm being childish right now but considering the fact that I have a pressing need to claw out his eyes and get the job I didn't finish almost a week ago done, I would rather not rile myself up.

"Ignoring me, huh? I guess I deserve that." He mumbles tapping his fingers on his thigh. "Look Rory I'm sorry about what happened the first time we met, but I really hope that you can look past it and forgive me for all the things I said to you and maybe forget it ever happened."

His apology makes me scoff. "Wow Kahlan, what an apology" I begin, making sure that he feels the sarcasm' dripping off every single word I tell him. "Could I maybe get that in writing I'm not quite sure I heard what you said to me just now." Forget it ever happened he says. What an idiot.

"I probably deserve the silent treatment but it won't solve anything we should talk about this." Ha! He says it like we're in a relationship. Let's work it out he says! I am not your girlfriend.

"Look I know I was wrong b-"

" So you finally figured that out. Well aren't you a smart cookie." i muse, my smirk wide and my tone condescending. My sarcasm obvious.

He rakes his fingers through his hair clearly frustrated. "I am really going out of my way to do this here I would normally not apologise to-"

"Nice to know your apology is forced and not genuine at all. That just makes me feel a thousand times better." I roll my eyes with a shake of my head. "by the way, you can keep your shallow apology to yourself. I didn't ask for it."

"You know you don't have to be so rude and sarcastic." I wish I could throw this man out of my car. Luckily though I see the gates of the airport, thank goodness!

The car comes to a stop when I find a spot to park in front. Kahlan follows me as I step out of the car and lock it. I never forget to lock my car. Never!

We both walk into the airport and sit at the waiting area where we begin the long agonizing wait for my family. It doesn't help that Kahlan is here of course. Pretend it never happened he says. Men and their everlasting, brain blocking ego! Can't even bring it down to give a proper apology.

"Look Lorelei, I really am sorry." Why is he so persistent for Pete sake.

Letting out a bleak laugh turning to look at him"Yeah? Well it just doesn't suffice now does it? I want a proper apology mister. Surely you can drop your ego to the ground for once?" I give him a  sickly sweet smile.

His foot begins tapping on the floor repeatedly, he folds his arms in defiance look at me with a frown. My eyebrows raise on question.

To be honest, He looks like a child throwing a tantrum and refusing to speak untill his favourite toy is given back to him except in this case, there is no loud disturbing cry and I am not a toy.

"Okay then since you don't want to-" I am cut off by him finally accepting defeat. I'm sure he wanted me to cave but I won't be Lorelei Meredith Snow if I let that happen.

I already forgave what he did a long time ago but there is satisfaction in having every one beg and bend to your will especially if those people are egoistical crazy men who think they can have every one wrapped around their finger.

"Fine, I am sorry I called you a whore, and I'm sorry I spoke to you so rudely in my dad's office, I'm also sorry I called you rude," he grumbles, begrudgingly might I add. He looks at me expecting some kind of reaction but he recoils when he sees my blank expressionless face. Groaning like a child, he looks at me, takes my hands in his and smiles. A sickly sweet but oh so dangerous smile. " I am sorry that I was such an egoistical, mean jerk I was an idiot I was rude and careless with my words. I never really behave that way, I suppose I was angry I should have no clue why but I was and for taking it out on you I am sorry. I shouldn't have spoken that way about you,"

"Or your father," I remind him

" Yes, or my father. It will never happen again."

Giving him a look I pretend to be defiant like he was a few minutes ago leaving out my inner child that is, before finally looking at him. "You're forgiven," I tell him.

His eyes beam when I say that then with a mischievous smile he leans toward me gripping my hands tighter in his. He has such warm hands. Okay, weird! "Does that mean that now we can be best friends and have sleepovers and paint each other's nails and-"

"Don't push it!" I tell him making him laugh, I should say though he has a nice laugh.

It goes silent again but this time, it's not noisy, awkward, noisy and uncomfortable, it's just silence.

"I'm sorry too" I tell him folding my arms together after he lets them go " for marking you." I don't know why but as soon as I finish my sentence Kahlan bursts out laughing. I am trying to apologise here yet he is laughing like I just told him the funniest joke ever. My eyes narrow into a glare which makes him freeze. The glare doesn't have much of an effect because the next thing I know he snorts.

"That sounded really sexual love." He looks at me, amusement clear on his face then he bursts into laughter the moment my expression changes from one of anger into one of realization. "You look like a kitten when you glare,  so cute!" He tells me sounding an awful lot like a child. A very annoying one.

He goes silent when he is tired of laughing but that stupid smile is stuck on his face. The silence between is is calm and comfortable and we stay like that untill I see my grandparents and uncle walking toward us


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