

A relenting sigh heavily pushed out of his lips. He was tired. The more he pondered over it, the more he analyzed that something was up...something dicey; because it did not make sense that he'd chatted with Jake all the way down from the airport, and even got Vanessa furious about it, but once he'd spoken with his dad in his Study, all attempt to reach through to his boyfriend suddenly fell to the ground; unproductive.

Right now, his mind was in a sham and even the chilly wind blustering at that side of the Resort did not seem to do him much good.

He cranked up; hissed, and slapped his mobile onto the tabletop, frowning.

"You know what I'll say? Let it go." 

"Let what go?" Kai felt like he did not understand why his brother had to say that. 

"I mean, I understand you're practically hurting from not being able to reach him, but... I feel you should spare a moment to consider other things...like yourself for example."