

The next day, Kaiden woke up in pretty good spirits. He had a quick shower, combed his hair and got out a Gothic-styled outfit; black leather jacket, leather pants(also black), custom boots with a skull head spinning near his heel. A crazy haircut should have complimented his looks if it was styled right but there was no time for that. He wanted to see someone, that person was really important and that person was none other than Jake.

Last night, after his fallout with him, Kai angrily stormed out of the clinic leaving Zev, his best friend, behind with the others; his team members who'd come to visit the injured boy in that ward. He'd jogged home and upon reaching the Estate and his house in particular, he surprisingly did not meet any interrogation; neither from his mum(who he got worried about not seeing the whole day... Had she returned?), Larry also simply let him be.