
To Love And To Loathe

When Tara agreed to the marriage of convenience between her family and that of the Blackwaters she didn't know what to expect nor did she have an opinion about it being the only child of her father. It was common knowledge amongst children from Mafia families that they were not free to marry just the way they like, it would always be with proper consultation and strategy to ensure the marriage was a form of reinforcement for the family. Power comes before Love. However, as the saying goes not all that glitters is Gold. The Blackwaters coated their words with gold but underneath them were plans to have revenge. Revenge shattered the world of Tara who had completely fallen in love with Lakan against the advice to be always watchful. For the sake of the true love she had in her heart the universe decided to reward her with another opportunity to be watchful but how does she go about it when she is still struggling with the fact that the death of every member of her family still seems like a dream to her? Excerpt. Tara walks into his office with uncertainty in her heart. She wasn't sure of what to expect but was sure it would surely contain some secrets after all why would he say "Of all the rooms in this house my office is out of bound to you. You should never find yourself inside even by mistake " Those were the clear words he gave to her from the day of their marriage and she had always heeded those words. But not today. she was determined to find clues that Lakan and his family were making plots against her family. She has made it her life assignment since that dream or since she came back in time. she was still yet to conclude on that. She noticed a red file on the table, the only one with that color, and headed straight for it. "Do you have a death wish? She heard a cold voice ask from behind her. Fear gripped her as she turned slowly, she already knew who it was. There he stood staring at her with a fierce look on his face, his cold eyes penetrating her heart. How could he have entered without making a sound? And I thought he was sleeping. " Do you have a death wish? He repeated this time advancing toward her with steady steps his eyes not looking away for one second. She swallowed hard and wondered what possible lie would save her right now or if this was the end for her.

Delta_Line · Thành thị
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28 Chs

Bringing Shame

Every Blackwaters in town was in the welcome party. It was a family tradition that must be kept. Mr. Blackwaters had two brothers and they were all present with their immediate families while every sibling of Lakan was also present, Jezebel, Kaine, Maxwell, and Martha. The welcome party was an opportunity for them to come together under one roof without thinking of fighting each other but every now or then it was not surprising to see a fight at their parties. The last fight was between Maxwell and Kaine who hardly agree on anything. But today everything was going on well until something else began to occur.

Lakan looked in horror as his wife began to misbehave before his own eyes. She suddenly stood up with shaky legs and collapsed back into her seat drawing attention to herself. He had been observing her from the corners of his eyes while she had been taking some shots and trying to have a conversation with every single female member of the family sitting at ghe table. He had found it weird that she was so open to talking with all of them like she was determined to make quick friends with all of them.

First, he noticed she spoke with Jezebel and their conversation ended with both parties exchanging numbers and smiles. But he didn't feel comfortable with the smile from his elder sister. He could tell it was a mischievous smile and that bordered him a lot. The only person who had a genuine smile that he could attest to was Martha. All of his cousin's sisters also had fake smiles on their faces. She practically moved from seat to seat doing an introduction

"Don't worry she will be fine" his father whispered in between their conversation as he noticed Lakan was distracted by keeping tabs on his feet.

"I am not worried about her " Lakan said trying to brush the idea away. He didn't want to give his family any impression that he cared about her because right now he wasn't sure about his feelings toward her. All he knows is that Tara is his wife and he would have to protect her because if anything happens to her it would be an insult to him.

"You can't lie to everyone but not me. I know you don't love her but you are worried she might do something that you won't like" his father replied with a broad smile on his face.

Lakan felt defeated, he hardly could hide his true emotions from his father. What he feared most was beginning to play before his eyes.

With all attention now on Tara Lakan wondered what was wrong with her. He didn't want to believe she was already drunk at this early stage. He had specifically ordered the servants to ensure she was not given anything that contained alcohol.

Tara staggered back to her feet as she took some steps from the female side to the male side murmuring some words to herself. Martha tried to stop her by holding her but she pushed her away.

"Don't touch me" she yelled at Martha ago quickly withdraw with fear in her eyes.

she started to walk toward Mr. Blackwater without anyone trying to stop her. They were all just looking at her. Lakan proposed in his heart that if comes too close he would have to grab her.

She seem to change her mind about going to Mr. Blackwaters as she took a turn to stand in between the two tables. She was standing in the space between the tables as she gestured to everyone, that she was going to make a speech and everyone became quiet to hear what she was about to say.

Lakan at this stage already knew she was not in her right senses. He signals Sarah to come to take her out but she was stopped by Jezebel.

"I think she has something to say, let us hear her, " Jezebel said with a wide grin on her face as she seem to be enjoying what was happening.

"Why, what did my family do to deserve this? She yelled looking at everyone with a serious look on her face that for a second Lakan thought she was sober.

Lakan wondered what she must be talking about. Or did something happen to her family that he didn't know of?

" You all killed my family, you killed every one of us why did you do that? You are all murderers " She yelled again this time tears came to her eyes. At this stage, murmurings began to arise at the party with everyone saying one or two things with a shocked look on their faces.

"Please don't hurt my family, I beg you," she said going down on her knees as she began to sob loudly.

Lakan couldn't watch what was happening as he covered his face with his hands.

"Why was she saying all this rubbish" he was feeling ashamed at this moment. He could hardly look at anyone. He could not imagine how the look on his father's face would be right now. He could tell that his siblings could also be laughing in their hearts at the present scene before them

He signaled to Sarah again to remove her from the scene but again she was stopped by Jezebel who held her by the hand.

"I remember asking you not to move." Jezebel reprimanded her.

Lakan had no choice than to stand up from his seat. If he needed his wife to stop disgracting him he would need to do it by himself. How could she have gotten so drunk on such an occasion and why would she say those words?

These were the words that he kept pondering as he took steps towards her with the mind of carrying her away. He picked her up without difficulty as she was no longer in a mood to fight back, she just kept crying.

"Your wife has said a lot today, will you like to say anything before you take her out? Jezebel challenged Lakan