
To love Again???

This story sparks up feelings of romance and passionate love of two youths from contrasting world whose love story is probably the most exhausting but thrilling one ,anyone would wish for. Journey with us on every chapter to learn how fate brought them back,after the extra efforts to tear them apart

Blessing_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Rosemary curtly demands for freedom from her dad!

On returning back from school ,Rose could feel her tummy rumbling with nervousness. It was almost about time her dad returned and the fear of having him around already caused her heart throb.

Victoria was setting the dinner table with Theresa,the cook .

It was 5:45pm and she knew her dad would be back soon. She greeted Victoria who urged her to shower as soon as she gets to her room and prepare for the family dinner with her dad as he's almost home.

She nodded but showed no sign of excitement.

Once she got to her room,she tossed her handbag close to her closet and plonked herself on her bed.

She thought of reading the letter from Louis again ,perhaps that would lighten up her mood as she felt so paranoid,which was obviously not a healthy way to feel about one's biological dad but she couldn't help but feel that way. Picking the paper. She scanned it and smiled.

Just then the car honk of her dad's car stole away the smile. She jerked up and went to the window to affirm her guess and it was really her dad.

She was just too scared as she went to her ensuite, knowing she can't avoid it. She was obliged to have dinner with her family,as long as her dad is at home. She wished she could shower forever. Her heart increasingly thudded against her sternum as she heard his throaty chuckle from downstairs and her mum soothingly saying stuffs that amuses him the more.

She didn't care about their conversation,just wondering if it was high time she told her dad how much she wished to live as an adult already. She turned 19 while he was in China,and he's yet to give her a birthday present. Maybe she should ask for freedom as a gift,she wondered, as she silently practiced how she'd voice that to her dad ,probably during or after the dinner.


Charles was cracking one of his dry jokes when Rose swept into the dining room. He paused at the sight of his darling daughter....

"Here comes my princess,my heiress" He sweetly adored her but Rosemary's cheeks remained stiff and no matter how hard she thought she tried,it refused to lighten up to atleast a phony smile.

"Come give daddy a hug" He beckoned on her ,acting blind to her expressionless face.

Rosemary wanted to yell No! to his request but lacked the wits.

She reluctantly went to hug him, Victoria understood the aura hanging around,so quickly said something funny as her husband laughed. He hugged his daughter,who would never look old to him,as he kissed her hair. "My baby" He said satisfiedly.

"You look sad baby,what's wrong?"

Oh good thing you finally noticed, Rosemary thought as she maintained her sober face.

"Oh I think I know.....your birthday,

I wasn't at home then,don't you worry, tomorrow we're going shopping" He said expecting her to cheer up but she remained resolute.

Victoria coughed as Rosemary refused to look at her,she needed to be nice already, knowing her dad is quick-tempered. Yet!

"Don't you want a revamp?"He asked coldly.

Now she suddenly stared pointedly at him.

"Of course dad,I want that "

Victoria puffed,feeling better.


Her next word stiffened the air once again

"But?" He queried,his hazel eyes searching her face .

"If you'd let me do it my own way" She spluttered almost recklessly.

Victoria can't seem to relate to what drama Rose was trying to put up but knew somehow it wouldn't end well if she continued that way. Being intuitive,she could already see through her husband, his face had gone void of humor.

"What's your own way?" He managed to ask.

"Go to shopping without Alfred,I want to go alone without anyone ,just me in the mall ,buying stuffs I love....

"Rosemary"Victoria whispered

Her eyes pleading she stopped talking already.

Charles clicked his tongue, speechlessly staring at his daughter.

What changed? Where did she get such guts from to make such demand?

He wondered.

"Well,you can't approve of that? Is it really that hard uh?" She asked

Charles was still silent. Beads of perspiration crawling up to his face .

"Rose,I think you should get into your room now"Victoria interrupted the tense air but calmly.

"Why ? Can't you see I'm yet to taste my dinner or you want me to starve cos I decided to be factual,look dad is it that hard for you to see I'm no more a kid ,I'm 19,freaking 19 and a college student. I need this f word

Freedom ,just like my brothers,Ryan and I are mates,yet he's already living outside this godforsaken home..

"Rosemary!!You dare to call my home a godforsaken home...."Charles raged with clenched fists.

Victoria breathing heavily stood up at once.

"Well it's not even a home anymore, It's my god damn prison for life, gosh! What's exasperating than this " Rose blurted out.

"Rosemary get to your room now! " Victoria had to intrude again,this time,a little bit harsh. Rosemary stood up with tears cascading her eyes as she shot a glare at her father and stormed out.

Charles sat there, breathing heavily that his blood pressure instantly rose.

Victoria scurried off to get his drug box as Rosemary without looking back made her way to her bedroom.