

After being dragged by Mahina for a long time, they arrived at a fruit market. Dora' raised her browse and folded her arms as she looked Mahina in shock:

Mahina! If you weren't my bestie I swear I would have punched right in the face… I can't believe you dragged me all the way from the resort to a fruit market and for what? To stare at fruits all day?" Mahina cackled and said be patient. She went to a water melon seller and told him something. The man smiled at Mahina and handed her two popsicles. She smiled at the man and collected the popsicles and hurried back to Mahina. She handed Dora one said:

"Try this now and thank me latter."

Dora collected the popsicle and puts it in her mouth suspiciously with her eyes fixed on Mahina. After a while of tasting it she smiled at Mahina and wanted to say something to her but before could open her mouth to say a word Mahina dragged her further into the Market while cackling and talking: