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It was early in the morning before sunrise and Farah was still asleep, when she suddenly heard the swift sound of whispers of not just one person but of people all around her. It was too eerie but she was enjoying her sleep and didn't want to be bothered by it, so she ignored it. The sound irritated her so much that she tossed and turned before she was finally giving in to waking up. Placing her hand on her heaving chest, she scanned all around her room for the source of the sound but she couldn't find anyone or anything that was making the sound. Freaked out by what had just happened and by her wild imaginations, she rushed out of the room only to find her Mummy and Mama setting up the dining table while chatting together. Her mummy smiled at her and said:

"Come here my munchkin. Let's have breakfast together before you head back to the city later."