
To live in shadows, a dungeon story

To wake up without a name and no memory of who you are or how you got to where you are. And on top of this someone really seems to want you dead. This is the situation our protagonist wakes up to. With a need to find a way to survive and find out what is going on. He will need to start build defenses and fight for survival when they keep coming to kill him. -------------- This is my first book so please have patience. To read more chapters check out my pa treaon www.pa treon.com/user?u=3080144

Droksd · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs


The adventurers guild building is a rundown tavern and guild combination. Looking at the above floor I can see small balconies for rooms and even some hookers selling their wares to adventurers. The third floor is even more decayed, looking like the rood will fall down any second. Only one room hase glass windows on the hole building, that seems to be the biggest room on the third floor.

Going in I can barley hear my self thinking form all the noise. Someone should put a wall between the taproom and the guilds reception area. But well seem like they use the bar for both. No sign or anything to where to go. I tell Vana to stay close to me and go up to the bar or reception, whatever they call it here.

But on the way up I get a shock. At the bar just a couple of meters from what I guess is the receptionist sits a woman. She has long blond hair in a bun, wears a hodded cloak and beneath a bar stool lays a dog with horns sleeping. What is that damn woman doing here? Fuck, it makes sense that she would be here. She is looking for people to kill me and Bork said that she was trying to hire adventurers. Well in this case they were bandits so probably nobody took her up on the offer. I give a quick look around for some kind of notice board. They do not have one but is in stead putting up notices on one of the walls of the guild. Scanning through them I see none with bounties on humans or other humanoids except orcs.

Phew taking a deep breath I make sure she has not noticed me, she has not. How in damnation am I supposed to do this now. She seemed to know me, would she recognize my voice? She can´t attack me right here without breaking the law I think... But what if she just screams out that I am a demon king? Shit, standing still like this is drawing attention to my self, if I just turn around and walk out now that will be even worse. I can only slowly walk forward to the receptionist. When getting closer she gives me a new surprise. She would not be called a beauty, but she has a captivating feeling, red freckled face, disheveled hair and a smile that makes you want to smile back. I almost forget my fear when meeting her eyes, this woman must be the most calming person in the world. Luckily no one else is taking up her time right now so I can go right up, I start talking in a whisper.

"Hi, i´m here to register me and my wolf." I throw a fearful look at the woman to my left. She just gives me a causal glance and ignore me, I hold in the sigh.

"Welcome, I am Sunshine, I can take care of your registration. Can you read and write or do you want me to do it for you?"

Thinking that reading is something unusual around here from what she said I do not want to draw any more attention. But not being truthful to her while registering feels wrong and can come back and bite me in the ass in the future. I barley notice her unusual name.

"It´s alright, I can. "

"Wonderful, then write down your information on this here piece of parchment. " She look through beneath the bar for a couple of seconds and then takes a well scraped parchment from beneath. " You only need to write your name, your wolfs name and what kind of adventurer you are. If you have any next of kin you want to get notified in case of you death please write down their names and city they live in. hopefully they will get notified within a year." Everything she said about what to write sounds rehearsed, at the same time she brings up a worn featherpen and some greyish ink. I guess you get the same speech even if she writes it for your, heh.

I write down my name as wolf, my wolf as Vana and then write tamer as occupation. No next of kin, I do not even know if I have any, for all I know that damn woman is my next of kin and she is trying to kill me. I then hand over the parchment to Sunshine.

"Very well mr Wolf. So you know, your rank will start at stone, and you will get a plaque for you and one for your.." She reads the parchment and smiles "...Vana. what missions you can do is not restricted to your rank, but if you take a mission judge for a higher rank, we will not take any responsibility and another adventurer or group can be sent to do it. Some missions will only be recommend by trained personnel of the adventurers guild. To get a higher rank you need to prove your self, if personel of the adventures guild or a adventurer of at least two ranks above you recommend you you will get a special chance to prove your self by the guild. Here at the guild in Lind we can only give someone the rank up to copper. To get a higher rank you need to go to one of the capitals in the countries we the adventurers guild have a branch in. If you get to a bronce rank your information will be sent to the closest capital." Once again she makes a rehearsed speech, but at least it is informative and for all adventurer who can not read it would not help to have a sign with the information on.

"And that is all for your registration. Do you need any help with reading the missions? ah, and please come back in an hour for your plaque. If you have any questions I am here to help." She gives me a big smile and then just walks off to a back door without waiting for an answer. So much for answering questions.

Not wanting to try my luck I decide to leave the building and spend the next hour exploring the outer parts of Lind. I learn few new things, Lind seems to be a poor community, most of the money in Lind is held by the baron and a few top rich people. They get most of that money on mining iron up i the mountains. It is a risky job with frequent attacks from the north and stray monsters coming out from the mountains. That reminds me that I need to tell the guild or a guard about tracks I found.

Coming back to the guild the woman is gone and I can feel a great load come of my shoulders. I need to be more careful from now on. As long as I am not at home in my dungeon I need to act like everything and everyday is dangerous. Sunshine is back at the so called reception and gives me two plaques when I come up to her. I also put down the tuff of fur and other profs I found in the woods.

"By the way, I found tracks from some kind of humanoid monsters in the forest. I can only guess they are orcs, but I never got a look at them only their tracks." I then describe where I found the tracks and she writes down all of is on a white board.

"Thank you so much mr Wolf, I will bring this to the director directly. Please do not try if a mission comes up for this, it is above your rank. And here is the payment for information and proof." She brings up a few coppers first and then about double that amount for the proof. I thank her and promise to not try anything above my rank.

Then I go and take a look at the missions for stone rank adventurers while I put my plaque in a necklace for my self and on Vanas collar for her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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