
Vexana - Chapter 1

As the cold winds blew into Vexana's bedchamber, there, she lay asleep, in the middle of the night. Echoes of the wolves' howls rode deep into her room, and with it, long forgotten memories of the past came hurtling out of their graves— awakening Vexana's long buried wrath;

A thousand years ago, on this very same day, when Vexana made a deal with the dark lord as a futile attempt to win her King Husband back, lay the remains of what once was a prosperous kingdom, that is, before

the Blood Demon Queen Alice came and seduced Vexana's husband, the King.

Day and night, a maiden here, and another one there came missing, and it only took a matter of time before the kingdom's people took notice of the queen's youth and beauty rushing back. " 'tis like she's aging backwards, her, the queen," a young fisherman whispered, and thus, rumours of forbidden dark magic spread like wildfire among the people, but it was already too late when they came to realize that Vexana was using the lost maidens to bring her youth and beauty back— more than half of the kingdom's population was already gone.

Overwhelmed with grief and jealousy, the queen soon became insane and delirious, but with the life sacrifices she has made, her dark magic grew only stronger, until life was nothing to her, but sacrifices to be made.

The citizens of the Land of Dawn whispered of this legend up unto this day, but what they have failed to realize is that, that very queen still lives isolated among them, the notorious and infamous necromancer— Vexana.

And now, with her memories laid anew, Vexana lay awakened, in the middle of the night. Bursts of her ever-growing power triggered by her newfound rage tore the whole room apart. Ghosts, both old and new, came rushing into her call; and only until her new undead army was completed did Vexana dare whisper a new promise. "Those who have forgotten my wrath shall feel it now brewing underneath their waiting graves, and oh, Alice, my dear Alice, I have not forgotten. Not now, and never shall I, long as you have not met me, I who is Death itself."