
To Kill or Be Killed

Chaos reigns at Basilia Palace when power-hungry Christos seizes the throne and imposes tyranny on the realm after King Themis flees and hides to protect his daughter from Casimir, who is driven by a prophecy that states he will die at the hands of the king's child. While commoners suffer under Christos' tyranny, the king is faced with the tough decision of either fleeing with his vulnerable daughter or reclaiming his throne to save his people. As danger looms from all sides, the king must choose between duty and family, with the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Unspoken Bonds 0.2

The forest echoed with the crunch of leaves underfoot as the trio returned, a majestic deer slung over Leo's shoulder. Ayira's eyes widened in amazement at the sight, but a pang of guilt tugged at her heart.

"Wow, that's a big deer! But... what if it had children?"

Lucius paused, considering her question seriously before responding.

"I... I guess I hadn't thought about that. Maybe we should've left it alone..."

Lia interjected, her voice gentle but firm.

"Guys, that's just how things are in the wild. Sometimes, to survive, we have to take from nature. It's a cycle of life and death."

Ayira's expression softened as she absorbed Lia's words, though the sadness lingered in her eyes.

"I guess you're right... It's just hard sometimes."

Lia smiled sympathetically, placing a comforting hand on Ayira's shoulder.