
To Defy Everything

Mayanil wakes up from a long dream to a world that he barely recognizes anymore, with the memories of a girl and a duty to defeat the Dark thrust upon him. As he re-adjusts to a life vastly different from the one he dreamed, he faces the looming threat of war with the Dark, a malevolent force that vastly outnumbers he and his allies both.

Tzazaret · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs

I. Awakening

He didn't know when he had started to detach from reality, but when he had realized it was too late. It was like everything had been fine and then one day he opened his eyes and it wasn't. His friends had stopped calling and inviting him out. His parents' smiles weren't as genuine as they used to be. Even his girlfriend had changed, if only in the way she touched and kissed him. He didn't know the cause of these changes, so when he'd finally became aware of them, he'd become obsessed with knowing why. The conclusion he'd come to hadn't been one he was expecting.

"What do you mean?" Mickey Rhoades questioned the tall, imposing figure that had suddenly appeared at the foot of his bed in the night, looming over him. Most of the being's face was hidden behind a blank black mask fashioned into a frown but it was the way his eyes glowed that held Mickey in place. They glowed an ethereal blue, giving them the air of some otherworldly being from a place that Mickey couldn't even begin to understand.

"The life that you think you've lived is a lie, Mickey. None of this," the bing waved one of their hands and reality seemed to shimmer where it had passed through, like static on a tv. "is real. Your parents, your friends, and your girlfriend are all simulated constructs made to keep you stable and happy."


"If I had time to explain everything to you I would, trust me. But I don't, so I'll say this: you are in danger. If you remain here any longer, you will die."

That'd caught Mickey off guard. "Die? What do you mean I'll die? How do you know this?"

"Because I'm the one who created this simulation." The being said simply, those eyes never leaving Mickey's. "My name is Denus," They gave a small bow. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance again." They straightened up and adjusted the knot on their tie. "There are many others who wish to meet you, but you need to trust me." Denus extended a hand. "The Dark is coming. Even now they approach." As if to punctuate his sentence, the sky outside of his window darkened immediately, as if night had suddenly fallen. In the distance the sound of a low wailing siren was could be heard approaching. "So what will it be?"

This was all so sudden that Mickey had taken the being's hand without thinking, more terrified of whatever had caused the sudden darkness than some strange person with glowing eyes. Though he couldn't see Denus' mouth he couldn't help but feel as though the being was smiling. "I'm trusting you, Denus."

"You'll not regret it." Denus said as the edges of Mickey's vision started to fade to black. It was as if he were about to fall asleep as his eyes grew heavier and heavier until he was completely out, slumping over unconscious.


'Mayanil, I hope we'll see each other again one day.'

In the darkness, memories stirred. Memories of a life he didn't remember living. Memories of a young woman with the most beautiful smile and green eyes that he'd ever seen came back to him, though he couldn't put a name to her face. She was so incredibly familiar that part of him wanted to lash out at himself for forgetting her, but there was naught he could do for it.

"Mayanil?" Someone called to him through the black and he followed the voice, awakening with a start and looking around him. He was in a moderately sized bedroom, decorated modestly with pictures of himself and strangers scattered around. Denus stood at the foot of the bed, same as he had before they'd come... wherever this was, his hands clasped behind his back. "How are you feeling?"

"Everything is foggy. I'm remembering things that I've never done. I feel kind of sick." Mayanil said, rubbing his temples and letting out an exhausted sigh.

"Everything will come back to you eventually. It takes time for the seal to undo itself once broken." Denus explained, coming over to the side of the bed to take a seat next to him. The man placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "Welcome back."

"It's good to be back." Mayanil said, shooting the older man a small smile. "Thank you for not letting me become a husk."

Denus waved him off. "It's the least I could do. Now, take a moment to rest. Re-acclimate yourself with, well, yourself. I'll have someone come for you soon." Denus stood up and gave a small bow before making his leave. Mayanil waited until he'd gone and the door had closed once more before letting out a long sigh.

He'd been dead (or something incredibly close to it), that much he was certain about. That was something he would never forget. But how he was here now, nearly 10 years later, he couldn't wrap his head around. He and... someone else had gone into the Shadowlands to beat back the Dark. No one else but the two of them had gone. So how was he home? And what was the life that he had just lived as Mickey? A dream? A nightmare? His mind raced with questions that he couldn't answer but the one that bugged him the most was the next one.

"Who was she?" He could recall her face with perfect clarity- jade eyes, greener than the stone they were named for, a thin nose, and full lips that could smile a smile that could stop his heart with no effort- but when he tried to recall her name it never came. Only her smile and a quiet 'I'm sorry, Mayanil.' A frown tugged at his lips and he fell back onto his bed, glaring at the ceiling as if it were its fault that he couldn't remember. He futilely tried to remember for a few minutes more before giving up and sitting up, glancing at the mirror hanging on the wall opposite of his bed.

He was thinner than he once was and much more haggard looking than he remembered. Sunken in sea-foam green eyes looked back at him, ringed with dark circles and lacking the shine they once had. His skin, once brilliant and glowing mahogany, was pallid and ashen. His dark hair was overgrown, tangled, and matted after years of neglect, piling on the floor next to the bed."You look terrible." He said to himself and stood. His joints creaked and whined in protest of the action and when he'd finally stood tall the world started to spin. The feeling passed after a moment and he took a deep breath to calm his nerves before uttering a phrase he was all too familiar with.

"Anima Restorum.