
Back to the beginning

"Everything there is to know about the mystic of your changes will be unraveled in due time. I could spend hours explaining to you what awakening is, what it means for you and what not. But I am not feeling professorial today. Instead, what I will do, is help put your physical changes to the test."

Michael stared silently at Caster, bewildered by his words. Was the man offering him a helping hand? It felt... off.

His host was actually showing an effort to helping him. This was not beyond his speculation but was still unexpected. The callousness in how Caster addressed him made him annoyed.

He recalled the last time he had accepted Caster's offer, shuddering at the memory. This was bound to end terribly for him, it was better he understand the full scope of what this offer entailed.

"What exactly do you mean by 'put my physical changes to the test'?" he asked with weary curiosity, hoping it had something to do with repetitive training and weights.

The man simply smiled allowing himself a light chuckle.

"Don't worry too much, the chances of you dying now are lower than they were the last time. And it's not even that dangerous, this time I'll actively participate. I give you a mages word."

Michael's face contorted as he listen to Caster's attempt at convincing him. The opening of his explanation was a major red flag, the ease with which he said it making him even more uneasy. His words were merely that, words. What reason did he have to believe this lying conniving son of a bitch. For all he knew, this was another attempt at his life.

So far, all Caster had been was untrustworthy, yet he expected Michael to accept his 'help' on the basis that he would actively lend a hand. What was it that they needed to do that required Caster's intervention? The last beast was terrifying already and Caster completely left him be, of course it was evidently out of resentment for the young man, but still. Even then, Caster didn't lend a hand despite the gravity of the situation, and now he offered it expecting Michael to take it without question? It didn't seat right with Michael.

"Relax, I am saving the luxury of killing you for myself this time. If anything, you might learn a few things about yourself at the very least." Michael remained unconvinced. The terror from before freezing his thoughts and strengthening his stance; he was simply not going to agree to the man's request.

However, he doubted it was a request, Caster had proven capable of 'mild coercion', but Michael remained unfazed. At least he tried to act as such. In truth, curiosity begged him to accept the offer. What better way to put his strength to the test than to actually face off against something in the Nether. That was what Caster was implying though, right? or had he been quick to judge the man assuming only the worst.

"Just to be clear, you want me to go fight a beast of some sought right?"

"Yes, should be fun."

Michael's expression fell to one of disbelief. He begun to question Caster's sanity. The man had been in isolation, at least he assumed, for a long time. It had to be, that was the only way to explain his actions since they met.

To be honest, all Michael knew of Caster was the many assumptions and deductions he made based on the number of times he tried to kill him. The man remained an enigma, his actions and thoughts nonsensical and baffling always.

He couldn't tell if Caster was being serious or- ...it was only that, the man didn't seem to be joking. Caster's stern eyes and how he patiently waited for Michael's response attested to him being serious. What was Michael to do? He was sure if he turned it down, Caster would withhold his help or at least information from Michael. Or would he?

"Unfortunately, I am not feeling adventurous; fatigue and all. I'll have to pass."

The final words hadn't even left Michael's mouth when the ground beneath him suddenly disappeared replaced by nothing but air. All he managed was to cuss out the man before his body hit solid ground with the grace of a boulder.

'Fuck this guy!'

"I was going to say please you know." Caster said as he levitated towards the ground.

Michael groaned out of habit, his body in no pain or discomfort at all. For a moment the rage he felt towards his host dissipated as he appreciated the feel of his improved body. Maybe... this wasn't really a bad idea.

"I know what you are thinking, 'we better get to it'. I was thinking the same thing." The man said and levitated himself in the direction of the forest. Michael took in his environment; this place was very familiar to him. The crater from his impact on that fateful night was still there, a few meters to his right. The grassland was the same as ever. His heart jolted a bit at the sight of it, only for him to calm down a few seconds later. 'its not the same... I hope'.

The field spread as far as his eyes could see blanketing the earth in a green veil that swayed in the wind.

Somewhere to his right, deep in the horizon, he saw a looming mass of dense white clouds. It took his mind a while to process before it registered his eyes were staring at the mist that plagued the vicinity around Caster's cottage.

And before him, in it's imposing scale lay the dreadful forest that was his welcome mat to this hellish place.

He felt himself shiver as blood drained from his face. His first encounter with the horror in the woods playing in his mind in excruciatingly clear details. His fear magnified the scale of the beast in his mind, the scope of it's devastation likewise.

Was the man completely out of his mind? Did he intend for Michael to fight that thing, again?

Caster was already making his way closer to the Forest, his clothes flattering in the cold breeze that swept over the land carrying with it the scent sweet scent of the woods. The air smelled of flowers and moist soil but to Michael, everything had the vile scent of that fateful night.

He could just choose not to follow Caster, remain where he was until the man discovered him missing and came back. But that was childish and there was no assurance that Caster would come back for him. If anything, the man might as well leave him out there to die.