
The lightning struck

Noor was sobbing incessantly. She buried her head in his chest and clutched his suit tightly.

He took her away from that party. He gently put her on the front seat of their car and swiftly sat on the driver's seat. Noor had her eyes closed but was sniffing. He took one tissue out of the tissue box and tilted her swollen face from one hand to make her face him. He started cleaning out the blood from her face, as gently as he could. His heart was aching.

She could feel something rubbing on her lips. She gently opened her eyes and tears from her eyes leaked. At this point in time, she wasn't feeling anything. As if she was slowly turning to stone. There was total silence in the car.

Jimmy saw her blood red eyes which were the result of continuous crying. Her cheeks were puffy. He offered her water. But she was so tired that she was not able to pick the bottle up. Her hands were shivering. He took the bottle from her and helped her drink from it. She drank as if she was deprived of this necessity for a long time.

She closed her eyes again and took the support of the window to rest her head. He hit the gas and started driving. His face was emotionless. He was not able to forget the scene that was in front of him a few minutes ago. Whenever he thought what would have happened if he got late for another couple of minutes, nerves on his forehead would tighten.

He drove for about 30 mins until they arrived at the front gate of their house. Their house was in the most costly place. Only the rich could afford a house there. And the Carter family was among the richest in the town and in the country.

He got out of his car, opened the door for Noor. He remembered how tired she was and picked her up in his arms. Noor could feel his every moment but decided to allow him to help her.

He gave his car keys to the watchman and asked him to park it for him.

He took her inside their home and called for Nancy. Nancy came out of her room and saw Noor lying in his arms. "Sir, what can I do for you?", "what happened to young madam?" Nancy rushed towards them.

"Quick, take her heels off and bring warm lime water for her", he instructed. Nancy did what was told and rushed to the kitchen to prepare some water. Jimmy walked upstairs with Noor in her arms. He laid her down on the soft bed and touched her face to see if she was ok.

He sat down beside her and started removing his shoes and suit.

Nancy came to their bedroom and handed him the glass of water. "I will take care of her; you go and prepare something light to eat", he ordered Nancy.

Nancy left the room to do what was asked.

"Noor… wake up, sweetie. Here drink something you will feel better", he helped her sit. Noor took the glass from his hand and drank it all in one go.

She sat on the bed, while he knelt down to his knees beside the bed; he held her hand and said, "I promise you, Noor, I will make everything fine, trust me. Tomorrow at the office I will do whatever I can do to make him sorry for his deeds, I will make him pay". His face darkened.

Her heart melted at his words. At that moment she knew she could trust him.

She nodded and he wiped away her wet eyes.

After a light dinner, he helped her get into bed. She tucked her in and sat at the other side of the bed. He took the time to massage her head through her hair and made her fall asleep. When she was in deep sleep he noticed it was 2:30 in the morning. The sky was full of black clouds and the moon was peaking. It was a full moon night but the moon was barely visible.

He took his hand out of her hair and made his way to the balcony. His eyes were raging. There was unspeakable darkness that surrounded him. He could feel his muscles tightening.

He took out his phone and dialed a number. "I have a job for you…" he said over the phone.

The lightning struck...

Hey guys,

What do you think Jimmy would do to make George pay?

Leave your comments in the comment section. I will meet you tonight with another chapter... See you till then. Much love and respect

AromaRaycreators' thoughts